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- World premiere: 2020
- Premiere in Russia: 2020
- Country of Origin: USA
- Genre: fiction, action, comedy
- Producer: Jason wrightman
- Cast: unknown yet
It was enough to have one not very informative minute teaser (without music and demonstration of characters), as the film “Ghostbusters 3” became one of the most anticipated in 2020. The audience just saw the old garage and the flickering bumper of the legendary car with a sticker with the image of a crossed ghost. And that was enough.
Filming is still ongoing, and it is not even known which actors will star in the sequel to the acclaimed blockbuster. But there are already assumptions. They say that this will be a story about a brave four teenagers, which is very logical. Men were in the first part (1984), women in the second (2016). There are only children left. A brave detachment will come out to fight ghosts and will try to clear them of not only the city, but also the world. After all, who knows, maybe this time it will be a whole ghostly mafia.
It is not clear who these teenagers will be. Children of the heroes of the first part? Their grandchildren or just students? Or will it turn out to be a story about how Peter, Raymond, Dana and Egon got into the past? We learn in 2020. The exact release date will be known later.
The story of the "Hunters"
The first film about Ghostbusters was released in 1984 and was a staggering success at the time. With a cost of about $ 30 million, he raised nearly $ 240 million in the United States and another 340 worldwide. The audience liked the unusual fantastic action movie in which the heroes fight not with real criminals, but with representatives of the other world. For Bill Murray (Tutsi, 1982, Groundhog Day, 1993), this was another grandiose role, and Sigourney Weaver (Alien, 1992, Imitator, 1995), one might say, woke up famous.
In 1997, the self-titled American animated series based on the movie “Ghostbusters” was released, which also became popular due to the original plot, excellent humor and colorfully drawn ghosts. Children from all over the world delightedly stared at the next series and recognized the main musical theme of the cartoon from the first notes. And on the streets, instead of robber Cossacks, many began to play ghost hunters and ghosts.
Only by 2016, the second part of the film was released, which was not very successful largely due to the fact that women acted as the main characters. The gender experiment failed, and the film overcame the box office barrier only thanks to the charming comedian Melissa McCarthy (Catch a Fat Woman If You Can, 2013, Cops in Skirts, 2013), who played one of the hunters.
Film crew
Jason Wrightman (Juneau, 2007, Labor Day, 2013), the son of Ivan Wrightman (Beethoven, 1992 and 1993, Body Parts, 1997, Paranoia, 2007), directed Ghostbusters 3. who made the first film and was part of the writers of the second. Jason talked about the need to remove the male version of the sequel, even during the filming of the second part, and even then had some ideas. But the stubborn Paul Feig (the series "Sabrina is a little witch", 1996-2003, "A little pregnant", 2007) rejected them and bent his line. As a result, it cost him enormous additional costs, because he nevertheless embodied some ideas in the film, but already at the very end of the filming.
Wrightman Jr. decided to firmly take the third Ghostbusters into his own hands, so he acts not only as a director of the film, but is also a screenwriter and co-producer. Together with Gil Keenan (second screenwriter), Jason came up with an original story that would turn out to be very distinctive given that neither one nor the other had previous experience in writing scripts. But Gil Keenan was the director of paintings about the supernatural. Among his works are the series “Scream” (2015-2018), the films “Poltergeist” (2015) and “Monster House” (2006).
And where is Stranger Things?
Stranger Things or “Very Strange Things” (2016-2018) is an American science fiction series. It is on Netflix, so millions of people around the world have watched it. And there are rumors that Ghostbusters 3 may be a rip-off of this series, because the stories are similar. There, too, a group of teenagers gets stuck in situations related to other worlds and amazing monsters. But Ghostbusters is still a separate film with its own story and audience, so most fans still hope to see a continuation of the original version of “Hunters”.
Spectator Expectations
Ghostbusters fans are waiting for Ghostbusters 3 2020 as not just the next part of the trilogy (and especially not a reference to Stranger Things), but as a real independent mystical thriller. Humor is, of course, great, but many want the film to become more serious. Expectations are associated with special effects, which for 4 years have reached a high level. And if the picture comes out also in 3D, it will be very cool.
Some love Ghostbusters in the first or second movie. Others remember the animated series. Both those and others will look forward to the new "Hunters", because it is interesting to see what they have become now. The audience is also waiting for the aged Bill Murray (the role of Peter) and Dan Aykrod (the role of Raymond). Actor Harold Ramis, who played the third hunter - Igon - unfortunately, died back in 2014.
Teaser trailer Ghostbusters - 3:
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