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It is necessary to pass the exam in 2020 - find out how the assessment of examinations takes place, what will be the scale for the transfer of primary points to secondary and whether it is possible to translate the result indicated in the certificate into school grades on a 5-point system.
Important! Officially, the USE certificate score is not transferable to the classical assessment, but we will tell you how to understand how well you coped with the tasks of the GIA-11.
Assessment of exam papers
During the verification of work at the USE 2020, two systems will be involved:
- automated verification of forms No. 1;
- verification of forms No. 2 by two (or three) independent experts.
Further PB - primary score, TB - test score.
Computerized check
All answers to test tasks with short answers entered by the examinee in form No. 1 are subject to digitization and verification by a special program. USE forms are scanned, checked through an automatic system, after they summarize scores for the first and second parts of the work, they transfer the accounting bills accrued to the examiner into secondary ones, which will be the result of the exam in a particular subject at the GIA 2020.
The advantages of this method are undeniable:
- automation of the verification process;
- information processing speed;
- lack of the so-called “human factor”.
Important! The results of a computerized check cannot be disputed, therefore it is very important to correctly fill out the form following the recommendations that can be found both in the materials of KIMs and on the FIPI website.
Expert review
The second part of the work (answer form No. 2 with detailed answers) is subject to verification by two independent experts. Each of the teachers will set points, guided by the clear instructions of the FIPI. At the same time, none of the experts knows how another reviewer rated the work.
There are three possible scenarios:
- both experts give the same marks;
- expert opinions have minor differences (1-2 b);
- the opinions of the reviewers differ greatly (by more than 2 points).
With a slight discrepancy, the arithmetic mean of the two estimates is taken as the final result. If there is a significant difference between the assessment of the 1st and 2nd expert, the work will be checked by a third specialist, whose opinion will be decisive. Depending on the degree of discrepancy in the estimates, the third expert can check only one controversial task, or the entire 2nd part of the work.
Important! If you are sure that during the verification of form No. 2, the experts underestimated your assessment, and at the same time are ready to defend their position before the commission, then you have the right to appeal.
Of course, it’s worth appealing to the results of the test, having familiarized yourself with how the primary and secondary points will be transferred at the USE 2020, as well as carefully working with the teacher about possible moments in the work for which the PB could be removed. After reviewing the tables for different subjects, you will understand that sometimes even 1 PB can significantly improve the result in the certificate, and in some situations the appeal procedure does not make sense, since added 1-2 PB will not significantly affect the final result.
Translation scale (correspondence tables)
The correspondence tables for the transfer of primary scores of the Unified State Exam 2020 are developed by the FIPI, and for each subject such a scale is individual, due to differences in the number of questions of KIMs, as well as different maximum and minimum points that the examiner can score during the work.
The tables do not have an exact threshold, as in all universities of the country this figure is different and can vary from year to year. Instead, there is a “green zone” - this is a high result, after which you can apply for a budget place in one of the universities in Russia. But keep in mind that for TOP educational institutions in Moscow or St. Petersburg, you should strive for the 95+ bar.
Russian language
In all senses, the main scale for those who pass the USE 2020 will be the scale for transferring points in the subject "Russian language", because this is a required exam for all graduates.
Please note that for the Unified State Exam in Russian there is the concept of a minimum for obtaining a document on education. In 2020, it is 10 PB or 22 TB.
For the Unified State Exam 2020 in basic level mathematics, the usual 100-point system is not used, but there is a scale for converting TB to 5-point:
TB | Rating |
0-6 | 2 |
7-11 | 3 |
12-16 | 4 |
17-20 | 5 |
Accordingly, in order to receive a document on education, the examiner must score a minimum of 7PB, which will correspond to the rating of “3”.
Important! Basic mathematics does not provide the right to enter universities of a technical field, a physical and mathematical profile, or a specialty in IT!
For the core exam, FIPI offers the translation according to this scale:
To obtain a certificate, 11th graders need to score a minimum of 27 TB, which is equivalent to 6 correct answers to questions from the 1st part.
Social science
Social studies traditionally leads among elective subjects and graduates who have to pass the exam in this discipline in 2020 will need such a scale for transferring points.
The minimum threshold for a certificate in social studies in 2020 is 42.
Particular attention should be paid to this subject, because there is a very real prospect that in the next season it will become mandatory for GIA-11. In 2020, in the system for evaluating the exam work on history, no changes have occurred and the following translation scale will be relevant:
The minimum in history that will allow you to get a certificate (but not enter a university) is 32, which corresponds to 9 correct answers to tasks with brief answers to the first test part.
The transfer of safety measures to the results, which will be entered in the certificate, in 2020 will be carried out according to this system:
The lowest bar this time is 36 out of 100 possible points.
Computer science
For anyone who wants to connect their lives with the popular IT field today, it will be useful to familiarize themselves with the correspondence table for the subject “Informatics and ICT”:
The minimum certificate result is 40 TB (or 6 primary).
Those wishing to connect their lives with chemistry or medicine should prepare as best as possible for the tests in this discipline and familiarize themselves with the table that FIPI offers to interpret the result.
The smallest positive result of a certificate in 2020 is 36.
The scale for biology is similar to the table designed for chemistry, since these items have the same maximum and minimum threshold for primary results.
Minimum - 36 TB per certificate (or 16 primary).
The table of interpretation of the result for geography is:
The minimum of 2020 is 37 TB (11 correct answers to the tests with a short answer).
A feature of the exam in the literature is that all work is subject to expert verification (the computerized method is not used). Inspectors will carry out the transfer of primary points to secondary ones at the USE 2020 on this scale.
The threshold for the subject is 32 total points (or 15 test points).
Foreign languages
This year, graduates will be able to choose from 5 subjects:
- English;
- French;
- Deutsch;
- Spanish;
- Chinese.
Changes in 2020 KIMs will occur only in Chinese. At the same time, the job evaluation system and the compliance grid will remain unchanged.
For all foreign languages 1PB (primary) = 1TB (test), and the minimum bar is fixed at 22 TB.
5-point translation
Officially, only the results of the OGE are translated into the school grade, but many graduates and parents want to understand which grade corresponds to the result indicated in the GIA-11 certificate. In this case, an unofficial scale for converting USE 2020 points to traditional grades will help.
Read also:
- VLR schedule for the 2019-2020 academic year
- Exam Schedule for 2020
- School holidays in Ukraine in 2019-2020