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In 2020, the Muslim holiday of Eid al-Adha will be celebrated in all countries professing Islam. Celebrations are also held in Russia, but only in certain regions - Tatarstan, Dagestan, Ingushetia, Adygea and some other republics, as well as in Moscow. Nowadays, the holiday has acquired modern notes, although the main traditions of the Muslims have successfully preserved.
When it will be
The celebration of Eid al-Adha usually lasts 3 days, and in some countries, for example, in Saudi Arabia, it lasts up to 2 weeks. For Muslims, the holiday has a fixed date. It always starts at 10 Suhl-Hija and lasts until at least 12th. Due to the fact that Muslims live according to the lunar calendar, their year has 354 days. Due to the difference with the Gregorian calendar of 11-12 days, the holiday date in our usual format is constantly shifting.
Important! In 2020, Eid al-Adha will be celebrated from July 31 to August 2.
The date of the holiday is usually set by the Supreme Court of Saudi Arabia. Although some countries, such as India, Pakistan and Bangladesh, have their own calculation system. For this reason, the dates of Eid al-Adha in 2020 in different countries may vary slightly. The difference is usually 1-2 days.
From the Turkic language, the name translates as "holiday of the victim." The unusual name is due to the fact that the holiday is dedicated to the brave deed of the prophet Ibrahim. The Qur'an says that an angel appeared to him with a message from Allah, which stated that he should sacrifice his long-awaited and beloved son.
And although a stone lay on Ibrahim’s heart, he went with his son to the Mina Valley near Mount Arafat (now Mecca is there). Ismail wept bitterly, but obeyed his father. When everything was prepared for the sacrifice, and Ibrahim brought a knife to kill his son, Allah came down from heaven and said that the test was passed. A sheep was sacrificed. This is a case from the Holy Book and became the basis for the appearance of the holiday.
Arafat Day
The celebration of Kurban Bayram begins the day before. On the so-called Arafat Day, the Hajj ends. All pilgrims from Mecca walk to the mountain on foot. On average, the road takes about 7 hours. At the foot of the mountain, they must pray.
Before the pilgrimage, they must take a bath. It is believed that only near Mount Arafat can one receive God's blessing. On this day, people who practice Islam adhere to several rules:
- Fast throughout the day. They completely refuse food before sunset, and eat light food for dinner. The restriction does not apply to pilgrims and patients.
- Most of the time is devoted to prayers. Be sure to repent of all committed sins.
- Be sure to help people in need and do good deeds to atone for bad deeds.
Important! All actions must be sincere, go from the heart.
Traditions and customs
At Kurban Bairam, all people bathe, put on clean holiday clothes, and say takbir (short prayer). After this rite, everyone goes to the mosque for morning prayers, and the takbir is again uttered by the dear. They don’t usually have breakfast in the morning.
After prayer, a hutba sermon is read in the mosque, which necessarily begins with the glorification of Allah and Muhammad. After the imam tells the audience about the importance of the holiday and the sacrifice. Often a sermon is read in verse.
The main tradition of Kurban Bayram is sacrifice.Usually they perform the ceremony on the first day of the holiday, but it is allowed on other days. Sheep are usually sacrificed, less often cows or camels. A ram should be over 6 months old, a cow should be over 2 years old, and a camel should be 3 years old. Only healthy animals are allowed to be slaughtered.
Each family should sacrifice at least one ram, or even several animals, if the material condition allows. After meat is prepared according to a special recipe and is divided into three parts:
- The first part is intended for family members;
- the second part is given to the poor and needy;
- the third part is passed on to neighbors.
Often a community gathers at the same table, led by an imam. Sweet treats and other treats are also served on the table.
The skins of sacrificed animals are used for personal needs or given to a mosque.
Important! It is strictly forbidden to sell meat or skins of killed animals. They can only be distributed to people in need.
Holiday protests
In non-Muslim countries, they have a negative attitude towards Kurban Bayram. Animal advocates have repeatedly opposed it. Civil activists also held protests demanding its ban. They believe that public killing of animals can adversely affect the psyche of children.
In 2010, well-known figures in show business turned to the mayor of Moscow with a request to take measures to prevent ordinary Muscovites from seeing animal killings on the city streets. Since then, during the Muslim festival, sacrifices in crowded places and on the streets are no longer arranged. To avoid scandals, slaughter of animals is now carried out only in specially designated places. For example, in Moscow in 2018, 39 such sites operated.
Also see the report on the celebration of Eid al-Adha in Moscow in 2018:
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