Payments and benefits of a social nature are annually indexed at the planned inflation rate, according to the forecast of government departments. How much will increase EDV in 2020 and whether it will, are interested in war veterans and their families.
Feasible help
Social support measures for war veterans (WBD), including monthly cash payments, are carried out in accordance with Federal Law "On Veterans" No. 5-FZ of 01/12/1995 (Article 16). The payment introduced more than 20 years ago periodically increased and indexed. The last time the EDV size was adjusted at the beginning of 2019. In accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 32 “On approval of the indexation coefficient of payments, benefits and compensations in 2019”, its value was indexed from February 1, 2019 by 4.3%. After increasing the size of the pension in monetary terms amounted to 2972.82 rubles.
The EDV includes a set of social services (NSOs). Its full cost is 1121.42 rubles. This includes three groups of benefits:
- free travel for suburban railway transport and free travel to the treatment site and back - 124.05 rubles .;
- free spa treatment - 133.62 rubles .;
- provision of medical products and free medicines (according to doctor’s prescriptions) - 863.75 rubles.
The law gives the veteran the right to independently choose in what form he wishes to receive a set of a package of social services. You can refuse both the entire set of NSOs in kind, and from some part. For example, if a citizen has refused all benefits, then he will receive the full benefit - 2972.82 rubles. If the veteran reserves the right to free travel by train, the amount of the monthly allowance will be reduced by 124.05 rubles. That is, in the hands of a citizen will receive a monthly 2848.77 rubles.
Veterans of military operations, according to Russian law, include citizens who took part in armed conflicts on the territory of the Russian Federation and beyond: participants in the Chechen campaign, citizens who performed combat missions in Syria and Afghanistan. The full list of beneficiaries can be found on the website of the Pension Fund.
Where to make a payment
To assign a payment for the first time, you need to collect a package of documents:
- statement of purpose of payment;
- passport (or other identification document);
- WBD certificate;
- proof of residence;
- application for choosing the method of receiving money (account, card).
Within 10 days, the appeal will be reviewed and a decision will be made. The veteran will receive a reasoned response, indicating the amount assigned compensation. To change the set of social services, it is not necessary to personally apply to a pension fund. The application can be filled out through the PFR website or through the MFC. The option to receive a set of social benefits can be changed once a year. Applications are accepted annually, until October 1.
What to expect in the future
The State Duma periodically raises the question of a dramatic increase in EDV to war veterans. Deputies of the LDPR party often come up with such an initiative. So, in 2019, Alexander Sherin made a proposal to increase benefits to 5 thousand rubles. But while the liberal party’s bill was left without consideration. The reason for this is the lack of budget funds. To implement this plan, about 40 billion rubles will be required. In 2020, the government is not prepared for such costs for the military.
The question of indexing veteran payments remains open so far.When drawing up the planned budget for 2020, initially the amount was included in the costs, taking into account the indexation of 4.3%. It was such a planned indicator that was announced by Rosstat according to a preliminary forecast. The final and official inflation rate for the second quarter of 2019 will be known only at the beginning of 2020. According to the Minister of Economic Development Maxim Oreshkin, it may drop below 3%, against the target level of 4.3%.

Maxim Oreshkin
In the event that at the beginning of the new fiscal year, official inflation is fixed at 3%, then the increase in EDV will not go beyond these boundaries. Subject to increase, the payment will amount to 3,062.00 rubles. If the target is not changed, then the veteran allowance will increase by 4.3%. And this is 3 091.73 rubles. The terms for increasing benefits in 2020 will not change - the increase will be from February 1.
Regional authorities, if they wish and budget possibilities, can allocate funds for the payment of EDV. Due to such targeted funding, war veterans of Moscow and the Moscow region received an addition in the amount of 1,750 rubles in 2018, and those living in the Voronezh region received 690 rubles.
The participants in hostilities and local conflicts themselves consider financial payments to be negligible. Benefits and incentives in the current amount do not compensate for the moral damage that has been inflicted during the period of hostilities, veterans say. In addition, it is sometimes impossible to take advantage of benefits, according to WBD, due to bureaucratic delays and paperwork.
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