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In 2020, Theater Day in Russia and around the world will be celebrated on the same day, since the date of the celebration is set internationally. This holiday has long ceased to be just professional, as it applies not only to theater workers, but also to spectators. In some countries, preparations for it last for months, and events take place over several weeks.
Celebration date
What date Theater Day will be in 2020, every theater-goer, as well as people who are somehow connected with this type of art.
Important! In 2020, Theater Day will be March 27th.
And although the holiday is celebrated internationally, it is not an official holiday. Since it falls on Friday March 27, 2020, the evening before the weekend can be devoted to the most ancient art form, for example, going to the premiere or watching a performance with the participation of your favorite actors.
History of occurrence
According to historical data, theatrical art originated several centuries BC. Performances were held in Ancient Rome, Greece, Egypt and other states. Initially, they were dedicated to various holidays and important events, but over time, performances began to be held on other days for a wide range of spectators.
During the Cold War, theatrical art became one of the methods of maintaining peace and bringing nations closer together. In order to unite all countries, in 1948, at the initiative of UNESCO, the International Theater Institute (MIT) was created. The USSR became its member in 1959. Now it consists of more than 100 countries.
In 1961, at the next Congress, which was held annually, a proposal was made to establish a professional holiday. All participants, including representatives of the USSR, supported the idea. They decided to hold the events on the day of the foundation of MIT - on March 27. For almost 60 years, the date has not changed.
In Russia, the International Theater Day is not included in the list of public holidays, although it is celebrated annually throughout the country. At the same time, events are often attended by representatives of local authorities.
Now the holiday is celebrated:
- actors
- directors
- Operators
- sound engineers;
- painters;
- decorators;
- Ticketers
- lighting equipment;
- wardrobes;
- the producers.
Over the years the holiday has existed, certain traditions have formed. One of the oldest traditions is the compilation by the famous theatergoers of a Message to all fans. The first author of such a Message was Jean Cocteau - a famous French writer, artist and film director.
Around the world, a holiday dedicated to ancient art is celebrated as follows:
- play famous performances loved by the audience;
- organize festivals;
- conduct master classes in acting, filming or editing;
- arrange meetings with theater stars, famous directors;
- guided tours backstage where you can see the process of creating productions.
Features of the celebration in Russia
Traditionally, a holiday is celebrated in Russia in large cities and small towns where there is a Temple of Arts. Concerts are often held for his employees. At the ceremonial part, local officials usually speak with congratulations. The best theatergoers are awarded, diplomas and diplomas, awarded the titles "Best Actor", "Best Actress", "Best Director" and others. They award creative personalities with material gifts or write them prizes.
In late March, often open days are held not only in theaters, but also in educational institutions in which they teach art. For schoolchildren, students and socially unprotected categories of citizens (low-income or large families, pensioners, etc.) they make free entrance to performances.
Interesting Facts
Over the long history of theatrical art, many interesting facts have accumulated. Here are some of them:
- The first state theater in Russia appeared in 1756.
- The largest Temple of Arts built in China. It is able to accommodate 6.5 thousand people.
- The smallest theater is in Austria (the city of Fili). In it, actors play only for 8 spectators. The stage area is only 1.69 square meters. m
- The most recognizable art-related building in the world is the Sydney Opera House (Australia).
- The title of the oldest theater was given to the Greek Dionysus, built in the VI century BC. Although it has not been used for its intended purpose for a long time.
- At first, the actors played only comedy and tragedy. Other genres appeared relatively recently.
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