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You can show an active citizenship and make a feasible contribution to the improvement of your city in the 21st century without leaving your home. This opportunity was provided by the Government of the capital for residents of cities and districts of the Moscow region. With the help of a single virtual book of complaints and suggestions “Dobrodel”, Muscovites now have the opportunity to participate in the improvement of courtyards. The work front for 2019 has already been determined, and which yard areas will be improved in 2020 remains to be chosen. The decisive role will be played by the opinions of residents.
Useful project
“Super idea” - this is exactly how the residents of the capital and the metropolitan regions respond about the government’s idea to organize an interactive site “Dobrodel. Through this “smart system” the population can leave their complaints, as well as messages with wishes directly to the authorities. All the most pressing problems of people are, as they say, in plain sight and known to the governor himself. The head of the region, in turn, if necessary, exerts a corresponding influence on the municipal leaders.
All messages received on the site are sorted by the system into thematic categories. Here are some of them:
- business problems;
- medical institutions;
- ecology;
- MFC work;
- improvement of yards and public territories;
- physical education, sports, etc.
The official portal of the Moscow Government was opened in 2015. Its popularity is growing from year to year. During the work, more than two million complaints were received from the population. Most of them made it possible to identify failures in the work of organizations at various levels and eliminate problems. The site has several headings and are open around the clock:
- complaints
- polls
- voting;
- Feedback;
- virtues.
In the “complaints” section, anyone can leave a request with a description of the problem. The application will be registered with the assignment of a number and its processing status can be tracked in real time. Other citizens' full-text messages are also available for viewing. In the “polls” section, citizens can express their opinion on a variety of topics proposed by government officials. For example, in November 2018, the topic of discussion was “Actual health problems in your area”. Feedback allows Muscovites to resolve issues in the work of the portal itself Applications are considered within two business days. The most active users and their good deeds can be viewed by clicking on the "virtues" section.
By voting, the authorities determine which specific objects or territories will be landscaped in the first place. It is in this way that one of the yards will be put in order in 2020. That is, the more active the residents, the greater the chances that their house territory will fall under the improvement program.
For information. In the framework of the project for the improvement of domestic territories in 2019, more than 55 thousand people voted. More than 1300 yards will be put in order this year, a little more than this number was equipped in the past.
What will be the yard
At the legislative level, a list of mandatory elements on the arrangement of the territory near the house is fixed. These include:
- playgrounds;
- parking places;
- new lighting system;
- garbage containers;
- information boards;
- green spaces.
Concrete decisions and details of the work are decided with residents of nearby houses. For this, an additional “live” meeting may be organized. Together, citizens can choose the most important areas of improvement and discuss the details. For example, elements of a playground, the location of planned trees or shrubs.
When carrying out work in 2020, benches and litter bins will be added to the mandatory yard components. Their location is also determined by popular vote. It is important to know that each national assembly should end with the preparation of an act of coordination of types of work. A correctly executed document must have the signatures of a representative of the public and residents. In addition, all decisions should be reflected in the scheme of the yard, which is an integral part of the approval act.
How to vote
In order to interact with executive authorities and to be able to leave your vote for the home yard, you need to register on the site In addition, you must use an ESIA or Government services account. The voting algorithm is simple:
- on the main page of the site under the heading "Voting" you need to find in the category of active "Project for the improvement of domestic territories 2020";
- choose your municipality on the map;
- in the field on the right side of the screen, from the proposed list, select the desired item and click on it.
If the vote is counted, a message will appear on the screen. If you wish, you can describe the problem or offer your ideas. At the end of the voting, the portal will form the address lists, which will indicate all the yards included in the beautification program 2020. As a rule, voting on the construction project lasts about 10 days. Open it in the fall of this year for the next.
On the official website "Dobrodel" in the section "about the project" there is detailed instruction on how to leave a message or vote.
Who can participate in the program?
All yards of the Moscow region can apply for participation in improvement projects in 2020. But some exceptions are legally established. Yard territories will not be able to claim a new look:
- commissioned after 2013;
- comprehensively landscaped between 2015 and 2018;
- relating to resettlement houses in the next 7 years.
In addition to the sites selected as a result of voting at Dobrodel, other courtyards will be included in the list of plans for comprehensive improvement. We are talking about sites that are included on behalf of Vladimir Putin and the governor of the Moscow region on the basis of citizens' appeals to local authorities, on the recommendation of the Gosadmtehnadzor of the Moscow region and the Association of chairmen of councils of apartment buildings in the Moscow region.
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