new moon

Full moon and new moon in March 2020

Lunar calendar is needed by many. Every day the number of people who follow his advice and recommendations is increasing. It is based on ancient knowledge of the movements of the moon in the sky and is considered the oldest calendar on our planet. Studying and observing these processes, scientists came to the conclusion that changes in nature are completely associated with a change in the lunar cycle. And since man is an integral component of all this, lunar energy affects us too.

moon in the clouds

Using the lunar calendar, we are able to change its effect. Depending on the lunar cycle and the lunar phase, our well-being and even our state of health can change. Therefore, the full moon in March 2020 should be feared. The full moon is a phase that people should take very seriously. During this time, hidden pressure affects people, animals and nature

What to expect from the full moon and the new moon?

The full moon in March 2020 falls on the 9th. This day is characterized by such negative phenomena as:

  1. Insomnia, nervous agitation.
  2. A sharp change of mood, aggression.
  3. Exacerbation of chronic diseases.
  4. Accidents
  5. Accidents.
  6. Increased activity.

The new moon in March 2020 should be expected on the 24th. During this period, people are fixed:

  1. Apathy to various matters.
  2. Irritability to others.
  3. Started business is not crowned with success.
  4. Decreased physical activity.


What date of the full moon in March 2020 to wait has already been said above, and it falls on Monday. A day that in itself is considered difficult and stressful. During this period of time, it will not be superfluous to follow all the recommendations that the lunar calendar advises. This day is better to do:

  1. Fishing.
  2. Garden and vegetable garden.
  3. Creative processes.
  4. Do not abuse bad habits.

On days when the full moon will be in March 2020, you should refrain from:

  1. Cleaning service.
  2. Haircuts hair.
  3. Different complexity of operations.
  4. Physical activity.
  5. Driving a vehicle.
  6. Do not give or borrow.

full moon in the sky

It is important to remember that during this period of time the body is most weakened and vulnerable. Therefore, a calm environment will help to avoid many troubles.

The new moon in March in 2020 is a good day when it is useful:

  1. Start a diet.
  2. To walk alot.
  3. Cosmetic procedures.
  4. Do yoga.
  5. Make plans for the future.

See video about the effect of the moon on man:

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