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Winter is a time of active travels and pleasant walks in the fresh air. Therefore, the inhabitants of Volgograd, as well as tourists who are going to visit this city in the winter, are interested in the weather forecast. The article discusses the main climatic features of this area, as well as presents a detailed forecast for three months.
Characteristic climatic features of the region
Volgograd is a city located in the southeast of the European part of the Russian Federation. This city attracts residents of other areas with many attractions, especially fishing tourism is developing in the region. Volgograd is located in the zone of temperate continental climate. This region is characterized by sultry summers and warm winters. However, the weather in winter is quite changeable, therefore, severe frosts can suddenly change into a thaw, and heavy rains and snowfalls suddenly replace the clear sky.
Distinctive features of the climate in Volgograd are:
- air temperature in the winter is stabilized at a level of 4 to 6 degrees;
- periods of prolonged warming can be replaced by severe frosts. while the temperature can reduce to -20 degrees;
- the frequency of precipitation during the month does not exceed 40 mm.
In winter, cloudy weather prevails over sunny and cloudless days. When planning a trip, it should be borne in mind that the thaw can be replaced by a significant cooling, which is why ice and ice often form on roads and highways.
According to the Hydrometeorological Center, the climate of this region has changed significantly over the past few years. There is an increase in average air temperature by several degrees.
General forecast
Residents of the city, as well as tourists planning a trip for the winter, are wondering what will be the winter in Volgograd in 2019-2020. According to weather forecasters, winter this year will surprise with its changeable weather. In this case, warm weather will be replaced by a sudden cooling. In addition, snowfalls and blizzards are expected, which can last up to 48 hours.
Monthly forecast
In order to notify city residents and tourists in advance about weather conditions expected in Volgograd in the winter, the Hydrometeorological Center staff draw up a detailed monthly forecast.
December 2019
The end of autumn, as well as the first days of December, promise frosty weather, not typical for this region in this period. A sharp cooling is expected in the first half of the month, while the air temperature may drop to -32 degrees. However, the second half of December will delight residents of the city with warm and mild weather, conducive to long walks.
At the end of the month, plus temperature is also expected, so residents and guests of Volgograd will meet the New Year holidays without snowdrifts.
At the same time, a slight decrease in temperature during the night is possible, due to which ice will form on the roads.
January 2020
According to weather forecasts, the first half of January will stand out as usual warm in Volgograd. The thermometer column will show plus values, while the temperature can rise to 10 degrees. Also during this period, a significant amount of precipitation is expected in the form of rain and wet snow.
A cold snap is possible at the end of January, in the daytime the air temperature can drop to -8 degrees, and at night severe frosts are expected to -20 degrees.
February 2020
The cooling, which began in the second half of January, will continue in February. This month will delight residents and visitors of Volgograd with a real frosty winter, while regular precipitation in the form of snowfalls and snowstorms is forecasted. At the beginning of the month, the thermometer will show up to 10 degrees of frost.
The end of February will become warmer, the expected air temperature is 2 degrees Celsius, but at night it will drop to minus. Such weather conditions will continue until the second half of March. Therefore, residents should not wait for early spring in 2020.
UV Index
This indicator determines the intensity of ultraviolet radiation, which is the main cause of sudden warming. The expected indicator of this index in Volgograd in winter is 3. This value is normal and does not indicate deviations.
Thus, the winter in Volgograd will please both warm and mild weather, and severe frosts. Also, residents and tourists have time to enjoy snowfalls and snowstorms. At the same time, the temperature regime established at the end of February will remain stable until the end of March, so the winter is expected to be long in this region.
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