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Christmas is the best time to open the veil of secrets of the future and find out your destiny. Since ancient times in Russia, only a few days a year were allotted for fortune telling. According to popular beliefs, an unclean power allows you to look into the other world, in two weeks of winter holidays - at Christmas time. That is, in the coming 2020, you can guess from January 6 until the baptism festival - January 19. The most powerful methods of fortune telling passed down from generation to generation and have survived to this day.
Fortune telling the groom
Unmarried girls are eager to find out when they meet their fiancée. Christmas fortune-telling is especially relevant, they will help prepare for unexpected twists of fate in the new year. There are several ways to find out what awaits in 2020: a wedding or a fateful meeting, separation or the bitterness of loss.
On New Year's holidays you need to go on a visit with an overnight stay. Having settled down to sleep in a new place, before falling asleep you need to say the cherished words: “I sleep in a new place, dream about the bridegroom. Appear with that person with whom I will go under the crown. " After that you need to fall asleep. The appearance of the groom should be dreamed of by the future bride.
Our grandmothers, in order to see the groom, in a prophetic dream, left a piece of rye loaf under their pillows and went to bed with the words: “Come my supper for dinner.”
Using the ring
An engagement ring can be borrowed temporarily from parents or married girlfriends. Most likely to guess in this way on Christmas Eve on January 6.
A transparent glass with smooth walls should be filled to a third with well or melt water. Throwing the ring into the glass, say: “Narrated, show me!” After the water in the mill calms down, you need to peer into the oval of the ring. The image of the groom at first may appear cloudy, but if you wait a little, the picture will become more distinct.
Fortune telling using a precious ring and a woolen thread is another popular way. By the way, the legend says that the thread should be taken exclusively in red. In a glass filled with water, you should lower the ring, tied to a thread and swinging to listen to the ringing from blows. In harmony, you can find out the name of a loved one.
Note: Before starting the ritual of divination, it is important to remove all jewelry, hair clips and clothes with fasteners and buttons. It is necessary to observe silence, and also not to laugh and not to joke.
Fortune telling for children
You can find out how many children are destined to give birth by going to the bathhouse. The ritual must be carried out in the steam room and for this you need to steam the broom. Having settled down on a canopy it is necessary to say loudly: "Bathing forces, I will show you a maternity place, in response the number of children I expect from you."
After pronouncing the cherished words, you need to take a good steam and see how many leaves will remain on the body. This will be the correct answer to the question asked:
- 1 sheet - destined to give birth to one child;
- 2 sheets - expect dual motherhood;
- 3 sheets or more - a woman will be rich in children and loved by her husband.
Using ordinary matches, you can determine the gender of the future child. To do this, pour live water into a plate and make matches. Mentally formulate the question about the intended field of the baby, then light the match and wait until it completely burns out.Throw out an extinct match in a bowl of water. A drowned match will indicate the birth of a boy, and a floating one will indicate the birth of a girl.
Fortune telling for upcoming events
Turning to fortune-telling at the Christmas time, you can make a forecast of events for 2020. What awaits the coming year in various areas of life will help proven methods of Christmas predictions.
On beeswax or candle
Beeswax or wax from a burning candle, melted in a water bath, is allowed to flow freely into a bowl of water. A sufficient number of wax figures should form in the bowl, so the procedure with a candle can be repeated several times. Then you need to carefully consider the received signs of fate:
- large drops - significant events for fate are expected in the new year;
- long strips of wax - portend travel or long business trips;
- many short and thin stripes - empty chores;
- if the wax has formed into one big cake - there will be no marriage in the coming year;
- wax in the form of a ring or a candle - for the imminent wedding;
- the cross - to illness or great trouble;
- envelope or bell - means that they will come from far away.
The same interpretation can be used for divination on an egg. The forms of protein forms if you dissolve the egg in a glass of hot water.
On a note. For fortune telling, you can not use tap water, it does not have energy. Living water can be drawn from a street column or just melt the snow.
On the paper
On a piece of paper, you need to list at a distance from each other various events. Take the coffee bean and, with your eyes closed, toss it over the leaf. The grain will fall and indicate that it portends the new year.
In subjects
This divination method is suitable for several people. In opaque containers or jars you need to put items: a coin, a piece of bread or crumbs, candy, salt, pepper, ring, onion. Fill one container with water. Tara is shuffled and each with his eyes closed takes turns choosing his own. What awaits in the near future will tell the contents of the selected jar:
- onion - to tears;
- ring - to marriage;
- coin - to profit;
- water - no major changes are expected;
- salt - to trouble at work;
- candy - for a happy occasion;
- pepper - for an exciting adventure;
- bread - to life without need.
Modern divination methods
Great-grandmother's fortune-telling methods have transformed under modern realities and are popular among residents of cities. It is not at all necessary to keep a rocker at home or have a farm with chickens; fortune telling on the Christmas night for the future can also be done using modern gadgets.
Using phone
Dial any combination of numbers on the phone and call this number. What is heard in the handset is interpreted as follows:
- busy number - empty chores;
- no one answers - disappointment, bad luck;
- the woman answered - mutual love awaits soon;
- answered the man - quick marriage;
- if you find out the responder - incredible luck and luck will visit you soon.
By e-book
The essence of fortune-telling is very simple: you need to formulate a question of interest and open at random any page of an e-book. As much as possible focusing on the exciting, you need to make up with closed eyes to guess which paragraph contains the answer.
You can use the TV in a similar way: the question that you most want to hear the answer to is said out loud, and then without looking, press the button on the remote control. Heard in the first seconds and will be the answer.
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