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The lunar sowing calendar, which many gardeners and gardeners adhere to, says that for planting carrots in 2020, you need to choose the days when the moon wanes. The root crop loved by Russians is planted in the fall or in the spring. It gives an excellent harvest, if you follow the basic rules of cultivation.
The nuances of autumn planting carrots
Not all vegetable cultivation enthusiasts know that carrots can be planted in the fall. This method is not suitable for terrain with harsh winters. In the temperate and southern regions of the country, a site that is well warmed by the sun, is selected and is protected from the winds. Planting on the slopes is forbidden, since the seeds will be washed away during the spring snowmelt.
Vegetable grows well in the place where previously harvested potatoes, peas, beets, cabbage, cucumbers, lettuce, leeks, tomatoes. Not for him the beds left after sorrel and parsley. It is advisable to sow carrots in the soil before the onset of the first frosts on the waning moon:
Month | Auspicious days | Neutral days | No seeding |
September | 15-27, | 6, 14, 28 | 1-5, 7-13, 29, 30 |
October | 15-20, 22-27 | 5, 14, 21, 28 | 1-4, 6-13, 29-31 |
November | 13-25 | 4, 12, 26 | 1-3, 5-11, 27-30 |
Carrot seeds germinate actively in the autumn months, if the air temperature day and night is not lower than + 2-3 degrees. The first shoots love sunlight and loose soil. Soil before work is fertilized with superphosphate or humus. Cow dung is an undesirable fertilizer, after its introduction, carrots go to the tops, and root crops grow small, branched and clumsy. Overly acidic soil is dug up with wood ash, and semi-decayed sawdust and river sand are added to too clay and heavy soil. Undecomposed organic fertilizing and fresh sawdust will only harm the culture. Carrots lose their presentation and begin to hurt.
Basic care rules
After fertilizing the land form high beds (13-15 cm). Seeds are sprinkled on top with dry soil sifted through a sieve with the addition of sand and peat, and then deepened by 2-3 cm. The seed is not pretreated with anything and does not germinate in wet gauze. It is naturally saturated with moisture throughout the fall, undergoes winter hardening and, as a rule, actively grows together. For a successful autumn planting of carrots in the ground in 2020, cold-resistant and precocious varieties are chosen, for example:
- Carotel parisian;
- Alenka;
- Altai shortened;
- Nantes;
- Amsterdam.
Seeds are distributed along the grooves so that 10 seeds per 10 cm of land. On top of the bed a little tamped and throw on it a protective layer of humus and peat, spruce branches or spruce branches. Experts recommend periodically throwing beds with carrots of loose snow. In the spring, after the snow melts, the crops are covered with a film, which is sometimes removed until the night frost stops.
When and how to plant carrots in spring
Planting carrots with seeds in the spring in 2020 is carried out directly in the open ground, taking into account not only favorable days when it is allowed to plant a vegetable, but also weather conditions. The average germination temperature of seedlings is + 4-6 degrees, but they can withstand temperatures up to -4 degrees. In the southern regions of Russia sowing work begins much earlier than in Siberia, the Urals and northwestern regions. Namely, as soon as the snow melts - in early March-April. In other areas of work, it is better to postpone it to the end of April or the beginning of May.In late summer, late root crops are planted with a growing season (100-130 days). They ripen and fill with juices by the end of September-October and are ready for winter laying in the cellar.
According to the lunar calendar, it is desirable to plant an orange root crop in the earth on a waning moon:
Month | Auspicious days | Neutral days | No seeding |
March | 1-5, 22-27, 29, 30, 31 | 6, 14, 21, 28 | 7-13, 15-20 |
April | 1-4, 20-26, 28-30 | 5, 12, 19, 27 | 6-11, 13-18, |
May | 1-4, 20-25, 27-31 | 5, 12, 19, 26 | 6-11, 13-18 |
In the spring, before sowing seeds, they dig up the earth and make ash or humus. Carrots, like many other root vegetables, actively absorb nitrates, so it can not be fertilized with fresh manure. Seed is pre-germinated in a damp cloth. When planting swollen seeds in the grooves, a distance of 2-3 cm should be observed.
Some gardeners stick seeds to toilet paper using flour or starch (diluted with water) and thus maintain the necessary sequence on the garden bed. They also observe the lunar calendar for planting carrots in 2020 and get large, juicy and healthy root crops.
Before starting work, the ground is well watered with plain water. Crops fall asleep with humus and once again well watered. To accelerate the germination of crops, beds are covered with polyethylene. Periodically carry out ventilation and hardening.
Proper seedling care
In the spring, you need to periodically loosen the carrots and thin out the bushes, remove weeds. The plant has a long growing season and it needs free space. Between carrots leave 4-5 cm. The remaining small shoots are removed. After several weeks, re-thinning is carried out, leaving the distance between the shoots already at 8-9 cm. For large varieties, a distance of 10-15 cm will be required.
Green carrot shoots do not like surface watering. The earth must be moistened with simple, settled water to the depth of tuber growth. A sharp change in the level of humidity and excessive watering lead to the fact that root crops begin to crack and deform.
At the end of August, carrots are being earthed up. Root crops sticking out from the earth are poured into the ground so that their upper part does not turn green and does not lose its taste. In order to preserve the moisture level necessary for seedlings longer, mulch with a thin layer of humus (2-3 cm). Short ripe root vegetables are pulled out of the ground for the tops, and large varieties are dug up with a pitchfork, so as not to damage the crop, 2-3 cm fall back from the bush.
Most often, young seedlings are damaged by a carrot fly. This pest lays eggs in the soil, then the larvae eat root crops. The fly accumulates in the ground, as a result, the carrot grows poorly throughout the season, loses its taste, becomes rough and loose. To protect planting, the main thing is to carry out timely loosening and thinning, as well as immediately remove the torn leaves. Many gardeners plant carrots together with onions, which scares away many pests.
Secrets of growing carrots: video
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