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If you plan to celebrate New Year 2020 in Moscow, we offer you to find out what the weather will be like in the capital and the region on December 31, 2019, as well as what forecast for the New Year holidays gives the weather center.
Climatic norm of the region
Moscow is located in the zone of temperate continental climate, which is characterized by:
- pronounced seasonality;
- cold lingering winter with snowstorms and severe frosts;
- formation of a stable snow cover;
- minus temperature from mid-November to mid-March.
The coldest settlement in the Moscow region is the village of Cherusti, located in the eastern part of the region. If for the capital the average December temperature is -8ºС, then for Cherusti -13ºС.
To understand what the New Year’s weather in 2020 may be like in Moscow, we suggest you familiarize yourself with the main temperature indicators for the winter months:
Parameter | December | January | February |
average temperature | -8 ºС | -10 ºС | -9 ºС |
Absolute minimum | -40 ºС | -54 ºС | -45 ºС |
Precipitation rate | 51 mm | 52 mm | 41 mm |
As you can see, January in Moscow is the coldest month of the year. Although, far from always periods of severe frost fall precisely on New Year and Christmas holidays. So, last year the temperature dropped below -10 ° C in mid-December, but before the holidays pretty mild snowy weather with slight frosts was established, which made it possible for guests and residents of the city to fully experience the holiday atmosphere by visiting Christmas markets, ice rinks and other entertainment events, held in different areas of the capital.
General forecast for winter 2019-2020
Meteorologists promise that the coming winter will not set new climatic records, although it will be quite frosty and snowy.
The first frosts came to the capital traditionally in the second half of October. Although Muscovites have already felt the first breath of the approaching winter in the form of wet snow, autumn will not give up its position for some time. It will be damp throughout November and even in the first half of December. Unusual for December, + 8ºС in the daytime will become a significant obstacle to the timely formation of snow cover. Winter will come into its own closer to December 20 to decorate the capital with a fluffy white snow for the New Year celebration.
Forecast for New Year's Eve 2020
Long-term weather forecast promises a little snow and a sharp drop in temperature for the New Year 2020 in Moscow.
After a comfortable temperature for walking and outdoor activities at zero temperature, New Year’s –4ºС during the day and -9ºС at night can make many abandon the idea of meeting 2020 in the open air. Although, the authorities of the capital will provide all the necessary residents and guests of Moscow who want to see the New Year fireworks and celebrate the New Year at one of the open skating rinks of the capital.
For more information on where you can have a great rest, have dinner and have fun in the capital on December 31, read the article “New Year 2020 in Moscow».
Weather for the Christmas holidays 2020
If the weather on New Year 2020 itself will meet guests with moderate frosts, then the first week of January and Christmas in the Moscow region promise to be really cold.
The temperature peak will continue until Sunday (January 5). At night, frosts will approach -20ºС, rising only to -13 ºС in the daytime.
Judging by the forecast of weather forecasters, the weather in Moscow for Christmas in 2020 will be really severe, although within the limits of the climatic norm of the region.
Warming is expected from January 8th. The anticyclone will bring with it a temperature increase of -3ºС during the day and precipitation in the form of snow. According to the weather forecaster, the ideal period for walking around the winter capital is from January 8 to 15, but already in the middle of the month a sharp cooling is expected with extreme night frosts down to -25ºС.
Where to go in bad weather?
Of course, it is important to know what the weather will be like in Moscow for New Year 2020 when planning a trip. But, you should not make a decision, starting exclusively from synoptic forecasts.
First, long-term forecasts very often turn out to be erroneous. Secondly, there are many places in Moscow where it will be warm, cozy and incredibly fun even in the harshest winter weather. While a blizzard rages outside the windows, we suggest visiting:
- museums, theaters, concerts and exhibitions;
- cozy cafes and restaurants;
- indoor pool;
- Botanical Garden;
- aquarium
- exoterrarium;
- shopping and entertainment centers.
In the daytime, you can have a great time in the snowy parks and on the ice rinks, where children and adults will find a lot of the most incredible entertainment, foot-courts with festive delicacies, hot tea and New Year's souvenirs.
For the most persistent, who are not afraid of the real Moscow winter, the award will be a magnificent salute, which will traditionally be held on New Year's Eve, marking the arrival of the New Year 2020.
In anticipation of the New Year holidays in 2020, we suggest recalling. what was New Year's Moscow last season.
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