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Predictions and prophecies are listened to in the 21st century no less than in ancient times. History has shown that many visions of psychics were destined to come true with amazing accuracy. For residents of Ukraine, the forecast for the near future is especially important. With the hope of a peaceful and happy time, Ukrainians are interested in forecasts for 2020.
Pavel Globa
Pavel Globa gives very accurate forecasts of upcoming events around the world. So, five years before the events of 2014, the astrologer talked about the fact that Ukraine will be divided into three parts. According to the calculations of Pavel Globa, in 2020, our Ukrainian brothers expect difficult changes that will become an echo of serious problems (economic and political) around the world. The conflict in the east of the country will end with the separation of Donbass, says Pavel. But this will happen without exacerbating the conflict. The country's economy in 2020 will not be able to recover from the crisis. The population will have to tighten their belts more tightly. The period of stability in all senses of the word will begin only in 2025.
Tamara Globa
But the wife of the famous astrologer, Tamara Globa, believes that the Donbass will not separate from Ukraine. The bickering will gradually subside, and the war will come to naught. According to Tamara, a new leader will come to the country, perhaps it will be a woman. The new president will be able to lead the country peacefully out of the economic and political crisis. As for relations with fraternal Russia, the astrologer believes that a thaw in 2020 should not be expected.
Kaede Uber
Scientists and journalists consider Kaede to be the heiress of Wang. Before leaving for another world, the Bulgarian seer said that a girl would replace her. She will live in a house on two hills, and the city will be blazing. That is exactly where the house where Uber lives is located. And in the year of her birth, severe fires raged in the city. Parents discovered the ability to predict the future in their daughter at the age of five. Since that time, Kaede’s vision and hearing began to deteriorate greatly.
According to the French girl, Ukraine in 2019-2020 will face another shock. In scale it will be similar to the Maidan. A wave of protests across the country will lead to a coup d'etat. The difficult economic situation will rapidly deteriorate. The national currency will depreciate even more. Ukrainians will face poverty and unemployment. Amid religious strife, the population will be divided into warring camps. President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko, according to a seer, has an unhappy future.
For information. Kaede Uber was born in 2003 in the French city of Montpellier. At the age of eight, the girl accurately predicted the date of the death of her grandmother. This was followed by a series of predictions from small everyday events to significant events on the world stage. For example, Kaede predicted the collapse of the ruble, which just came true.
Vera Lyon
Vera’s opinion about the future of Ukraine in 2020 is similar to many psychics. Religious wars will break out on Ukrainian lands. Many more trials will fall to Ukraine. Kazakh Vanga warns that people need to be patient and wait out all the difficulties. The beginning of the changes, in her opinion, will be laid back in 2019, after the change of the country's leader. The new president will be smart, kind and fair. But despite this, it will not be possible to resume relations with Russia yet. According to the prediction of Vera Lyon, not a single country is ready to make concessions.
Great Wang
A lot of the prophecies of the Bulgarian prophetess regarding Ukraine have already come true. Take at least Vanga’s words: “Crimea will break away from one coast and grow to the other ...”. A few years ago, this seemed like a fantasy, the realization of which is impossible. But today, the meaning of an amazing prediction is more than understandable. Vanga's contemporaries note that she spoke very warmly about the Ukrainian people.
Vitka Petrovska, the assistant to Vangeliya on household chores, wrote down the following words for her friend: “The united country will first break up and the brother will go to his brother. But happiness will come in a new union. ” Wang also repeatedly said that a good life awaits the Ukrainians, but such will come only after difficult trials and difficulties. Experts studying the quatrains of the Bulgarian seer noted that her predictions are blurred over time boundaries. But nevertheless, from the records of eyewitnesses it can be understood that the military conflict in 2020 will not end. The tense atmosphere will continue. It is also possible to strengthen the confrontation between the warring parties. But in the end, people will get tired of the unjustified state policy and will be able to independently establish peace and harmony in the state.
Witch Olga
According to the psychic, 2020 will be decisive for Ukraine. After a change of power in 2019, new, difficult trials will fall on Ukrainian soil as a result of the elections. For political confrontations, the government will completely forget about the needs of the population. The fate of the country will be in the hands of ordinary citizens. If Ukrainians can unite, then they will be able to solve any problems. But external forces can interfere in light plans. Neighboring countries may begin the struggle for territories previously owned by them. To maintain the integrity of the country, Ukrainians need to be very friendly. Otherwise, a small country around Kiev may remain from a large country.
For information: Olga Yankovka (the witch Olga), originally from Kharkov in 2017, became the winner of the television show "Battle of psychics."
Julia Wang
A psychic with strong abilities and an unusual appearance speaks a little about the future of Ukraine. According to Julia, the territories of Donetsk and Lugansk regions will return to their native Ukrainian state. The difficult economic situation and military operations will rally the population. More and more often, special indigo children will be born in families. The patriotic mood and solidarity of the population will lead the country out of the crisis. A quick change of state power will mark the beginning of a new era of good international relations and prosperity.
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