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Pension reform, which started in Russia, also affected preferential pensions for health workers. In 2020, health workers who have earned the required length of service will not go on a well-deserved rest after years of service.
Since 2019, the standard of the introduced deferral has been in force. According to the scheme proposed by the government, the delay is annually increased by 12 months and will be 60 months by 2023. Based on the proposed changes, doctors and nurses who have earned the necessary preferential length of service by this time will use it after 5 years - in 2028.
For employees who have earned the required experience in 2020, an exception applies. They are entitled to a preferential pension 6 months ahead of schedule. This means that they will be assigned and paid social security benefits not after 2 years, but after 1.5. The countdown is from the moment of acquiring the required length of service.
Who aren't innovated?
Legislative innovations do not apply to specialists working in certain conditions:
- particularly harmful conditions - with radiologists and laboratory assistants in X-ray rooms;
- harmful working conditions - in employees of psychiatric, tuberculosis, oncological and infectious hospitals.
The rules for leaving and assigning pensions to these categories of health workers in 2020 will remain unchanged. Deferral does not apply to them. The basis is Federal Law No. 350, which entered into force on October 3, 2018.
Required Experience
Employees of medical institutions can count on early processing of state benefits, regardless of age and general work experience. The main requirement was and remains the experience of work in a medical institution. He is:
- 30 years for doctors working in the city;
- 25 years for doctors practicing in the countryside.
15 instead of 12 months
For employees in rural areas, 1 calendar year counts for 15 months of service. The same calculation algorithm applies to the following specialists:
- surgeons;
- pathologists;
- obstetrician-gynecologists;
- resuscitators;
- anesthetists;
- medical examiners;
- surgical nurses;
- nurses working in burn, tuberculosis and trauma departments.
Features of the calculation
When calculating a preferential pension for health workers in 2020, the general rules apply. First you need to accurately calculate the experience. If you are gaining 25 or 30 years, an employee can apply for an early exit for a well-deserved rest.
When calculating the amount of social security, a fixed payment and pension points are taken into account - the principle of calculation is the same for all categories of citizens. In addition to the size of the allowance, regional co-payments may be assigned. Their power factor in the regions, territories and districts is set independently, so the amounts can vary significantly.
Order of registration
Social payments are made out in a general manner. The sequence of actions is as follows:
- The beneficiary needs to collect all the necessary documents.
- Then write a statement on the appointment of pensions for seniority and apply to the PFR office.
- Wait for a decision.
The application is filed in several ways:
- Personal visit to the branch of the Pension Fund at the place of residence.
- Visit to the multifunctional center.
- Filing an application through the personnel department of a medical institution.
- Online appeal through the portal of public services.
The standard package of documents includes:
- passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
- employment history;
- confirmation of employment in a particular position from the place of work;
- certificate of average salary;
- Marriage certificate.
The list of documents can be clarified on the website or in the PFR office. The date of registration is the day of application.
How to be the staff of private clinics?
Employees of private medical centers have the right to apply for early exit and social security if they have sufficient work experience in the specialty and the employer makes contributions to the FIU every month.
A private institution must be registered in the manner prescribed by law, have the status of a legal entity and a license to provide medical (surgical) services. PF employees may require the provision of documents confirming the state registration of a legal entity.
Other privileges
The state provides other benefits to healthcare workers. Among them:
- Medical care at the place of work. It is paid by the employer.
- Shortened working day. The labor week is 24, 30, 33 or 36 hours (depending on the category of employee).
- Special meals for X-ray, surgery and resuscitation staff.
- Additional days for paid leave - from 14 to 35 days (depending on the place of employment).
- Surcharges and bonuses, the amount of which is established by the administration of a healthcare institution
Doctors practicing in rural areas are provided with accommodation. Pays for his local budget. After 10 years of experience at this place of work, the health worker has the right to reside permanently in this house or apartment, even after going on a well-deserved rest by length of service or age.
The list of additional incentives also includes: the provision of a land plot for individual housing construction, reimbursement of housing and communal services expenses, social mortgage.
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