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At the moment, the US Government is holding a Green Card Lottery for all interested parties - a traditional draw in which a victory can open a way for people to the territory of America. Among other countries, Russia was allowed to participate in this landmark event. Despite the fact that applications are accepted now, in 2018, the final results will not be known until 2020. So what needs to be done to participate in DV Lottery-2020, and what benefits and privileges will the lucky one expect if they win?
On May 7, 2019, the results of the lottery became known, so below we will consider how to check the results of the lottery and prepare for an interview.
Essence, purpose, opportunities
The Green Card 2020 lottery is part of the annual US Visas for Foreigners of Different Nationalities program, which is led by the US Department of State (the actual Department of the Interior). The official name of the draw is "Electronic Diversity Visa Lottery" (hence the abbreviation "DV Lottery"), which can be translated as "Electronic Visa Lottery to create diversity." The fact is that the target audience of this event is precisely “Diversity immigrants” - potential “immigrants” from such states with which the USA had underdeveloped migration ties in the past.
It is to correct the current situation that the distribution of Green Cards in 2018-2020 is aimed. This document will allow its holder (a representative of a developing country, which is the Russian Federation) to freely move to America and get a job here on completely legal grounds. Despite the fact that the “green card” will not make a person a US citizen (that is, he will not be able to vote in the elections for the candidate he likes and participate in some types of social and commercial activities), it will provide him with the fullness of civil rights, namely :
- Opportunity to receive education under a special program with the support of the government (i.e. with a discount on tuition fees).
- The ability to stay in the United States legally for an unlimited time. At the same time, it will not be possible to leave the country for more than six months.
- An opportunity to apply for a pension after 10 years of official labor.
- The ability to use reduced credit rates and arrange loans with American banks according to simplified schemes.
- The ability to open your own business in the USA, etc.
All about the current draw
The U.S. government allocated 50,000 Green Cards for the 2018-2020 draw. This number of visas will be equally distributed between 6 geographical regions: Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, Oceania, South and Central America. For each participating country, no more than 7% of the total number of “green cards” will be issued (i.e. approximately 3,500 state certificates).
The registration of applications for the Green Card Lottery 2020 has already begun - the start was given on October 3, 2018 at 12:00 Eastern Standard Time. Do not think that there is no more opportunity to participate in this event.Registration of participants will end only on November 6 at 12:00 Eastern Standard Time. Subsequently, the acceptance of applications for the Lottery will be closed - a person who has not had time to submit his documents before this hour will not be able to try his luck to win the Green Card in 2020.
However, filing an application to participate in the draw is still only half the battle. Further, namely in the period from May 7, 2019 to September 30, 2020, a person will need to regularly go to the official website of the US State Department and scroll down the page to the “Check Status” button. Here you will need to enter the necessary information over and over: the confirmation number, which will be issued to the participant immediately after filling in the initial application, his surname and date of birth. Only in this way will a person be able to get an answer to the question of whether he was among the lucky holders of the treasured Green Card, or if the system that selects the winners of the Lottery 2020 in an arbitrary order, this time bypassed him. It is important to repeat the procedure for checking the status of your application repeatedly - the fact is that if any of the winners refuses to win, his certificate will be raffled between the participants again.
The US government declines its obligation to work directly with potential “settlers”. No one will directly notify a person that the dates for the Green Card 2020 Lottery are drawing to a close, explaining to him the requirements for filling out an application or notifying them of the winnings - the entire procedure, from beginning to end, the participant will need to go through independently.
Preparing to fill out the questionnaire
To participate in the draw it is not enough to know the dates on which the filing of documents begins and ends. You must also understand that the Green Card Lottery in 2020, as in all years earlier, will be held:
- completely in English;
- exclusively in electronic format.
So a person who wants to submit his application will need to be especially careful and cautious - firstly, in order not to accidentally make a mistake in the questionnaire, and secondly, not to run into scammers who activate after the launch of DV Lottery.
The lottery is held on the official website of the US State Department (U.S. Department of State). It is important to ensure that the .gov extension is at the end. Other extensions (.com, .net, etc.) point to fake (fake) resources, the purpose of which is to enrich money at the expense of gullible users. Application and participation in the official DV Lottery-2020 is completely free.
Each participant in the drawing must meet two basic conditions. It:
- citizenship in the Lottery member country (the Russian Federation, as well as other countries of the post-Soviet space, are included in this list);
- the presence of either a certificate of completed secondary education, or a two-year seniority in the chosen specialty over the past 5 years.
However, even those who do not have a certificate of completion of a secondary school course have a chance to participate in DV Lottery-2020. The US Department of State provides an opportunity to try their luck to those people who may be potentially useful in America as specialists in their fields.
To check their own professional demand in the United States, a person will need to use the service, where for each type of activity its own indicator SVP or Classification of vocational training is calculated. A person without a certificate of completion of secondary education must work 2 years out of the last 5 years in the direction for which the O * Net OnLine service has set the level of professional training from 7.0 and higher. Overcoming this border means that a specialist of this profile will be in demand in America.
So, a person could not finish a high school course and not get a certificate, but devote a lot of time to independent study of computer programming. As a result, one of the employers even agreed to take such a specialist to an official position in his company.Having worked in the organization for over 2 years, the programmer decided to try his luck in the Green Card drawing. To test his professional relevance, he:
- I went to and clicked on the phrase “Find Occupations” (top left).
- I found the Job Family section in the menu that opened, where I focused on the field of my activity - Computer and Mathematical.
- I got acquainted with SVP for a specific specialty “Computer Programmers” - from 7.0 to 8.0.
- Fill out the application form for participation in the Green Card Lottery on a common basis, as I had every right to do so.
It is important! When filling out the questionnaire, a person does not need to confirm their compliance with the two main conditions of the drawing, which include the origin from the country participating in the competition and the presence of a certificate (or, as a substitute option, working professional suitability). This will need to be done only by the winners of the Lottery during the passage of a mandatory interview with the consul.
Application Form
The average time for filling out an electronic application form for participation in the 2020 Green Card Lottery is about 20-30 minutes. The maximum time allotted by the system for this procedure is 1 hour. If a person does not fit into this framework, the site will be rebooted, and the user will have to start the whole process all over again. Enter data in digital form will need exclusively in Latin. Here are the graphs that the participant will need to fill out after clicking the “Begin Entry” button:
Important fact! When taking into account the number of children, it is necessary to consider both biological and adopted sons and daughters who have not yet reached the age of 21 years and who are not members of an officially registered union (i.e. unmarried / unmarried). It is also necessary to take into account the child of his current spouse from another marriage. If the child permanently resides in the United States or is a citizen of this state at all, then he should not be considered.
Special requirements are presented to the photograph, which must be attached to the electronic document. It must be done no later than 6 months before submitting the form. The photo should demonstrate the actual appearance of the person at the current moment in time, and also meet the following criteria: neutral background, good focus, direct position of the posing head, lack of glasses and / or headgear. Technical requirements for a photo on a Green Card in 2020: JPEG format, size up to 240 KB, head height from 50% to 69% of the total image height, resolution 600x600 pixels and color depth of 24 bits.
On the second page, the user will need to specify information about their closest relatives - the spouse and children, by downloading their photos. This is necessary because if one person wins, “green cards” will be distributed to his family members (wife / husband, biological and adoptive daughters / sons).
After filling in all the columns, the system will provide the user with the opportunity to check the form before it is finally sent. If everything is done correctly, the person will have to click on the button "Continue" ("Continue"). The application will be sent for consideration. It will be no longer possible to submit a second form, because then the participant will be automatically disqualified. According to the US Department of State, about 35% of the questionnaires “drop out” of the contest annually due to errors in filling out.
Important fact! Any family member who meets the stated requirements can send their own personal application. In this case, each participant in the drawing will need to enter information about the next of kin separately in their profile. Thus, the chances of winning the Lottery are significantly increased among members of the same family, consisting of spouses and children.
In conclusion, the system will give the participant an individual confirmation number. It will be duplicated in a letter that will be sent to the user's email.This unique combination of numbers and letters will need to be preserved, as it is she who will receive information about winning or losing in the lottery.
How to check the results of the Green Card-2020 draw
On May 7, 2019 at 19.00, the results of the Green Card-2020 lottery became known, but not all participants in the drawing know how to quickly navigate and see their results.
Consider how you can check the results of the US visa lottery on the official website:
- You must go to the official website;
- Click Check Status, then Continue, and then enter in the upper field the number that you received when filling out the Lottery, in the second - only your last name (without a name), and in the lower - the year of birth. Below you will need to go through the captcha, and then click Submit.
If you suddenly forgot your number, or you don’t have it at hand, you can click below the first field of the Forgot Confirmation Number and enter the last name, first name, middle name, month / day / year of birth and email address. After that, a confirmation letter with the necessary lottery number should be sent to your email to verify the result.
If your number has not received a winning status, the notification will look as follows:
If you win, the notification will look like this:
However, after winning, you will need to go through a DV interview at the US Embassy and collect the necessary documents, after which you can get the Green Card 2020 and go to the United States of America.
First, fill out a DS-260 visa application form and send it to the US Department of State. And you need to do this as soon as possible, since the number of such visas is limited. And this means that not everyone will receive it.
After your profiles are processed (from 3 to 12 months), you will be assigned the date of the interview at the US Embassy. The most important thing is not to forget to check the notifications and not miss the date of the interview, since it will not be reassigned, and the application will be canceled.
Important! Before the interview, you must undergo a medical examination at one of the specially certified centers ..
For an interview you may need:
- The passport;
- Birth certificate;
- Diplomas and certificates confirming education;
- Employment history;
- Certificate of marriage or divorce;
- Military ID;
- Statement of account;
- Documents on the assessment of your property;
- Certificate of employment.
After a successful interview, the participant receives a Visa for a period of 6 months. In other words, you can enter the United States in the next 6 months, otherwise the Visa will be canceled.