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Lunar calendar haircuts for August 2020

If you monitor the condition and growth of hair, then you need a lunar calendar of haircuts for August 2020. The phases of the moon this month have a great influence on hair growth, so if you often experiment with hair, be careful. In addition, on some days of August, cutting is contraindicated, since such manipulations will not only negatively affect the length of the hair, but also on their condition (they will thin out and cut off faster).

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Haircuts calendar for August 2020

Astrologers agreed that August is a suitable period for cutting, dyeing and healing hair. Check out the astrological recommendations for when to cut your hair in August 2020, and choose a favorable day just for your purpose. This will provide the hair with not only a flow of energy, but also find a spiritual balance with the outside world.

It is important to figure out when to cut hair in August 2020, as this month has many favorable days for this, but each of them has different positive properties.

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The most important dates for appearance in July

If you carefully monitor your hair, then for this you need to not only use special tools to improve them, but also monitor the phases of the moon. Examine the lunar calendar and note for yourself the most favorable days for a haircut in June 2020. Suitable numbers for changes in appearance: August 1, 10 and 20. It is during this period that you can saturate your hair with positive energy and give it a healthy look.

See video about when to cut hair:

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