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Social Worker Day is often called the most humane holiday. Indeed, those who, if not the people of this profession, are the first to take on other people's problems, are the first to provide the necessary assistance in difficult life situations. In 2020, Russia celebrates Social Worker's Day for the jubilee, twentieth time.
This celebration has replenished the list of memorable days and professional holidays relatively recently - the corresponding presidential decree was signed only in 2000. The date for the new event was chosen very symbolic - June 8th.
In 2020, Social Worker Day will be celebrated on Monday, June 8th.
Refers to the number of official professional holidays; not a day off.
Who notes
It is generally accepted that only those who have the title of “social worker” with the corresponding entry in the work book — those women and men, girls and boys who help people in everyday life, celebrate this day. In fact, on this day everyone should accept congratulations - employees of hospices and social protection centers, employees of boarding schools and shelters, mobile heating centers and assistance to socially vulnerable groups of the population. Social workers, volunteers, educators, orderlies, assistants and even employees of the ministry of labor and social protection who deal with relevant social problems are all worthy of warm words and sincere wishes for success in their hard work.
A bit of history
Date June 8 - chosen for a reason. Almost two hundred years ago, in 1701, on that day, a decree was signed on the establishment of almshouses - the first social institutions in our country.
Initially, the almshouse was a special house under the governorates, monasteries, large church communities, where the wounded, crippled, elderly “servants” —who had any rank in the army — were supposed to be kept. A similar form of state support was repeatedly subjected to reforms, sometimes up to proposals to close the shelters, but the need for such institutions nevertheless outweighed all the other cons.
The main task of the almshouse - helping people who are not able to independently support and maintain themselves - remains unchanged for centuries. And today's social centers, built on the basis of centuries of experience, work with a single purpose - to help those who need it.
This day in other countries
A celebration in honor of workers in the social sphere is not only in Russia. Many of our neighbors - CIS countries - also included such events in the lists of state professional holidays.
- Kazakhstan. In this country, the celebration is called "Day of Workers of the Social Security System". Celebrated in the fall, on the last October Sunday.
- Ukraine. And here the name of the holiday is somewhat different - on the first Sunday of November in Ukraine celebrate Social Worker Day. By the way, the Ukrainian celebration is one year older than the Russian one - officially this holiday added to the list of professional days in 1999.
- Armenia. Unlike our country, in Armenia, the event has a fixed date - annually here Social Worker's Day is celebrated on November 4.
- Belarus. And here the date of the holiday is unchanged - Belarusians celebrate it on January 5.
Good without borders
In addition to state holidays, there are also international holidays dedicated to social protection and those who are ready to provide this protection.There are two such holidays supported by the UN and organizations under its auspices. The first is World Day of Social Work, the second is World Day of Social Justice.
World Social Work Day
The annual holiday celebrated on the third of March Tuesday - in 2020 it will be March 17th. The founders are a number of international organizations, such as, for example, IASSW - Association of Schools of Social Work. The initiative was supported by international private and government institutions in more than ninety countries. Russia was also among the states that considered the emergence of a new holiday important. Our country is actively involved in a diverse international interstate program. Such tasks include the development and improvement of international social norms, the exchange of experience and participation in various commissions, round tables and assemblies, the organization and conduct of humanitarian actions, etc., etc.
World Social Justice Day
Established by the UN in 2007, fixed date selected - February 20; in 2020 will be celebrated for the thirteenth time. The main reason for the appearance is an aggravation of social problems. It is for this reason that the UN declared the main objective of the new event to combat poverty, achieve social and gender equality, increase prosperity and social security for all, that is, residents of all countries and continents without any exceptions. The initiator of the appearance of a new holiday was the President of Kyrgyzstan K. Bakiev - on his behalf, a representative of the republic spoke at the next Assembly. In the future, the proposal was supported, and a year later the world became one more holiday.
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