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The vernal equinox in 2020, when day and night have approximately the same duration, will traditionally be the beginning of astrological spring. It is revered in many countries and peoples, although in Russia the long-standing traditions of the celebration have almost sunk into oblivion. The Russians practically do not pay much attention to the beginning of the astrological spring.
Features of the astrological phenomenon
The vernal equinox is an astrological phenomenon caused by the peculiarities of the solar system. The fact is that the Sun moves in a conditional line around the Earth. When the ecliptic (the so-called trajectory of the sun) becomes perpendicular to the equator, equinox occurs. This phenomenon occurs twice a year - in spring and autumn. Since the difference between continents or states can reach several time zones, the date is often shifted.
Important! The date of the vernal equinox will not change in 2020. It falls on March 20.
In 2007, an astrological phenomenon in which the length of daytime was equal to night was March 21, but no changes in dates are expected in the next nearly century. Astrologers have calculated that earlier the equinox will be March 19, 2096, and later - March 21, 2103.
Special day
In ancient times, people noticed that twice a day is compared to night. A similar phenomenon that occurred in the spring was associated with the beginning of a new season. Some people even celebrate New Year on this day. The fact is that this is a certain starting point, after which the night became smaller, the sun rose higher and warmed more. Nature began to come to life, leaves blossomed on the trees, the earth warmed up enough to sow and plant various crops.
Our ancestors associated the astrological phenomenon with the gods. For this reason, they arranged holidays and festivities in honor of the god of the sun and other deities, spent the winter and met spring. Now, some ceremonies have survived only on the pages of historical books, although eastern peoples still attach particular importance to the astrological phenomenon. At the end of March, they arrange various holidays (Navruz, New Year, etc.).
Traditions and customs
The spring equinox in 2020 will be celebrated only in the depths of the country, although earlier that day they arranged noisy festivities. One of the traditions of the holiday is the baking of fresh larks. Some villages stick to it now. Women cook birds from the dough, and then treat their neighbors, acquaintances and friends. Unusual pastries are also given to pets to protect them from diseases. This tradition is dedicated to the return of birds from warm lands. Larks bake for good reason - these birds are the first to fly from the south.
Previously, the housewives also prepared pies, cakes, gingerbread cookies. There was a rite during which people threw shortcakes high into the sky. It was believed that a person who would be able to throw pastries above others would expect prosperity all year long. All passers-by must be invited into the house and seated at the table, treated to various treats.
In the evening, all the inhabitants gathered together and had a noisy celebration with dances and songs. In the evening they lit large bonfires and burned them all night. People believed that in equinox opposed good and evil, winter and spring. Fire served as a support for good powers and helped them gain victory over dark spirits.
Important! It was believed that this day has great magical power, so the girls always wondered in the evening and at night to find out their future.
Only good deeds need to be done during the day. It is forbidden to wish evil even to fierce enemies. If you come to the aid of people in need, do good to others, you can bring prosperity to your home.
How to celebrate in different countries
In 2020, the equinox day will be celebrated in several countries:
- In India, a festival of colors is held, which lasts two days. First, people sing, dance, set holiday tables, and then they go out onto the street and sprinkle each other with colored powder, arrange processions around the city.
- In Japan, everyone clean their homes, paying special attention to the altar. Next to photographs of deceased relatives, they put round bowls of water and cereal. The Japanese set the festive table, but only vegetarian dishes are prepared.
- In Tajikistan, Iran and some other eastern countries, Navruz is celebrated. People always clean their houses, prepare goodies, and then they make noisy holidays on the streets with bonfires, fireworks and fire shows.
Knowing what date the Spring Equinox will be in 2020, spend it as positive as possible. It is not necessary to follow ancient traditions, it is enough to provide a good mood.
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