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The State Duma has long promised to increase the minimum wage in Russia. Will the next order be a gift for the New Year 2020 or will the promises remain promises?
What will the minimum salary be in 2020?
In accordance with Federal Law No. 421 “On Amending Certain Legislative Acts” of December 28, 17 from January 1, 2019 onwards, each year the minimum possible wage is set depending on the cost of living (working class) of the able-bodied population for the second quarter of the previous year . That is, when calculating the new wages of workers for 2020, they took the PM value for the second quarter of 2019.
Accordingly, by Order of the Ministry of Labor No. 561 of 08/09/19,minimum wage in Russia in 2020 will be 12130 rubles. Compared with the current, equal to 11280 rubles, wages from January 1 will increase by 7.5% (850 rubles). In accordance with Article 133 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, such a level of “minimum wage” is established from January 1, 2020 in all regions of the country. In some regions (for example, the Far North), a premium factor is additionally taken into account. On the territory of Vladivostok and other similar entities, “northern”, “Ural” coefficients are charged.
Regional minimum wage cannot be lower than the established federal value, but it can be higher. Such a decision in the regions is made by the tripartite commission on social and labor relations (RTK). At the same time, the subsistence minimum established at the regional level and the conditions of the socio-economic environment in a particular territory of residence are taken into account. For example, in Moscow the minimum wage is equal to 20,195 rubles, and in the Moscow and Tula regions it is 14,100 rubles. In the Pskov, Lipetsk, Kaluga and other regions, the monthly amount of work will not be lower than 12130 rubles.
The minimum possible wage will be paid only to those who have fully fulfilled the set norm!
In addition, it is important to consider personal income tax. The employer accrues wages in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Labor No. 561, but the employee receives money minus income tax. So far, its size in accordance with Article 224 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation is 13%. That is, the worker will be given 10,576 rubles.
Pay according to the minimum wage
Some other payments depend on the minimum wage in Russia. A sick leave, or temporary disability allowance, maternity or childcare allowance in 2020 should be calculated in accordance with the new minimum wage.
If a worker had no earnings or his pay for labor was less than 12130 rubles for the month when he fell ill, then for calculating sick pay take the average daily earnings.
It is calculated by the formula:
the new fixed wage x 24 months / 730 days (the number of days for 2 years).
The result is an amount of 398.79 rubles. It must be multiplied by the number of days in which the employee was ill.
The new salary is also taken into account if the employee fell ill in 2019 and closed the sick-list in 2020, but his experience was less than six months.
Maternity and parental leave up to 1.5 years
The same average daily earnings are taken into account when calculating maternity. However, one of the conditions must be met here:
- No earnings in the billing period.
- Average earnings below the minimum monthly.
- The insurance period before the decree does not exceed 6 months.
If a pregnant employee went on maternity leave in 2019, and maternity leave ends in 2020, the minimum wage 2020 is taken into account. If a woman went on maternity leave up to 1.5 years old in 2020, but not received a salary or her daily earnings were below the average for the new minimum wage, the calculation of benefits takes into account the minimum wage for 2020.
If a woman went on maternity leave in 2019, the benefit is not recalculated.
How to increase
Accountants have 2 options for registering salary increases: increase salaries and make allowances. The first requires regular bureaucratic delays: it is necessary to draw up an order to increase the salary of all employees, update the staff list, labor contracts.
The second option is much simpler: they draw up a separate order for an additional allowance in accordance with the difference between the past and future minimum wage.
Raising the minimum wage for workers will happen legally. Therefore, it is important to ensure that each employee receives the amounts due to him.
More about the minimum wage in 2020: video
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