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The purpose of pension allowance depends on many factors, including the cost of living established in a particular region. In 2020, the minimum pension in Moscow and the Moscow Region will be recalculated depending on the approved minimum wage and inflation. In addition, additional allowances are envisaged in the capital, which in 2020 will also be revised upwards.
Cost of living of a pensioner
The Government of the Russian Federation is currently implementing one of the most ambitious projects - pension reform. According to the country's leaders, its main goal is to ensure a decent standard of living for citizens after they stop working. According to the approved plans, pensions will be increased annually by an average of 1000 rubles at the expense of federal and regional budgets within the indexation. Also, the cost of a retirement point will increase. In 2020, its price will be 93 rubles. At the same time, the experience for calculating the insurance pension must be at least 11 years, and the number of points - at least 18.6.
In the future, it is also planned to increase the cost of a pension point: in 2021 - about 98 p., In 2022 - 104 p.
The insurance pension is calculated on the basis of the accumulated length of service as a citizen of the Russian Federation and the accumulated pension points, as well as other indicators (benefits, severity of working conditions, etc.). If the amount received is less than the pensioner's subsistence minimum (PSP), then the citizen can apply for an additional payment for his insurance or social pension through the bodies of social services. Surcharge is made from the regional budget.
MPM is established individually for each region by the local government. In Moscow, this indicator is regulated by a separate law and approved by the Moscow City Duma with the signature of Mayor Sergei Sobyanin. For 2019, this law was dated October 31, 2018. The size of the MMM in it was determined at 12,115 rubles. An official document for 2020 is also expected to be published at the end of October 2019.
In the Moscow region, the MPM level is approved by members of the Moscow Regional Duma as a separate law. For 2019, the minimum pension in the Moscow region was set at 9908 rubles.
The PMP indicator is analyzed every year and varies depending on price increases and inflation. In 2020, according to the Federal Budget Law, inflation is projected at 3.8%. Accordingly, the "minimum" for pensioners will be:
- 12 616 rubles - for the capital;
- 10,284 rubles - for the suburbs.
The annual indexation of pensions is no longer tied to inflation. The government’s strategy suggests that it should exceed inflation indicators to create a decent level of retirement benefits in the future. In 2019, insurance pensions increased by 7.05%. In 2020, according to Elena Bibikova, deputy. Chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Social Policy, the indexation percentage will be set at 6.6. That is, this figure will be taken into account when recalculating benefits from January 1, 2020.
However, indexing applies only to non-working pensioners. Those citizens who continue to work while receiving retirement benefits should not expect increases from the new year.In Russia, it is still allowed to continue to carry out labor activities and at the same time receive a pension, but it will not be indexed until a person quits all workplaces.
Working retirees can only rely on an annual recalculation in August 2020. Pensioners who worked in 2019 will be credited with points earned by them over the past period. This will increase the total amount of the insurance pension.
City social standard for pensioners in Moscow
In Moscow, there is the concept of the City Social Standard (GSS), which regulates the minimum income level for pensioners of the capital. The standard of living in Moscow is much higher than in other regions of Russia. This is characterized not only by high salaries, but also by high prices for goods and services. Therefore, the GSS determines the optimal amount that a resident of the capital should receive in order to satisfy his needs.
From the regional budget, pensioners are paid an additional payment up to the GSS level, however, not everyone can draw it up. The main criterion in this case is the period of residence in Moscow. If a person officially lives in the capital (has a permanent registration) for 10 years or more, he can count on this surcharge. Otherwise, its payments can be limited only to standard charges.
From September 1, 2019, the GSS increased to 19,500 rubles (2000 compared to previous data). This was officially stated by Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin. Recalculation of payments is automatic, therefore, citizens in the fall of 2019 will be able to receive a minimum pension with an increased city surcharge.
Making a surcharge on the basis of the SCAC
Non-working recipients of an insurance pension, as well as working pensioners, are entitled to receive additional payments up to the City Social Standard of Moscow. Moreover, the latter should apply to the following categories of citizens:
- invalids and participants of the Second World War;
- disabled people of I and II groups
- disabled people of group III, provided that they combine work with the formation of a full-time education system;
- recipients of a social pension in case of loss of breadwinner (applies to pensioners over 18 years of age).
Surcharge to the GSS is assigned only to those Muscovites who have permanent registration in the capital for at least 10 years.
To receive a city supplement, you will need to provide the following documents:
- application for a special sample (download the form for notworking and working retirees);
- certificate confirming the accrual of a pension (SNILS or other document);
- Help, which indicates the level of payments received;
- confirmation of the required registration period in the capital, if it is not indicated in the passport.
You can apply for a supplement at the My Documents public services center (remote pre-registration is provided) or online at the official portal of the Moscow Mayor
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Why leveling is going on, if you worked all your life in the north, not seeing the sun and resting in the warmth they equalize.I believe that northerners and especially sailors in the far north should have at least 2 or 3 times more pension than Muscovites