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The choice of the name of a son born in 2020 should be approached responsibly, since the names have a strong energy, the ability to influence the character of a person and even determine his fate. When choosing modern Russian male names, each is guided by its own selection criteria. Someone names the son in honor of relatives or favorite heroes, someone refers to the church or lunar calendar. Consider options for what can be called a boy who was born in 2020.
Born in the year of the White Metal Rat
2020 will be held under the auspices of the White Metal Rat. This animal opens the cycle of the eastern calendar, therefore, it has excellent leading characteristics. People born under the sign of this animal usually succeed in life. They have a solid character, assertive and purposeful. And although they seem shy in appearance, they have good sociability. A name that will emphasize his leadership, success, firmness is good for a Rat boy. It must be well combined with patronymic. Do not forget that a son can become a successful businessman, diplomat or just a boss.
For boys born in 2020, the following names are suitable:
- Nikolay;
- Victor;
- Kirill;
- Timur;
- Konstantin;
- Vladimir
- Andrey;
- Vasiliy;
- Nikita
- Peter.
Popular Options
Many parents choose popular names for sons. Among them there are many options with beautiful sound. The advantage of this decision is that the boy will definitely not be teased at school or kindergarten. And although more and more often you can meet boys with rare Russian names, the most popular include the following options:
- Alexander;
- Artyom;
- Danil
- Alexey;
- Ilya
- Dmitry;
- Bogdan;
- Eugene;
- Sergey;
- Novel;
- Egor;
- Vitaliy;
- Ivan
- Oleg;
- Pavel;
- Timur.
Increasingly, you can meet boys with previously rare names. Many of them combine good energy and beautiful sound. Among the old Russian options it is worth noting the following:
- Matvey;
- Timothy;
- Arseny;
- Vincent
- Benjamin;
- Vsevolod;
- Arkhip;
- Ignatius
- Tikhon;
- Savva
- Arkady;
- Seraph;
- Savely;
- Makar.
Familiarize yourself with the various forms of the name, including abbreviated and affectionate, in order to avoid unpleasant situations in the future.
Monthly selection
Character traits depend on many factors. Quite a strong influence also has the time of year. For example, more energetic children are usually born in summer than in winter, but winter people are more likely to succeed because of their determination. If you have not decided what to call a boy born in 2020, pay attention to the names by month.
In January, serious and responsible individuals will emerge who will possess such character traits as determination, organization, discipline. Boys born in February are fast-paced and quick-witted. Men who were born in December, have impulsiveness and explosive character, but very quickly and easily depart.
Good names for winter boys are:
- January - Sergey, Mikhail, Efim, Pavel, Denis, Anatoly, Ilya, Maxim, Stepan.
- February - Roman, Ivan, Vladimir, George, Gennady, Alexei, Taras.
- December - Gregory, Leonid, Yaroslav, Victor, Konstantin, Andrey, Kirill.
March boys have indecision.They often, even in adulthood, doubt their decisions and actions. People who were born in April have a natural ability to work, perseverance and ambition, so they are easily successful in almost any business. May men are a little stubborn, but with the right approach, a compromise can be found with them.
For children born in the spring, such names can be good options:
- March - David, Nikolay, German, Philip, Anton, Timothy, Jacob, Alexander.
- April - Artyom, Macarius, Eusebius, Nikita, Vadim, Leonid, Andrey.
- May - Michael, Stanislav, Innocent, Sylvester, Nikolai, Adam, Gleb.
Those men who were born in June are always cheerful, have a positive attitude, radiate positive energy. July boys are a little self-contained, but independent and responsible. Because of determination and confidence, people born in the last summer month easily realize their dreams in life.
When choosing a name for months for a boy who was born in 2020, pay attention to the following options:
- June - Valentine, Daniil, Zakhar, Vasily, Bogdan, Igor, Hilarion, Peter, Constantine.
- July - Nikita, Felix, Svyatoslav, Semyon, Ostap, German, Pavel, Vasily, Bogdan.
- August - Maxim, Boris, Rodion, Yuri, Cyril, Leo, Eugene, Jacob, Alexei.
Calm and quick-witted people born in September give preference to reliability and stability. October boys are very intelligent, and they are always kind and responsive. People who were born in November have a slightly tough character, but they always achieve their goals.
- September - Victor, Anatoly, Ilya, Roman, David, Efim, Clement, Valery.
- October - Arkady, Alexey, Nestor, Alexander, Vyacheslav, Matvey, Denis.
- November - Nikolay, Orest, Leonid, Mark, Gennady, Ivan, Savva, Sergey.
When deciding how to name a son, consider personal preferences, as well as the wishes of the father and other relatives.
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