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Day of Slavic writing and culture in 2020 will traditionally be celebrated not only in Russia, but also in other countries - Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Ukraine, Belarus, Poland. In the history of the state, this holiday plays an important role, because it honors the memory of Saints Cyril and Methodius. They are often called the fathers of Slavic writing, since they created the Cyrillic alphabet, which allowed to increase the general education level of the population and find the works of famous writers.
When will be celebrated
The holiday was closely intertwined with church charters. It is dedicated to the Equal-to-the-Apostles brothers Cyril and Methodius. According to the church calendar, their memory is celebrated on May 11 (24) annually. Back in 1991, the Presidium of the USSR, he was included in the list of official holidays.
Important! In 2020, the Day of Slavic writing and culture will be celebrated on May 24. The date is fixed, therefore it does not change from year to year.
And although the holiday has official status, there is no state holiday on this day. But in 2020, May 24th falls on Sunday, so librarians, teachers of language and literature, philologists and other people involved in the holiday will be able to relax and attend various events held in the city.
History of occurrence
The first to pay respect to saints Cyril and Methodius began in the IX century, although the official holiday dedicated to writing was held for the first time in 1803 in the city of Shumen. Later it was celebrated in other cities of the state on the initiative of activists of the Bulgarian Renaissance.
Over time, Writing Day spread to the Czech Republic, Poland, Russia and other Slavic peoples. For celebration, the day of the Equal-to-the-Apostles brothers was chosen according to the church calendar - May 11, but after the transition to the Gregorian method of reckoning, the date was postponed to May 24.
Celebrating the holiday in the Russian Empire began in 1863 with the establishment of the Holy Synod, but with the advent of Soviet power, the situation changed. The memory of the brothers was no longer respected, since they were priests, and church holidays were not recognized. The day of writing was revived only in 1985, when the 1100th anniversary of Methodius was celebrated. In January 1991, it was decided to celebrate it annually, as evidenced by the signing of a special resolution.
Initially, a writing center in Russia was annually selected. The first celebrations were held in Murmansk, after Vologda, Veliky Novgorod, Smolensk, Belgorod and other cities.
Important! Since 2010, the celebration center has been approved by Moscow. The main events are concentrated in the capital, but other cities are also considering an interesting program.
Invaluable contribution
The work of brothers from the Greek city of Solun is of great importance in the development of the written language and culture of the Slavic peoples. They developed the alphabet, which was later called the Cyrillic alphabet. It is believed that the creation of the ABC was more worked by Konstantin - the younger brother, who after the tonsure acquired the name Cyril. From childhood he was fond of philological and other sciences. The older brother and his students only helped him.
After the brothers translated the Psalter, the Gospels and other church books, and therefore ordinary people could read them. By the way, even now it is not known exactly what was born first - Cyrillic or Glagolitic. After creation, the new alphabet began to be actively used in Bulgaria, and after that it spread to other nations.
Interesting! Initially, Cyrillic numbered 43 letters. It had 24 letters from the Greek alphabet, which served as the basis, and 19 special characters.
Traditions and customs
Since the center of the celebration is Moscow, the main events dedicated to the Day of Slavic Writing and Culture in 2020 will be concentrated in the capital. A busy program will include:
- a concert on Red Square with famous artists and choirs;
- festivals;
- thematic exhibitions;
- workshops;
- Presentations
- performances.
Usually, admission to all events is free, so thousands of people gather at them. Competitions for knowledge of the language will be held among schoolchildren and students. The celebration will be held not only on the main square of the country, but also in the palaces of culture, creative centers, libraries, educational institutions in all Russian cities. To participate in various events attract citizens of different ages, including children. In regional centers, they often organize crusades around the city, lay fresh flowers near the monument to the Solun brothers, and also hold divine services in churches.
On a large scale celebrate a holiday in Bulgaria. Almost all people put on wreaths of fresh flowers, which are then carried to the monument to Cyril and Methodius. Walks on the streets are usually gaining large scale.
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