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The period from December to February is a great time to visit Voronezh, but before choosing the best dates for your trip, we offer you to understand in more detail what the upcoming winter of 2019-2020 will be for residents of the city and the region as a whole.
Geographical and climatic features
Voronezh region is located in the central part of Russia. The region is dominated by a temperate continental climate with a pronounced seasonality.
Climate norm for the Vronezh region is hot summers, mild rainy autumns and moderately frosty winters with frequent thaws and rare temperature drops below the threshold of -20ºС.
The city of Voronezh (the administrative center of the region) is located on the banks of the river of the same name, 463 km southeast of Moscow. The climate of Voronezh is somewhat milder than in the capital and winters are warmer here. Voronezh winter is characterized by:
- stable snow cover that forms at the end of November (less often in the month of December);
- average air temperature from -7.6 to -9.3ºС;
- blizzards with sharp gusts of wind;
- ice and the formation of crust on the surface of the snow (during periods of thaw).
Occasionally, nightly frosts can drop to -20 ºС and lower. The absolute minimum of the region is -36.5 ºС.
A detailed climatogram of Voronezh can tell more about climatic conditions and temperature in different seasons of the year.
Truly winter weather in the region comes earlier than the calendar winter. Snow and frost are not uncommon here already in the second half of autumn, and ice on the Voronezh reservoir, as a rule, forms in the month of November.
Forecasts by Meteorologists
The hydrometeorological center pleased all Russians with a statement that the coming winter of 2019-2020 would be relatively warm, as evidenced by the weather forecast for the winter months for Voronezh.
The first night frosts in the region are expected at the end of October. Even wet snow is possible, which will melt quickly, since in the first half of November the daytime temperature will still rise above +10 ºС.
Monthly Long-Range Forecast
The winter of 2019-2020 in Voronezh itself can also be judged by the ultra-long-range forecast based on synoptic data on meteorological conditions in the region over the past decades.
This kind of forecasts allows us to understand in general what the temperature regime of December, January and February will be, when periods of worsening weather conditions are possible, how often cloudy and sunny days happen in Voronezh, and also whether extreme cold weather is expected in the winter season 2019-2020 .
December 2019
The first month of the calendar winter will bring warming. After rather frosty and snowy November, December rains and a temperature increase of up to + 10 ºС will break the winter idyll. Given the fact that at night the temperature will drop below zero, in the mornings we should expect ice, which will turn into wet snow porridge closer to dinner.
Winter will return to the region closer to December 15th. A stable minus will be established and it will snow again, transforming the streets of the city before the upcoming New Year holidays.
New Year's Eve will be warm and snowy. During the day, the temperature will stay near zero, and at night a comfortable -1 ºС will not prevent guests and residents of the city from enjoying holiday events.
January 2020
In the early days of 2020, warming will come to the region, which will bring plus temperature and rains, but by Christmas the frosts will return, and snow will fall from about January 10, restoring snow cover disturbed by the rainy start of the month.
January temperature will be slightly warmer than the natural norm. On average, thermometer columns should not fall below -10 ºС at night. In the afternoon, a temperature from zero to -5 ºС is expected to be comfortable for walking and active winter recreation.
February 2020
The last month of winter will be the coldest for the city. The long-term forecast for the winter of 2019-2020 suggests that it is in February in Voronezh that frosts are expected to reach -13 ºС. But such a picture will be characteristic only for the first half of the month. Already from the 15th day, warming will come to the region, and the night minus will again be replaced by the plus temperature in the daytime. Precipitation is possible in the form of wet snow or rain.
Spring will not come on schedule. March will still be quite cold, with periods of sharp drop in temperature and snow.
Meteorologists warn that long-term forecasts come true only in 60-80% of cases. Meanwhile, nature always accurately predicts what the upcoming cold season will be like. Plants and animals have no right to make a mistake, because their life depends on the quality of preparation for winter and the timeliness of creating the necessary reserves. That is why, in order to determine the severity of the coming winter, our ancestors always turned to the surrounding nature and looked closely at the behavior of animals.
Here are the most famous signs of a cold winter:
- abundant harvest of mountain ash, nuts and mushrooms;
- deep and plentifully clogged with food caches of wild animals;
- unusually large cones on conifers;
- many layers of tightly pressed dry skin on the bulbs;
- late falling of leaves and falling of leaves first from the tops of trees;
- Dry and abnormally warm September.
Also, to make your forecast for the winter of 2019-2020, you can analyze what weather conditions were in Voronezh on such days: August 7 (Anna Kholodnitsa), August 14 (Honey Spas), August 19 (Apple Spas), October 14 (Pokrova )
If you follow the folk signs that can predict what the coming winter will be, share your observations in the comments.
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