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The menu of the New Year's table is often made up not only based on the preferences of the household and relatives invited to the gala dinner, but also in accordance with the tastes of the patron of the coming year. What should be on the New Year's table in order to earn the favor of the metal rat, which will become the mistress of 2020?
Key recommendations
There are several rules that should be followed when preparing the holiday table.
- The rat loves abundance, so the table should be generously laden with refreshments.
- Although the rodent is considered omnivorous, he especially loves all kinds of nuts and cereals, therefore, they should be present on the menu.
- The hostess of 2020 will appreciate the refined and original decorated dishes.
- The rat does not like fatty meat too, therefore try to minimize its presence.
- Some are sure that rodents adore cheese, while others believe that they cannot stand it. Therefore, it would be wise to include this product only as an ingredient in some salad. If you want to impress your guests, then an interesting solution is the cheese fondue.
- Mushrooms will delight the patroness of next year, so do not be afraid to include them in the diet.
- To celebrate the New Year, you need to stock up on champagne or prepare cocktails with a minimum alcohol content.
Making a holiday menu is based on the above recommendations. Be sure to come up with a main course, several salads and snacks, as well as drinks and dessert. Take care of the original decoration of holiday dishes. Sprigs of rosemary, which resemble Christmas tree branches, figures of mice from eggs and / or mouse ears of fruits / vegetables, are perfect for this.
The main course should be meat. Steaks, boiled pork, kebabs, baked chicken or turkey and similar dishes will be an ideal treat. If you love fish, then do not give up on it. However, give preference to marine. As a side dish, stewed or steamed / grilled vegetables, as well as cereals, are ideal for meat.
In salads, meat is also required. This can be a traditional Olivier, a garnet bracelet with chicken, a Tashkent one with beef, etc. Be sure to place a fruit basket. The rat does not mind eating apples, pears, pineapples, etc. And if you cut them using the carving technique, they will become a real decoration of the feast.
Despite the fact that on New Year's Eve it often doesn’t reach the dessert, it still has to be. The hostess of 2020 will appreciate if there will be cheese in its composition. Cheesecake, red velvet, even tiramisu - all this will be a great sweet end to the festive feast, well, or an addition to coffee on the morning of the first of January.
Sample menu
If you do not know what to cook for the New Year 2020, then we offer some great ideas.
Meatloaf with cheese and mushrooms
You will need:
- minced meat - 650 g;
- champignons - 200 g;
- hard cheese - 100 g;
- egg - 1 pc.;
- onions - 1 pc.;
- boiled carrots - 1 pc.;
- mayonnaise - 2 tbsp. l .;
- vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l .;
- salt to taste;
- greens - for decoration.
- Pass the onion through a meat grinder.
- Stuffing mix with onions and a raw egg.
- Add the spices. Mix.
- Mushrooms, previously sliced in small sticks, fry in vegetable oil for 5 minutes.
- Cut the carrots with cubes.
- On the baking sheet covered with foil, put the minced meat in the form of a rectangle about 1.5 cm high.
- We put mushrooms and carrots on top.
- Wrap in a roll.
- Lubricate the top and sides with mayonnaise and sprinkle with grated cheese.
- Bake in the oven for half an hour at a temperature of 200 degrees.
- Cut the slightly cooled roll into portions, decorate with herbs and serve to guests.
Salad with Chicken and Prunes
You will need:
- boiled chicken fillet - 500 g;
- hard-boiled eggs - 5 pcs.;
- fresh cucumber - 1 pc.;
- prunes - 150 g;
- walnuts - 100 g;
- mayonnaise - 100 g;
- spices and herbs to taste.
- Rub the eggs on a coarse grater.
- Cut the fillet into medium-sized cubes.
- We cut the washed prunes not very finely.
- Cucumbers cut into large strips.
- Grind nuts with a rolling pin or in a blender.
- We lay out the layers in the following order - cucumbers, chicken, mayonnaise, spices, 1/2 prunes, eggs, salt, mayonnaise, prunes, nuts.
- We decorate with greens, remove for a while in a cool place so that the salad is saturated.
You will need:
- Savoyardi - 200 g;
- mascarpone - 500 g;
- egg - 4 pcs.;
- icing sugar - 100 g;
- espresso - 300 ml;
- Marsala - 200 ml;
- bitter chocolate.
- Separate the whites from the yolks. First whisk until strong peak.
- Grind the yolks with powdered sugar.
- Add the mascarpone. Mix.
- Gently introduce proteins into the cheese and egg mass.
- We mix coffee with wine.
- In the coffee-alcohol composition for a couple of seconds, immerse the Savoyard.
- Soaked in Savoyardi in an even layer, we cover the bottom of the form.
- We distribute half the cream on top, then again the cookies and the remaining cream.
- Dessert sent for 5-6 hours in the refrigerator. Sprinkle with grated chocolate before serving.
After the holiday menu has been compiled, you have to think about serving. To some extent, the rat is still a pet, she loves comfort, and therefore New Year 2020 table decorq must be appropriate.
The design should prevail white, yellow, orange, gold, brown, gray and black.
A beautiful tablecloth made of natural materials (for example, linen) is required. There is a rule that the brighter the tablecloth, the more concise the design of the dishes. As a complement to it, napkins are also needed. They can be simply rolled up, or secured with a ring or wrapped with twine. For several years, the use of a runner (a long narrow path in the middle of the table) is considered a trend, so it will not be superfluous to purchase it.
Cutlery will look advantageous on plates. The spoon, fork and knife can be tied with a ribbon / rope suitable for the overall design concept. If there is time, then you can experiment - fold a napkin in the shape of a Christmas tree (a lot of master classes are on the Web) and insert devices into it.
Do not forget about candles. Small but massive decorative candles will look great. Moreover, if there is no desire, then they do not need to be lit. A composition of Christmas paws / branches / fruits can also become an original decoration, and cinnamon sticks will turn out to be its highlight.
And finally. The main thing is that the symbol of 2020 should be present on the table on New Year's Eve. A charming rat made of porcelain, plastic or wood will be not only an adornment, but also a talisman that attracts good luck and health.
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