Builder's Day 2020

Builder's Day 2020

In 2020, Builder's Day will be one of the most significant professional holidays. The construction industry is considered one of the most key industries that affect the well-being of individuals and the development of the country as a whole. Builders erect residential buildings, industrial facilities, commercial buildings and other structures. They also provide road connections - they build motorways, railways, and bridges. They create comfort and convenience for other people. Their hard work deserves respect, therefore, all workers who are associated with this field are honored on a professional holiday.

When will be celebrated

Most professional holidays have a floating date. In other words, it changes from year to year, since the reference is the day of the week (most often a particular Saturday or Sunday of the month). The Builder's Day also belongs to such holidays, so the interest on what date it will be in 2020 is quite natural.

Every year, Builder's Day is celebrated on the second Sunday of August.

Important! In 2020, builders will be congratulated on August 9.

Representatives of working specialties are directly related to the holiday:

  • plasterers;
  • painters;
  • masons;
  • slingers;
  • tilers, etc.

Although they also congratulate the superintendents, engineers, technicians, procurers and other specialists who work in the construction industry.

Builder's Day


The holiday has more than 60 years. The builders were first congratulated in 1956, although the events that preceded this happened back in 1955. The initiator was Nikita Khrushchev. The labor feat of the people who were building the Zhigulevskaya hydroelectric station impressed the country's leader very much, so he offered to honor the builders annually. A hydroelectric power station was built in just 5 years (from 1950 to 1955). The construction of a large-scale construction (the second largest hydroelectric power station in Europe) was complicated by the relief and other factors.

Just a couple of months after the opening of a large power station on the Volga, the Presidium of the Supreme Council signed a decree approving the holiday. They wrote about the first Day of the newspaper’s builder that it will go down in history as a national holiday. On the whole, this happened because many families were somehow connected with the industry. In Chelyabinsk, a meeting dedicated to solemn celebrations was attended by 40 thousand people. In Tbilisi, festivities lasted two days - Saturday and Sunday. An exhibition was organized at which elements of reinforced concrete structures, advanced technologies and features of large-block construction were demonstrated.

In 2011, Builder's Day acquired the status of a federal holiday, but the day off is not postponed to Monday. All events are held on Sunday.

Interesting! In Soviet times, postage stamps were issued for the holiday. They depicted large built objects.

USSR Brand Builder Day


Since the days of the USSR, traditions of celebration have been formed. In 2020, Builder's Day will be celebrated on a large scale. The main celebrations are usually held in houses or palaces of culture that are available in every city. For specialists, concerts are organized with the participation of local and regional stars. Employees are often congratulated by senior officials. The best employees are awarded with awards and thanks, material gifts, and prizes are issued. The solemn part often ends with a buffet or corporate party in a cafe.

Celebrations are often held in parks or on city streets.Since they pass in August, warm weather usually only contributes to this. Sometimes they hold rallies or festivities with contests, games and other entertainments. In some cities, competitions are organized between different teams of specialists. At the same time, employees can compete by demonstrating professional skills, physical skills or intellectual abilities.

The following events are also held on a holiday or the day before:

  • thematic exhibitions;
  • Conferences
  • workshops;
  • round tables, etc.

They can be devoted to both already constructed facilities and innovations that they plan to use in the future. At exhibitions, you can usually see the latest in materials, tools and technologies. It is interesting to visit them not only by specialists, but also by ordinary people. Institutions often listen to case reports or give lectures on innovations or recent discoveries.

Builder helmet

On the second Sunday of August, engineers, tilers, plumbers usually receive congratulations not only from their superiors, but also from friends and relatives. Some families organize feasts, gather guests, and give heroic presents symbolic gifts.

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