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If you want to arrange a bright unforgettable holiday and organize a carnival party for the New Year 2020, you can make New Year's masks with your own hands. This will not only save money, but also give full play to imagination. If desired, you can create any image you like. Especially like this action for children of any age.
Felt mouse
2020 will be dedicated to the Rat, so the mouse mask will be appropriate for the holiday. This is an opportunity to position the Mistress of the year. Well, such an accessory is suitable for children, as it is made of soft material, so it will not rub or interfere. Make it easy.
Tools and materials:
- felt pink, gray and black;
- thread and needle;
- scissors;
- cardboard or heavy paper;
- rubber.
Manufacturing Technique:
- First make a template out of cardboard or paper. Print the selected picture or draw it yourself. It is important that it is symmetrical.
- Cut out two main elements (head) from gray felt. Cut ears out of pink felt and black nose.
- Sew together the main elements, stepping back from the edge of 2 mm. This can be done manually or by typewriter. When sewing manually, make sure the stitches are the same length.
- Then sew the ears and nose, sew the mustache from the threads.
- It remains only to attach the gum.
You can give free rein to fantasy and decorate the mouse as you wish. All parts do not have to be sewn. For fastening, you can use hot glue.
Advice! From felt, you can sew not only a mouse mask, but also other animals - a hare, a teddy bear, wolves, toads, etc. It is a good option if you need to prepare a certain image for a matinee at school or kindergarten.
From paper and cardboard
The easiest way to make a mask from cardboard. You can stop the choice on a rat or mouse, or choose another animal that you like. If you don’t have the ability to draw, do not get upset. In this case, you can use the templates for New Year's masks to create the desired image for the New Year 2020.
How to make a mask of a mouse or other animal from paper is described below:
- Pick up a template and print it on the printer.
- Cut out with scissors. Cut holes for the eyes.
- Since thin paper easily tears, it is advisable to stick the blank onto cardboard. Cut off excess cardboard.
- Make holes for the elastic with a puncher.
- If you use a black and white template, then color it as you wish.
- Tie an elastic band or thin satin ribbons to tie.
Advice! Paper masks are fragile and short-lived. So that they do not tear in the first minutes of the holiday, paste over them with ordinary stationery tape.
From plastic plates
Cute animal masks, including mice or rats, can be made from improvised materials. Good for these purposes are plastic plates. Minimum time spent and materials used and excellent results.
Materials and tools:
- plastic plate;
- watercolor or gouache;
- PVA glue or hot glue;
- colored paper or cardboard;
- felt-tip pens;
- the cloth;
- Thin elastic or ice cream stick.
Manufacturing Technique:
- First, cut openings for the eyes in a plastic plate. If necessary, cut off the excess depending on the selected animal.
- Make ears, nose, and other details out of cardboard or paper. A mustache can be drawn with a felt-tip pen.
- Paint the plate in a suitable color and leave it for a while until it is completely dry.
- Use glue to fix prepared cardboard elements.
- Decorate your accessory with satin ribbons, felt or other materials.
- Punch holes on the sides for the elastic. Instead of gum at the bottom, you can stick an ice cream stick. The disadvantage of this accessory is that it must be worn in the hand.
Mouse mask cap
For a child in kindergarten or school, you can make a cap of foam rubber. The process is time-consuming, but the result is amazing.
Materials and tools:
- foam rubber 2 cm thick;
- glue "Moment";
- scissors;
- pencil;
- ruler;
- gouache;
- brushes for painting;
- manual spray gun.
Manufacturing Technique:
- From a foam rubber cut a rectangular piece. Its length should correspond to the circumference of the child’s head, and a height of about 20 cm.
- Then, in the upper part, draw triangles 9 cm high with a step of 6-7 cm. Cut the triangles along the drawn lines.
- Gently apply Moment glue around the edge. Use yellow waterproof glue. Leave for 2-3 minutes, and then begin to glue, otherwise the glue will corrode the foam.
- When the base hat is ready, cut a circle with a radius of 16 cm from the foam rubber. Cut a quarter of the circle and glue the circle into a cone. Next, bend a little to get a nose bridge, and the tip should be bent 3-4 cm.
- To make the cheeks, cut out two circles of 12 cm. Glue a quarter of the circle inside to make a figure that looks like a cone.
- Cut out the ears and lower lip (in a semicircle). Fix all elements with glue on a hat.
- It remains only to decorate the finished mask. On large areas, spray gouache diluted with water using a spray gun. Paint the rest with a brush.
Papier mache rat mask
A realistic rat can be made using the papier-mâché technique. The process will require available materials. Production is quite long and takes time, but the result is worth it. If you have at least a little patience and perseverance, you must definitely make such a nice accessory for a party or matinee.
Materials and tools:
- balloon;
- wallpaper glue or paste;
- Newspapers
- the cloth;
- petroleum jelly or cream;
- scissors;
- knife;
- nylon mesh;
- felt-tip pens and paints;
- old tulle for lining;
- thick paper or whatman paper.
Manufacturing Technique:
- Inflate the balloon so that it is larger than the head of a person. The mask should be easy to put on.
- Spread the ball with petroleum jelly or cream so that the paper does not stick to it.
- Cut the newspaper into small strips. Blot them in glue solution and glue the ball from almost all sides.
- Apply paper in 5-6 layers to make the base strong enough.
- Leave the workpiece to dry. When the paper dries well on top, lower the ball and dry the workpiece inside, you can use a hairdryer.
- Cut openings for the head and eyes. Large holes can be made for the eyes, later they are sealed with a nylon mesh.
- Make a cone out of paper and glue it to the workpiece.
- Now you need to sheathe the entire blank with a suitable fabric. You can use old things. Make ears out of fabric. To make them stand well, insert cardboard inserts or pieces of wire inside.
- Make nose, eyes and other details. Glue the fringe from the fabric cut into thin strips from below.
- In order for a large ball of newspapers to hold tightly on your head, you need to sew an insert from tulle. You can also use an old cotton t-shirt.
- Cut a rectangle 2/3 of the width of the circumference of the cut out hole for the head and a height equal to the height of the workpiece. Gather the upper part with thread.
- Sew on the upper part, and sew on the bottom, but so that the lining is located on the back and sides.
Such a mask is well suited for a life-size doll. It’s enough to sew a jumpsuit or choose an outfit of a suitable gray color.
Carnival masks
For the New Year's carnival, you can easily make masks yourself. The main thing is to stock up on various decorative materials and creative inspiration. Such an accessory will add sophistication to the image, but at the same time allow it to remain unrecognizable at the party.
Materials and tools:
- thick cardboard;
- glue;
- scissors;
- hole puncher;
- rubber;
- paints;
- rhinestones, feathers, pebbles, lace and other decor for decoration.
Manufacturing Technique:
- Make a cardboard base. You can pre-print the template, and then transfer it to thick paper.
- Paint the workpiece in the desired color. You can use gouache or acrylic paint, which is durable. To give a festive note, you can use gilding or bronze.
- Using hot melt adhesive, PVA glue or “Moment”, glue lace, rhinestones, sequins, pebbles and other decorations.
- If desired, glue the colored feathers on the side or in the middle.
- Punch holes for the elastic on the sides of the hole punch. In addition, fix the holes with hot glue so that the cardboard does not tear.
- Tie a rubber band. Stylish carnival mask is ready.
Choose your favorite option and create.
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