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Orthodox Christians will observe the many-day Petrov Lent in 2020, traditionally a week after the Trinity. Priests say that during this period one should not only limit oneself to food and completely abandon animal products, but also purify oneself spiritually, pray, and repent of one's sins.
Petrov or the Apostolic Lent is not as strict as the Great; nevertheless, there are a number of restrictions that believers must observe. To fast properly, it is important to know what you can eat and what prohibitions exist.
When it will be?
According to church canons, the Apostolic Lent lasts until July 12, but the beginning does not have a fixed date. The fact is that it begins on Monday, a week after the Trinity or on the 57th day after the Light holiday - Easter. In this regard, abstinence from meat food can last from 8 to 42 days.
Important! To calculate the number of days when the post of Peter begins in 2020, it is enough to know the date of the celebration of the Trinity. Since the holiday falls on June 7, the post will last from June 15 to July 12, 2020, that is, 27 days.
Believers fast before the feast of reverence for the memory of the apostles Peter and Paul, which is celebrated on July 12. Usually, you can eat any food on a public holiday, but if it falls on Wednesday or Friday, then you should refuse animal products, but serving fish is allowed.
History of occurrence
The exact date of the occurrence of the Peter Lent is unknown, although this happened in ancient times. The first mention of it is back in the III century. Now people fast to purify spiritually before the feast dedicated to the apostles Peter and Paul, but this was not always the case. Abstinence from meat products in June was often called a compensation post. The fact is that initially it was observed by people who, for medical or other reasons, could not fast before Easter.
The tradition was established to refrain from meat and dairy dishes in Rome and Constantinople, when temples were erected in these cities in honor of the pious apostles. July 12 (according to the old calendar - June 29) was a holiday dedicated to the disciples of Jesus Christ, since that day one of the temples was consecrated. Later among the Christians, respect for the memory of saints was established by restricting food, carnal pleasures and prayer.
Interesting! There is an opinion that in ancient Russia Petrov post was introduced to eradicate various summer rites that were held after the Trinity.
Basic nutrition
In the Apostolic Lent, the following products should be completely abandoned:
- any kinds of meat - chicken, beef, pork, lamb, etc .;
- dairy products - milk, sour cream, cottage cheese, hard cheese, kefir, etc .;
- chicken and quail eggs.
When compiling a diet, it is important to adhere to the following rules:
- On Mondays, hot dishes should be prepared, but even vegetable oil cannot be added to them. It can be vegetable stews, steam cutlets from potatoes, carrots and other vegetables, cereal soups, etc.
- On Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays, you can add fish to the vegetable diet. You can use it in any form - stewed, fried, salted, smoked. It is allowed to use fish for cooking first and second courses, salads, appetizers. Hot dishes are prepared using vegetable oil.
- On Wednesdays and Fridays, only raw and cold dishes are allowed. The diet these days usually consists of bread, salads, fresh vegetables and fruits.
Since Petrov's post always falls during the summer period, problems with its observance usually do not arise, since the season of fresh vegetables and fruits is in full swing. For cooking lean dishes, you can use mushrooms, cereals, legumes, canned fish, vegetable preparations and pickles (if left over from winter). At the weekend, it is allowed to consume red wine in small quantities, and other types of alcohol should be discarded.
Important! On Christmas of John the Baptist, which is celebrated on July 7, it is allowed to eat fish and drink wine in small quantities, regardless of what day of the week it falls.
Major prohibitions and restrictions
People fast in order to cleanse the soul. It is important not only to limit oneself in food, but to adhere to a number of other rules:
- At the time of fasting should abandon the fun and entertainment. You can’t go to clubs and discos, listen to loud music, read entertainment books and magazines, watch TV.
- Noisy companies and feasts must be avoided.
- It is not advisable to cut hair, otherwise it can become rare.
- You should refuse to drink alcohol and other bad habits.
- It is important to maintain good relations with other people, not to engage in quarrels and scandals.
- We need to pray every day, go to church for services, fill the soul with bright and positive energy.
The church permits strictly not to fast, but it is important to pay attention to spiritual purification. Restriction on food will be meaningless if a person’s thoughts are filled with negative energy, he will be overwhelmed by anger and irritation, he will come into conflict with other people.
After observing Petrov's fast in 2020, believers will be able to undergo the rite of Unification. It includes anointing with oil to attract God's grace on a person suffering from disease.
Can I get married?
Modern youth rarely adheres to traditions and adheres to the church calendar when planning a wedding celebration. According to church charters, weddings during the period of Apostolic Lent are prohibited. It will be necessary to refuse a wedding if a wedding is planned. Holding this ceremony is prohibited. It is better to move the celebration to the second half of July or the first half of August.
Important! You can baptize a child at any time. If christening is held in fasting, you should abandon the lush celebration and fun. Only lean dishes should be present on the table.
Knowing the numbers at which Petrov will be fasting in 2020, you will be able to correctly build your plans and prepare to cleanse your soul through abstinence from food and other earthly pleasures, prayer and repentance of sins.
See video about the traditions and rules for observing the Petrovsky post:
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