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Turnips and radishes are vitamin-rich root crops that, with proper (uncomplicated) care, give a good harvest. One of the rules for successful cultivation is choosing the right start period for planting these vegetables. From ancient times, our ancestors studied and applied natural phenomena for agricultural purposes, which is also relevant in modern days. Using the lunar calendar 2020, you can choose the most optimal date for garden work.
Seasonal Calendar
Planting turnips and radishes begin in early spring. In 2020, you can plant seeds from the end of March, when the weather is more or less warm. You should not be afraid of planting turnips and radishes in the ground in early spring. Their seedlings withstand temperatures up to -3 ... -4 C, and root crops - up to -5 C. Therefore, if frosts persist at night, this will not hinder getting the crop on time. It is important that the temperature during the day be around +15 degrees for the quality formation of root crops.
The time for planting turnips will depend on the goals that the farmer pursues and the variety of vegetable:
- spring - for early harvesting, however, the fruits are not stored for a long time;
- Midsummer - for long-term storage in the future;
- Autumn - winter planting.
To enjoy turnip in the summer, it is sown in April and until May. Early ripening varieties are used that give fruit in 35-45 days. Such root vegetables are usually used in salads. They are not suitable for long-term storage. From late June to mid-July, mid-season and late varieties are sown. They will ripen in the fall and are ideal for winter stocks. According to the national calendar, the days after Petrov’s day (after July 12), when agricultural pests are not so active, will be a favorable period for planting.
The end of March is optimal for radishes. Also, root crops are cultivated in September-October. The vegetable is not afraid of small night frosts. However, in the afternoon the temperature should be more than +10 C. Radish refers to precocious root crops, which ripen in 15-20 days. The most favorable temperature regime for it is +20 C. Then the sprouts appear already on the 4th-5th day, and the fruits are dense and juicy. At a hotter temperature, the radish will shoot quickly, so it is grown in spring or autumn.
Radishes are also grown in greenhouses. This can be done in mid-late February. Then, at the very beginning of spring, mature fruits will be ready.
Sowing radishes can be done in batches at weekly intervals. Then it will be possible to enjoy this vegetable for a long time, as root crops will ripen one after another.
Moon calendar
To get a good harvest, it is necessary to observe not only agricultural rules, but also check the phases of the moon. Earth satellite has a direct impact on the growth of garden crops. Our ancestors knew about this, this knowledge is used to this day. Planting vegetables during the new moon and full moon, as well as the day before and after them, is unfavorable. Also, do not cultivate or fertilize the earth. During this period, you can only deal with the elimination of pests.
The growing moon is characterized by the active development of the terrestrial part of the plant. And for the waning - underground. Therefore, the waning moon will best contribute to the growth of root crops. In addition to the moon phase, it is important to take into account the zodiac sign in which the night luminary is located. Favorable for root crops will be:
- Capricorn. The fruits grow slowly, but the result is high-quality, albeit not large.Ideal for long-term storage.
- Fish. Great time for planting root crops. During this period, the underground part of the plants receives a lot of energy. As a result, a good harvest is possible, however, it cannot be stored for a long time.
- Calf. Shoots do not grow too fast, but give a high-quality and rich crop that can be stored for a long period.
- Cancer. Time for vegetables to be eaten right away. Harvesting is good, but not suitable for stocks.
- Libra. Very fertile period. Shoots are actively growing and developing, and the fruits are juicy and moderate in size.
- Scorpio. The same favorable time. Promotes good growth of quality fruits.
The periods when the Moon is associated with the following zodiac signs are not suitable for working with root crops:
- Aquarius. Unfavorable time for sowing. Seeds will sprout poorly.
- Aries. Sprouts sprout quickly, but do not develop actively enough. The result is a meager harvest.
- Twins. Seeds give weak shoots, and vegetables turn out tasteless.
- A lion. In principle, not suitable for garden work. At this time, you can only deal with the elimination of pests or collect already mature fruits.
- Virgo. At this time, the energy provides the growth of the terrestrial part of the plant. Therefore, this period will be unfavorable for root crops.
- Sagittarius. Like the previous sign, Scorpio pays more attention to the terrestrial part of plants. At this time, the root crops are small and of poor quality.
When to plant turnips and radishes in 2020 according to the lunar calendar:
Month | Auspicious days | Bad days |
February | 12-15, 19, 20 | 9-11, 21, 22, 23 |
March | 11-14, 17, 18, 22 | 8-10, 15, 16, 19-2, 24 |
April | 10, 13, 14, 18, 19 | 8, 15-17, 20-23 |
May | 11, 12, 15-17, 20 | 7, 13, 14, 18, 19, 22 |
June | 7, 8, 12, 13, 17, 18 | 5, 9-11, 14-16, 19-21 |
July | 9, 10, 14, 15 | 5, 7, 8, 11-13, 16-18, 20 |
September | 6-8, 11-13 | 2, 4, 5, 9, 10, 14-17 |
The calendar takes into account the phases of the waning moon and the zodiac signs that positively affect root crops. These are the most favorable periods for the formation of a good tasty crop.
How to harvest a large turnip crop: video
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