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The state establishes unemployment benefits for people who are temporarily left without labor income - we suggest that you understand in detail what the size of payments will be in 2020, who can apply for state assistance and whether the amount of assistance will differ for Russians living in Moscow and St. Petersburg and other cities from payments for residents of the outback.
Important! Unemployment benefits are provided only to persons who officially received the status of “unemployed” according to the Federal Law “On Employment” No. 1032-1 of 04/19/1991.
Unemployed status
Since in 2020 it will be possible to get unemployment benefits in Russia only by registering as unemployed, it is important to know which of the citizens who are left without work can apply for it.
According to the law, adult able-bodied citizens who have not reached retirement age can be recognized as unemployed.
Unemployed cannot be recognized:
- adolescents under 16 years old;
- disabled citizens (disabled people);
- pensioners;
- full-time students;
- individual entrepreneurs;
- founders of any firms, companies and enterprises;
- deprived of liberty;
- sentenced to correctional labor.
It will take 11 days to get the status from the moment of contacting the regional Employment Center at the place of registration.
According to the established procedure, the first 10 days after applying, employees are required to do everything possible to quickly find a new job for the applicant. A person who is unemployed will be offered all available vacancies in the database of the Employment Center, taking into account his profession. For holders of rare (not popular in the modern labor market) professions, the possibility of retraining is provided. If within 10 days the center’s employees are not able to find a new job for the person who has applied for help or convince him to start training in one of the available retraining programs, on the 11th day a decision is made to assign him the status of “unemployed” and to accrue state aid.
Allowance amount
Legislatively established minimum and maximum thresholds for this type of payment. So, in 2020, unemployment benefits for the able-bodied population can vary between 1,500 - 8,000 rubles, and for people of pre-retirement age should not exceed the threshold of 11,280 rubles.
When calculating the amount of payments take into account:
- experience;
- salary for the last 6 working months;
- how many people worked in the last place of work;
- the reason for dismissal (reduction, closure or bankruptcy of the enterprise, dismissal at will or under article, etc.);
- how many people are already unemployed.
The legislation established such amounts of payments:
Period | Percentage of average earnings for the last 6 months. |
First 3 months | 75% |
The next 3 months. (from 4 to 6) | 60% |
Important! Initially, assistance from the state is assigned for 6 months. If during this period a person does not find a job, the allowance can be assigned again, but in a minimum amount.
You can re-submit documents and receive benefits (already at a minimum amount) only 6 months after the end of the previous payment period.
Also in the minimum amount (1,500 rubles) for only 3 months the following categories of citizens will receive unemployment benefits in 2020:
- previously not officially employed (first-time job seekers);
- not employed for more than 12 months;
- dismissed "under the article";
- who worked in last place for less than 26 weeks, which is approximately 6 months;
- those who left training, where they were fused from the Employment Center.
Regional co-payments
Regional authorities have the right to adjust the size of payments, providing citizens with additional allowances, which in 2020 will traditionally receive in many regions for which raising factors from 1.15 to 2.0 are established.
Thus, the unemployment benefit in Moscow for 2020 is calculated taking into account the regional coefficient of 1.0 and allowances from the local budget. To the amount accrued according to the principle described above, they will also add:
- 850 rubles (regional);
- 1 190 rub. (for transportation costs).
Thus, able-bodied Muscovites who have not reached pre-retirement age can expect payments in the amount of 3 540 - 10 040 rubles, and pre-pensioners - up to 13 320 rubles.
In St. Petersburg, unemployment benefits in 2020 will be calculated on a common basis, but additional subsidies from the city budget will be allocated to people who took part in socially useful work.
Termination and suspension of payments
Each citizen who has received the status of unemployed is notified of when the termination or suspension of payments occurs.
According to the law, deregistration for unemployment and subsequent termination of payments occurs in the following cases:
- official employment;
- failure to appear at the Employment Center for more than a month without good reason;
- the onset of retirement age (pension);
- change of residence (relocation);
- deprivation of will or referral as a result of the court to correctional labor;
- official refusal to assist the Employment Center in finding work (upon application);
- start of studies with scholarships;
- identification of the fact of illegal obtaining unemployment status;
- death of a citizen.
Citizens can also be left without money as a result of a temporary suspension of payments (for a period of up to 3 months):
- appeared in the walls of the Employment Center while intoxicated;
- violating the re-registration schedule;
- twice refused the offered vacancies (provided that the employers were ready to accept the applicant for work);
- abandoned the training for which they were sent;
- those who refused paid public works or training (relevant for certain categories).
It should be borne in mind that the 3 months during which payments were suspended (the person did not receive benefits) are taken into account in the total period of assistance, which is a maximum of 12 months. Moreover, according to the new rules introduced in 2019, citizens who were deregistered for non-appearance, refusal to work and receiving benefits in a fraudulent way will be able to receive benefits in a minimal amount, but not earlier than 12 months later.
Since in the coming year all the innovations that came into force on January 1, 2019 will be relevant, and the size of payments will not be indexed, you can get answers to most questions regarding unemployment benefits in 2020 in this video:
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