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2019-2020 flu vaccination is carried out in hospitals, clinics, mobile health care centers. The Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation determines the period of its implementation taking into account the incidence peaks. The largest number of viral diseases is traditionally diagnosed in January-February, but the preventive solution must enter the body earlier - in September-November.
Influenza preventive vaccines can be done from September 4 to October 29, 2019, the deadlines for 2020 have not yet been announced.
Types of vaccines
Every year, the Russian Ministry of Health approves the list of vaccines - periodically it is replenished with new developments, and obsolete drugs are excluded. All solutions are divided into 2 groups:
- Live viruses - they include real attenuated viruses. Their contact with humans makes the body identify foreign bodies and develop immunity to them.
- Non-living viruses are dead bodies. The human body also takes them for foreign substances and develops immunity.
Non-living viruses are classified as:
- Whole-cell - consist of whole dead virus cells.
- Subunit - the raw material for their production is a surface protein collected from the body of the virus.
- Split vaccines are healthy viral cells that are artificially euthanized and cleaved.
Each type has advantages and disadvantages, therefore, before choosing the type of prophylactic, you need to consult a therapist. There are no allergens in the split vaccines, which is an advantage for patients prone to allergic reactions. Moreover, in reliability, these drugs lose to the whole cell group.
2019-2020 licensed flu vaccines
Vaccination in the Russian Federation is possible only with the use of licensed drugs. Among them:
- Influenza (Influenza Plus);
- Agrippal
- Fluarix;
- Waxigripp.
Influenza and Influenza Plus
Influenza is a development of the Institute of Immunology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation; it is produced by the NGO Microgen. It looks like a colorless liquid (sometimes with a yellowish tint) of a transparent consistency. It is administered subcutaneously and intramuscularly, well tolerated by patients.
The drug is recommended:
- children from six months of age;
- older people after 60 years;
- health workers;
- service industry employees;
- people with weak immunity;
- patients with cardiovascular diseases, anemia, renal pathologies, endocrine disorders.
Influenza is contraindicated:
- with fever;
- exacerbation of chronic pathologies;
- allergies to chicken protein and other components of the composition.
The vaccine is administered once, and persistent immunity to influenza is produced in the body 7 days after administration. For children under 6 years of age, the medicine is administered with a preservative.
According to the results of clinical trials, antibodies to influenza are produced in 80-95% of patients. Validity - 1 year.
Flupol plus is an advanced analogue. There are no preservatives in its composition, due to which the frequency of side effects is reduced.
You can get a flu shot in pharmacies. The price in 2019-2020 in Moscow is from 450 to 590 rubles.
Agrippal s1
Agrippal is a third-generation subunit vaccine from the Italian manufacturer Kyron Bering. The drug is prescription.
The vaccine is intended for patients of different ages, children are introduced from 6 months.For children who have not previously been vaccinated and have not had the flu, the drug is administered 2 times. The interval between injections is 1 month.
Immunization is carried out once - intramuscularly. Typically, the drug is injected into the deltoid muscle or into the deep subcutaneous layer. Before administration, the syringe with the solution must be shaken and warmed to room temperature under natural conditions.
Antibodies are produced 2-3 weeks after vaccination. According to the results of studies, they are produced in 80% of vaccinated. Duration - 6-12 months.
Contraindications to the administration of Agrippal s1:
- hypersensitivity or intolerance to chicken protein;
- allergy to components in the composition of the drug;
- heat;
- infectious diseases in acute form.
After acute infections, patients are vaccinated 4 weeks after full recovery.
Side effects after vaccination are rare. This may be redness at the injection site, slight chills, headache, fever.
The cost of the drug differs in different regions of Russia. In the capital's pharmacies, it can be purchased for 1060 rubles.
Fluarix is a purified cleavage vaccine against influenza, produced by the British pharmaceutical company GlaxoSmithKline. The drug protects against the flu of the upcoming epidemiological season, its composition is updated annually in accordance with WHO recommendations.
Fluarix is administered intramuscularly and subcutaneously in patients diagnosed with thrombocytopenia. Dosage is:
- Children aged 6-35 months - 0.25 ml twice. The interval between injections is 1-1.5 months. If the child was previously vaccinated, a single injection of 0.25 ml is sufficient.
- Children older than 35 months and adults - once 0.5 ml.
Before the introduction of the drug, you can take antiallergic drugs. Anaphylactic reactions are rare, but after vaccination, the manufacturer recommends that the patient be monitored by medical personnel for 30 minutes.
An absolute contraindication to the use of Fluarix is:
- intolerance to chicken and egg white;
- high sensitivity to the main or auxiliary components of the solution.
The average price of Fluarix in Moscow is 550-600 rubles.
Vaxigripp is an inactivated split vaccine manufactured by the French manufacturer Sanofi Pasteur S.A. The solution is administered intramuscularly, approved for use by children from 7 months.
Vaxigripp is one of the safest flu vaccines for 2020, since there are fewer contraindications to its use than its counterparts. Side effects are rare - during clinical trials, their frequency was 1/100 cases.
Serum is approved for use by patients:
- with respiratory diseases;
- with diabetes and other endocrine pathologies;
- with oncological diseases;
- in parallel with radiation therapy;
- during pregnancy.
Vaxigripp has been produced since 1969 and has been successfully used in many countries of the world. It protects a person from influenza for 6-12 months. Immunity is produced in 90% of patients after vaccination. You can be vaccinated in September-October, when there is no surge in incidence, as well as at the beginning of the epidemic.
A contraindication to the administration of Waxigripp is an allergy to chicken eggs, since viruses for the further manufacture of the vaccine are grown on them, and allergic reactions to previous vaccinations.
The cost of the drug in clinics in Moscow is 1-1.8 thousand rubles.
Polyclinics and medical rooms have facilities at a more affordable cost. The price of one vaccination is 65-200 rubles. Russians can be vaccinated with budget drugs for free. To do this, you need to contact the district clinic at the place of residence, and children - to a preschool institution or school, find out the vaccination schedule and other nuances.
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Kurochkina V
I am familiar with the two vaccines in this article. Vaksigripp is not very happy, because the vaccine is split. In this sense, Grippol + is much more reliable and safer, because it does not contain the internal proteins of the virus, which means it does not give local reactions and generally complications. Unfortunately, I only started putting it last year, but I am very pleased with the effect. Moved wonderful - no redness, malaise, everything is super. In the epidemic itself I had to go on a business trip, communicate with different people, flu-like too. I did not catch the flu and did not get sick at all, there wasn’t even a cold. This year I am preparing to go in autumn to put Grippol +.
Vaksigripp used to be vaccinated. But now I don’t want anything foreign, and the split vaccine doesn’t suit me very well. Preferred Influenza + and it's worth it. I have been setting myself and my own since the year. He is 4, we have not missed a single year. That's how it is by the end of September, which means by the epidemic season, so we run to the clinic. For all the time there were no special problems. Well, maybe my baby is a little lethargic and even once the temperature was low, but the next day it was like a cucumber, funny, healthy, thug. We visit kindergarten constantly. In general, it so happened that almost the entire group was vaccinated. I asked around, many, like us, set the Flu +.
What kind of side effects are people talking about, I don’t understand, in shock, to be honest? The doctor even told me that Grippol plus is cleaner and more tested than many similar vaccines and has been used in mass vaccination of the population for almost 10 years already. And here is a collection of dreamers or people who have been vaccinated with a cold. I got a vaccine at work. So I felt great before, during and after the vaccination. It is a pity this year I did not have time to get the vaccine in time, but, and so the immune system works. And more than a year has passed! For all the time I experienced a maximum of 2 times ARVI, and then, in a light form. And it was not flu, but a commonplace cold, which passed in a couple of days.
At work, a couple of years ago, they suggested making the flu vaccine a domestic drug, Grippol plus, without giving my consent I gave it because I work in trade, and I have a higher risk of catching the flu than anyone else. I know a lot of examples personally, when people were deprived of their legs as a result of complications, and the hearing disappeared, all the flu was to blame, so I decided not to risk it. The vaccine was well tolerated, there were no reactions, and the flu, fortunately, did not touch me. Last year, she agreed to vaccinate her son; they vaccinated him in kindergarten for free. I am glad that our scientists are not lagging behind foreign ones, the price of the vaccine is affordable for everyone.