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Choose a direction for traveling around Russia in the cold months of 2019-2020 - find out what the coming winter will be in Stavropol, when is it better to visit this region, and on what days the forecast promises worsening weather, snowfalls, winds and severe frosts.
Geography and climate of the region
The territory of the Stavropol Territory is dominated by a temperate continental climate. The climatic features of the region are due to the proximity of two seas (the Black and Azov), as well as the features of the relief.
For Stavropol are characteristic:
- pronounced seasonality;
- long, moderately hot summers;
- moderately cold winters with short intervals of severe frosts and thaws;
- wind with gusts up to 30m / s;
- inconsistency and variability of weather conditions;
- formation of a stable snow cover in foothill areas;
- unstable snow cover on the plains.
It is better to understand what the upcoming winter of the 2019-2020 season in the Stavropol region will be, these basic facts about the climatic norms of the region will help:
1 | Average winter tºC | -4 to -5ºC |
2 | Possible frosts (within normal limits) | up to -30ºC |
3 | Absolute minimum for the region | -38ºC |
If we consider not the whole region but its central city - Stavropol, then the picture will be somewhat different. The geographical location of the settlement plays an important role in the formation of a milder climate than in the northern corners of the region. In particular, severe frosts are extremely rare here. The officially registered minimum for Stavropol is -28.3 ºC, which is almost 10 ºC higher than in the region.
A more accurate demonstration of climate change occurring in the city during the changing seasons of the year is made possible by the climatogram:
As you can see, the weather in the city in winter can be very diverse (from severe frosts to rain and freezing temperatures), so it is especially important when planning a trip to Stavropol for the New Year to inquire what the 2020 season promises to be.
Weather Forecasts
On the eve of the new heating season, the forecast for all regions of Russia was announced by the Hydrometeorological Center.
According to meteorologists, in the winter of 2020 the weather in the Stavropol Territory will be relatively mild, and the temperature in most cold months will stay within the normal climate range or even slightly higher.
In Stavropol itself, severe frosts are not expected. On the contrary, winter 2020 will be warm, which will prevent the formation of snow cover. Precipitation in the form of snow will be, but the positive temperature in the daytime will quickly turn everything into slush.
To enjoy the beautiful winter landscapes, guests and residents in the Stavropol region this season will have to go to the foothill areas (Dombai and Elbrus region).
For those who plan to visit popular health resorts (Essentuki, Zheleznovodsk, Kislovodsk or Pyatigorsk), the weather in the winter in the Stavropol region in the coming 2020 will more likely resemble late autumn.
Detailed monthly forecast
Of course, today it is still too early to talk about the weather on a specific date. Weather variability and the influence of processes occurring in the atmosphere due to global warming complicate the task of meteorologists even more. But, ultralong forecasts still exist, because they make it possible to understand what changes in weather conditions are possible in the region.
Important! Such predictions come true only by 60-80%, so you should not be upset now if bad weather is predicted on the date of the trip. Still can drastically change.
Nevertheless, let's see what weather in December 2019, as well as January and February 2020, promise to guests and residents of Stavropol.
December 2019
The first frosts with rain and wet snow will visit the Stavropol region in the month of November, but December will begin with warm and not at all winter weather. During the day, the air temperature will rise to +10 ºC and even higher.
Cooling will come to the region in the second half of the month. First, night frosts, wind and wet snow will let you know, and after that it will be clear (even sunny weather during the day), but the temperature will drop even lower to -8 ºC at night and -3 ºC during the day.
New Year's Eve Stavropol will meet, most likely, without snow. Light precipitation is expected on December 20-30. But the plus temperature on the 31st will destroy all the efforts of nature, leaving a dull grayness and slush, which with the advent of night frosts will cover the streets with a thin ice crust.
January 2020
Although January is traditionally considered the coldest winter month in Russia, the long-term forecast promises Stavropol stable positive weather, which is significantly higher than the average temperature (-4 ºC).
The first week of the new calendar year will be rainy, but already after Christmas, the autumn slush will be replaced by frost, accompanied by snow. The temperature will not drop to extremes, but the weather will allow residents to enjoy the snow for several days.
The next cold snap awaits the region in February 2020.
February 2020
The last month will demonstrate all the variability of climatic conditions of Stavropol. A tangible plus during the day and nighttime frosts (the peak can reach -15 ºC) will demonstrate everything that winter is capable of in this region.
Most of February, the sky will be hidden by clouds, but it will not snow often.
Even with the onset of calendar spring, night frosts will periodically return, bringing with them wet snow.
Now you know what the official Hydrometeorological Center and the long-term synoptic forecast promise. To better understand what the upcoming winter of 2019-2020 will be in the Stavropol region, folk signs will help.
Since ancient times, people have watched how plants and animals prepare for cold weather. The fact that winter will be really long and cold is said by such signs:
- uneven and late falling of leaves from trees;
- thick undercoat in wild animals;
- early departure of migratory birds;
- high anthills in the forests;
- abundant harvest of mountain ash, nuts and mushrooms;
- many brown layers on the bulbs of plants.
Of course, this is far from all the signs that are relevant for the Stavropol Territory. If you know how else you can predict what the coming winter will be in the southern latitudes, share the information in the comments. Let's check together whether omens work and whether meteorologists often make mistakes in their forecasts.
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