Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Defense Yuri Shvytkin shared the news that in 2020 the salaries of the military of the Russian Federation may increase - the increase, which implies the indexation of payments, will also affect all Russian military pensioners and civilian personnel working in military units.
Changes to the federal budget
The announced increase for the military will become real if they approve the amendments to the federal budget that the committee plans to make by the second reading of the bill.

Yuri Shvytkin
Recall that by the first reading of the draft federal budget of the Russian Federation submitted to the government in 2020, the State Duma committee substantiated the need for indexing salaries and pensions for military personnel, but the government did not even discuss this issue.
The October 2019 indexation promised by the military raised payments by a symbolic 3%, which does not even cover the estimated inflation expected by the end of 2019. According to various sources, the price increase for 2019 can range from 3.6 to 4.3%, respectively, and the military salary should be indexed in 2020 by a coefficient corresponding to the size of inflation.
The report, which Vladimir Shamanov will provide, provides a detailed analysis of the growth of pension payments in the Russian Federation in recent years, which clearly demonstrates that the level of indexation of pensions for military personnel is much lower than the increase in the insurance pension provided by the state to citizens upon reaching retirement age. So, as of the second half of 2019, the sergeant's and privates' pensions are almost no different from the payments that are legally required to recipients of ordinary insurance (labor) pensions. If we translate the increase in military salaries for the past period, then at the beginning of 2020, “underindexation” will make up one fifth of the average military pension.
No less complicated is the situation with the salaries of military personnel working in civilian roles, which include: doctors, cooks, drivers, plumbers, accountants, technical personnel and many other professions.
Today, their income is about 30,000 - 32,000 rubles, and even less in the Russian Guard (about 23,000 - 24,000 rubles), despite the fact that according to statistics the average salary in the Russian Federation is about 47,000 rubles.
What will be the increase
The latest news says that if the proposed amendments to the budget are adopted in the second reading, then from January 1, 2020 we can expect such increases:
- military salaries - 4.3%;
- military pensions - 6.3%.
The size of the salary indexation of civilian personnel will be further discussed during the adoption of the amendments, therefore, so far, the exact coefficients for this category of citizens are not called.
Another issue of concern to the State Duma Defense Committee is the provision of housing for servicemen.
According to the data provided by the Ministry of Defense, at the beginning of 2020, the list of those in need will be 23,000 military, while the size of the state subsidy proposed in the draft budget for this area will only provide assistance to 15,600 military personnel.
The committee also drew attention to the fact that the size of the budget allocated to solve the housing problems of military personnel is not tied to the real cost of a square meter of living space and also needs to be indexed.The situation is not only fraught with growth of social tension, but is also disadvantageous for the state itself, since as a result of the inability to exercise the housing rights of military personnel, the costs of their maintenance increase. In particular, problems arise when an employee is laid off, and he has not been provided with housing or a housing subsidy for years of service.
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