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The Urals is a geographical region of Russia, stretching from the Barents Sea to the steppes of Kazakhstan, so the change in climate zones dictates the weather here. It is very difficult to predict what the winter of 2019-2020 in the Urals will be like, since the influence of cyclonic activity in its different areas is uneven.
The southern part of the region is the most extensive. Here are the Orenburg and Chelyabinsk regions, the Republic of Bashkortostan. The mountains have a direct impact on the climate. In winter, Asian cyclones are strong.
Winter will begin on the calendar. From the first days, minus temperature will be established. Compared to the northern part, there will be no severe frosts: only -8 ... -4 ° C during the day and up to -12 ° C at night. Daytime indicators will be stable throughout the entire time, but at night, as they approach the New Year holidays, the thermometer’s marks will become lower and reach -20 ... -18 ° С.
The first month of the year will habitually turn out to be the coldest. Before Christmas, it will be stable -11 ... -19 ° C, then a little warmer for a week to -5 ... -3 ° C. Suddenly, the old New Year will turn out to be cold, when -31 ° C can be seen on the thermometer. Otherwise, everything will be familiar: -13 ... -10 ° C during the day and -18 ... -16 ° C at night. Heavy snowfall is not expected, and the rainfall will not exceed the norm.
Do not wait for weather anomalies in February. The entire southern part will have frosty, mostly sunny weather. The air warms up to -10 ... -8 ° C during the day and to -16 ... -12 ° C at night. The wind will blow from the south, almost the whole month in gusts of up to 10 m / s.
This is a district that includes part of the Sverdlovsk and Tyumen regions, Perm Territory, and the Komi Republic. The climate here is sharply continental. In winter, the region is influenced by cyclonic masses from the Arctic.
Cooling will come to this part of Russia at the end of November. The thermometer column drops to -10 ° C, snowfalls begin at the beginning of the month and last the entire first decade. For the Northern Urals, this is not typical. It will only begin to get colder in mid-December. The temperature drops to -20 ... -18 ° C at night and to -15 ° C. The whole month the sky will be overcast, but before the New Year's Eve snow is not expected, and several days before the holiday it will warm by 5-7 degrees.
In the early days, the thermometer will only -7 ... -3 ° C, but already at Christmas the thermometer will drop to -20 ° C, and in the middle of the month - to -32 ° C. January this year is forecast to be snowy: precipitation will not exceed the average norm.
Usually the coldest in the Northern Urals is January, but according to the forecast for the winter of 2019-2020, February will be more difficult. Forecasters speak of a temperature swing, when in a few days there will be jumps from -26 ° C to 0 ° C.
middle part
Two federal districts belong to the Middle Urals: Ural and Volga. Weather corresponds to the features of the temperate continental climate.
In the Middle Urals, everything is always on the calendar. If in the north the freezing temperatures are set in October, then here the winter will come in early December. After a positive November, the thermometer will begin to drop gradually. The first decade will pass within -3 ... -1 ° C during the day and up to -10 ... -8 ° C at night. From the middle of the month, the frost will become more noticeable, cloudy weather will set, it will occasionally snow, so the residents of this part will celebrate the New Year in truly winter weather.
It will be the snowiest in the season. Temperature jumps are not expected.Everything will be within the climatic norm: -14 ... -10 ° C during the day and -20 ... -16 ° C at night. Strong winds are not expected, which are considered abnormal for January.
The second decade will turn out to be the coldest, when the thermometer will be -26 ... -22 ° C. The rest of the month will be stable. Snowfall is predicted almost every day, but the rainfall will not exceed the norm. What the inhabitants of this region will miss is the sun. The end of winter 2020 will be windy with a predominance of southern air masses.
Subpolar region
The most severe region. This includes the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug and the east of the Komi Republic. From December to February, frost is held. At the beginning of the calendar winter, the average temperature is -18 ° C. January Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug meets with frost -30 ... -25 ° С. The days here are snowy, so a dense snow cover is established in the region, which lasts until spring. The first hints of warmth come only at the end of February. Against the background of constant frosts, warming to -7 ° С is considered to be a real spring, although in March a stable minus remains within -13 ... -10 ° С.
Winter in the Urals: video
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