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In 2020, Catholic Easter will traditionally be included in the list of the largest Christian holidays. Both children and adults are looking forward to it, as this day is filled with joy and good mood. Families get together. The festival intertwined religious and pagan traditions. Although the basis is the Resurrection of the Son of God, like Orthodox Christians, the date and tradition are different.
Celebration date
Typically, Catholic and Orthodox Easter do not coincide. An exception occurs every few years. In most cases, Catholics previously noted one of the most important events in Christianity. Initially, the Resurrection of Jesus Christ was celebrated on the same day as Passover. This is the name given to Passover, dedicated to the exit of Moses from the desert after a 40-day walk.
In 325, it was decided that Catholics and Orthodox would celebrate the Lord's Resurrection on the same day, but different calculation methods were adopted. Catholics celebrate the holiday on the first Sunday after the spring full moon. The beginning of spring is considered to be the equinox, that is, March 21. To find out what date Catholic Easter will be in 2020, it is not necessary to study the lunar calendar and make complex calculations. It is enough to glance at Easter, which spells out all the dates of the holidays associated with the Resurrection of the Son of God.
Important! In 2020, Catholics in Europe, the USA and South America will celebrate Easter on April 12th.
Customs and traditions
Over the millennia of the existence of the holiday, a number of traditions have been formed. The celebration begins with a visit to the temple. Divine services are held from Saturday. Priests sing praise songs, read the gospel, and pray constantly. All believers converge on worship. Painted and chocolate eggs, as well as other refreshments for blessing, are brought to the temple.
For a long time there has been a rite of ignition of a large candle - Easter. From her, all believers set fire to their candles, and then carry the sacred fire home after a joint campaign around the temple. It is important to bring him home, as he is able to protect all members of the household from evil forces. For this reason, the candle is reliably sheltered from the wind.
Colored eggs
Like Orthodox Christians, among Catholics the symbol of the holiday is an egg painted in red. The tradition has long roots and is connected with the case of the life of Mary Magdalena. When she learned about the resurrection of Jesus Christ, she began to tell everyone about this event. When a woman appeared before the ruler of Rome, Tiberius, he did not believe her and said that this could not happen, just as a white egg could not turn red. He picked up the egg, but it immediately turned red, after which he believed in a miracle.
Holiday dinner
Since Catholic Easter is a family holiday, in 2020, traditionally, all relatives will gather at the table. Mistresses will definitely cook meat dishes, pastries and other goodies. The traditions of the festive table are very different in different countries, although they often prepare cakes similar to Easter cakes in Orthodox Christians, but according to other recipes.
Easter bunny and chocolate eggs
Another tradition of Catholic Easter has pagan roots. This is an Easter bunny that brings chocolate eggs to children, but not to everyone, but only to those who obey their parents.Adults prepare a basket with chocolate eggs packed in multi-colored foil in advance, as well as chocolate and chicken rabbit figurines. Sweets are always hidden, and kids need to find refreshments.
It may seem surprising that a rabbit carries eggs, but there is a long legend. She says that the evil goddess Esther enchanted a chicken that carried chocolate eggs and turned it into a rabbit. Although the chicken, even in a new look, continued to carry sweet treats.
How to celebrate in different states
The traditions of the celebration of Catholic Easter differ in different states:
- In Germany, walk for two days - Sunday and Monday. Doors of apartments and houses must be decorated with Easter wreaths. This festive attribute and baskets with chocolate sweets are given to relatives or friends if they come to visit them.
- In Australia they make big chocolate eggs. The symbol of Easter is not a rabbit, but a local animal - bilby. Mistresses must bake lamb or beef and make magnificent buns.
- In Italy, the celebration begins with a greeting from the Pope, who speaks at St. Peter's Square in Rome. Who can’t personally witness this, is watching the broadcast on TV. Monday is the official day off. The Italians go to visit each other, have picnics.
- In France, the main symbol of the holiday is the bell. His ringing is heard on the street from all sides. The French always serve baked chicken, as well as chocolate desserts.
- In Great Britain on Good Thursday they are sure to give alms to the needy. On Sunday, the family gathers at the table and eats a lamb baked with vegetables. Traditional pastries are chocolate cake.
Catholics pay attention to the family at Catholic Easter. For children, they come up with games and fun entertainment. Adults share news and plans for the future.
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