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If you plan to celebrate the New Year in Chelyabinsk or visit the region in December, January or February - find out what the official weather forecast says and what is the coming winter in 2019-2020 according to popular beliefs.
Geographical and climatic features of the region
Chelyabinsk is one of the coldest regions of Russia. In the winter months, air temperature here can drop to record low values, the first frosts come in September, and the formation of a stable snow cover occurs long before the onset of the calendar winter.
The climate of Chelyabinsk is significantly affected by the proximity of the Ural Mountains and the Mass River, as well as a significant distance from the seas and oceans. Since the region is located in the zone of temperate continental climate, its characteristic features are:
- pronounced seasonality;
- long harsh winters;
- short, not very hot summer;
- winter snowfalls, blizzards and snowstorms;
- steady snow cover;
- severe frosts.
Occasionally, during the winter months, short thaws are observed, during which frosts are slightly weakened, but the temperature rarely rises to 0 ° C.
Before talking about what the upcoming winter of 2019-2020 will be in Chelyabinsk, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the regional climate chart and the monthly average temperatures taken as the climatic norm.
As you can see, the average temperature in December, January and February is in the range from -14 ºС to -20 ºС, although occasionally it can drop to extreme values. Officially recorded lows of the region:
- December (-42.6 ºС);
- January (-48.7 ºС);
- February (-45 ºС).
If we consider not the city itself, but the entire region, then the temperature background, air humidity and the amount of precipitation in different settlements will differ significantly. So, in the region region there are 5 zones:
Zone | Locality | Features |
1 | Asha, Zlatoust | The greatest amount of precipitation (761 and 704 mm, respectively). |
2 | Bredy village | The warmest corner of the region. Even in winter, there is often a plus temperature. |
3 | Troitsk | Most sunny hours per year (2218). |
4 | from. Half | The coldest corner ("pole"). The average winter temperature here is -18 ºС. |
5 | Taganay National Park | The most windy. In the winter months, gusts of wind here reach 40 m / s. |
Given the climatic features described in Chelyabinsk, it will be very useful to know in advance the weather conditions that the coming winter may present in a given period. Will it be relatively warm and soft, or will it give another temperature minimum? Meteorologists annually try to answer this question.
Weather forecast
What the weather in Chelyabinsk is supposed to be in the fall winter of 2019-2020 has already been announced on the official website of the Hydrometeorological Center of Russia.
The official forecast is that in the upcoming winter season the temperature in the region will be kept within the temperature norm.
Although October will be colder than usual. The first night frosts, which are expected in Chelyabinsk already at the end of September, will recede a little in the first half of October, but will return at the end of the month along with wet snow and a sharp cooling.
By the beginning of the calendar winter, weather forecasters promise Chelyabinsk a stable snow cover, and by the New Year - night frosts of -15 ºС and severe snowstorms. Most days, even when it will not snow, the sky will be covered by clouds.The sun will peek out occasionally, but these days will be cold enough. The lowest temperatures (up to -32 ºС) are expected in the second half of January.
The hydrometeorological center promises that, despite the snowy and frosty winters, spring in the Chelyabinsk region will be early, and by the end of March its approach will be felt.
People have learned to accurately predict the weather for the coming winter quite a long time ago. There are many folk signs indicating how the weather will be in the winter months, whether to prepare for severe frosts and snowstorms.
To understand what the coming winter holds for us, it is worth observing and analyzing:
- How many summer mushrooms were there?
- Did the birds fly away to the warmer climes early?
- Is the rowan crop abundant?
- Was the weather cloudy and cold in the region on September 22, 2019 (to the Virgin)?
- Early aphids “changed” forest animals and do they have a thick undercoat?
- Fallen birch leaves before October?
- How many peels are on the bulbs?
Please note that if the answer to most of the questions is yes, then the coming winter will be harsh and protracted. If among the answers more often “no” comes across, then you can expect a mild winter with frequent thaws and frosts that do not exceed the temperature norm.
Monthly Long-Range Forecast
The long-term synoptic forecast is based on data on weather conditions of several previous years, climate changes and air mass movements. Every year, meteorologists try to predict exactly which dates will worsen weather conditions and when to wait for the thaw. But long-term forecasts do not always come true, because we live in a period of global warming, when it is extremely difficult to predict natural anomalies.
According to the site "Well and the weather" the winter of 2019-2020 will be like this.
December 2019
Snow and frost in the second half of November is not news for Chelyabinsk, therefore, the inhabitants of the region will meet the arrival of the calendar winter already in a snowy city. In the first weeks of December, the temperature will drop to -8 ºС at night, and on New Year's Eve nature will please with snow. True, it is still difficult to say whether it will be a small snowball, bringing with it a fabulous New Year's atmosphere, or a blizzard.
December will clearly demonstrate what the winter of 2019-2020 in Chelyabinsk will be: cloudy, frosty, snowy. The expected temperature minimum of the last month of 2019 will be -18 ºС.
January 2020
The new year 2020 will begin with rather mild weather, as for the climate of Chelyabinsk. Before Christmas, the region will have slight frosts (-3 ºС during the day and -12 ºС at night). But from January 10, a sharp cooling will begin and heavy snowfall will come to Chelyabinsk.
The coldest period of the first month of 2020 will be January 22-26. On these days, temperatures are expected to drop by day to -27 ºС, and at night to -34 ºС.
February 2020
The first 8 days of February will be quite severe. On some days, even during the day, the thermometer columns will drop to -15 ºС, and at night frosts will reach -27 ºС.
A slight relaxation is prepared by nature for guests and residents of the city after February 10. Frosts will slightly weaken, occasionally even the temperature will approach zero in the daytime.
The coming of spring
The first warming, according to a long-term weather forecast, should be expected no earlier than the last week of March.
Such weather is the climatic norm for Chelyabinsk, but it may surprise guests from the southern regions, where in the early days of March, the harsh winter recedes. Therefore, remember that the first spring month here can still be very cold with night frosts down to -28 ºС.
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