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The new academic year has come and it's time to discuss what changes will affect the exam in biology in 2020, what will be the structure of new KIMs, when will the exact date of the early and main periods become known, and what, according to experienced teachers, should be prepared.
Should I take biology?
In 2020, the exam in biology will be among the disciplines of choice. The subject will be compulsory for those who plan to apply for medical universities, and also want to connect life with ecology, biochemistry, psychology, landscape design, agronomy, veterinary medicine or paleontology.
In 2019, this discipline was passed as an elective exam by 160,000 people, of whom 123,600 are 2019 graduates, which puts the subject on a confident third place in the popularity list (after social studies and physics).
At the same time, the average mark of the certificate amounted to 52.2, and the percentage of high school students who showed the result at the level of 80-100 points, only 5.6%. Such statistics indicate that graduates underestimate the complexity of the exam in biology, consider the subject simple enough and do not pay due attention to preparation.
Nevertheless, for admission to quoted capital universities it is necessary to demonstrate a result of 90-95 points, and in less popular regional universities of Russia, not less than 65 points. In this case, a combination of chemistry and biology is most often needed, and in some areas they want to see a certificate in specialized mathematics along with biology.
the date of the
In the preliminary Unified State Examination 2020 season, biology can be passed on these days:
- main exam - 03/30/20 (Monday);
- reserve - 04/10/20 (Friday).
The GIA calendar for the new academic year, presented by Kravtsov, indicates the following dates for the Unified State Examination in Biology within the framework of the main session of 2020:
Main date | Reserve |
June 4, 2020 (Thursday) | June 20, 2020 (Friday) |
July 3, 2020 (Friday) |
What will be the date of the exam in the early period, it will become known closer to November 2019, when the draft full GIA 2020 calendar will be officially approved.
Please note that in the calendar on the same day there are two subjects - history and biology. If you decide to take both disciplines, then one of them will have to be taken out on a reserve day.
Important! If a retake is required, hurry to write a statement on the reserve days of June and July, since in September an attempt is made to improve the result only on compulsory subjects.
Features of the test in 2020
According to the information provided on the FIPI website, the exam in biology in 2020 will not be reviewed, and training for graduates should become easier, due to the preservation of a unified system of requirements and the structure of KIMs.
But, let's understand everything in more detail.
Format and regulations
In summer, there were proposals to return the GIA to school walls. But, judging by the available information, the 2020 exams will be held, as always, in certified USE testing centers.
The following norms will remain unchanged:
- test duration - 3.5 hours (210 minutes);
- KIM has only 28 questions;
- the highest primary score is 58;
- minimum mark of the certificate - in 36 out of 100 maximum possible;
- No additional materials and equipment authorized for use.
As you can see, there are no changes in the format and regulations of the exam in biology of 2020.As in 2019, assignments will cover all 7 main blocks studied in the school course:
KIM structure
The proposed 28 tasks will be distributed between the two parts of the work as follows:
Part | Qty | Type of Question |
1 | 21 | Short answer |
2 | 7 | Detailed response |
Moreover, among the tasks of the first part, students will encounter such questions:
- 6 - for multiple choice;
- 6 - for mutual compliance;
- 3 - to restore the sequence;
- 2 - in cytology;
- 2 - to supplement the tables;
- 1 - to supplement the circuit "
- 1 - for the analysis of graphic information
The distribution of tasks by difficulty levels will be as follows:
As a maximum for completing all 28 KIM biology tasks, the examiner can score 58 primary points, which will be interpreted as a 100-point certificate result.
There are no changes in the assessment of the Unified State Examination 2020 in biology!
The distribution of primary points between all objectives of the ticket will be as follows:
Score | Tasks |
1 | № 1-3, 6 |
2 | № 4-5, 7-22 |
3 | № 23-28 |
Thus, for completing 21 tasks of the first block, you can score a maximum of 38 points, and another 20 - for 7 tasks of the second part.
As you can see, questions of a high level of complexity give 34% of the total result and without them it is impossible to get a high score, so necessary for entering the budget.
You can find out which school grade your exam results are in using an unofficial translation table:
Biology is an interesting and multifaceted subject, which is its main difficulty. To achieve a high result, a thorough preparation is required, consisting of such important points as:
- familiarization with the evaluation criteria of the exam paper;
- repetition of the theory (concepts and terminology);
- fixing the skill of working with various graphic materials, diagrams and tables;
- solving demo options for 2019 and 2020.
At the stage of working with the theory, ready-made printed publications of FIPI will help, in which the basic information on the subject is compactly and accessible. You can practice solving typical problems using a ready-made bank of FIPI tasks or test collections of the USE in 2019 and 2020.
Although in 2020 the USE tickets will not be affected by changes, in the past season there were quite a lot of them, since biology was reformed along with other GIA subjects. Therefore, you should not rely on materials developed for exams in 2018 and earlier versions.
If during the repetition one of the topics turns out to be difficult to understand, video tutorials will help, in which experienced tutors readily talk about the most difficult topics from the biology course. Also, it will not be superfluous to familiarize yourself with the analysis of the tasks that are offered on the pages of the demonstration KIMs. We suggest you watch one of these video lessons right now:
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