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A lot of people are interested in whose 2020 will be on the eastern calendar. According to ancient Chinese teachings, the future can be foreseen by the animal symbol. And although modern technologies are now used everywhere, long-standing astrological knowledge has not lost its relevance.
2020 according to the eastern calendar will be the reign of the White Metal Rat. She will rule from January 25, 2020 to February 1, 2021.
Than the remarkable Metal Rat
Among the eastern peoples, the Rat is considered the most revered animal. She opens the 12-year cycle of the horoscope. According to an ancient legend, she first arrived at the Buddha when he decided to collect all the animals. She used her mind and ingenuity to get ahead of her rivals. A deep river with cold water, a small animal swam on the back of a buffalo.
The rat has intelligence and well-developed intuition. She is very inventive, has an incredible memory that comes to the rescue in the most difficult moments, knows how to make decisions correctly. In addition, the animal is very careful. He always finds a way out of this situation. He never seeks easy ways; he succeeds only through labor. 2020 will be a successful year for businessmen and entrepreneurs. People who work honestly will not have financial difficulties. But the mistress of the year will not be supportive of those who are guided by meanness in their labor activity, who are fed to leave due to the merits of other people.
Note! Astrologers claim that 2020 will not be easy, but Metal Rat, which will take over according to the eastern calendar at the end of January, will find a way out of all situations.
The rat fights for the last for his life and defends the right to life for posterity. In this regard, people need to tackle environmental problems of various sizes. To deserve the favor of the Mistress of the Year, you should take care of nature, be closer to animals, show respect for them. Otherwise, humanity can expect massive destruction due to natural disasters.
Prospects for new beginnings
The element of the year will be Metal, so the Mistress will be White. Astrologers believe that this is a great opportunity to start all over with a white sheet. You can realize your most secretive desires. Metal Rat has a solid, like metal, character, determination and stubbornness. In her armor, she will stop at nothing and will go to the goal to the last.
Purposeful and hardworking people will certainly succeed. Their efforts are sure to be rewarded according to their deserts, so 2020 is a great time to realize the following desires and aspirations:
- opening your own business;
- ascending the career ladder;
- searching for yourself in a new field of activity, etc.
The energy of the Mistress is enough to conquer the most incredible heights, but be prepared to work hard and devote yourself fully to the business that you are busy with.
Important! Among the main characteristics of the Metal Rat is straightness. She does not like the hidden meaning in action.
What awaits other signs
Knowing what the year 2020 will be according to the eastern calendar, astrologers draw up horoscopes for people born under other signs. It is believed that people-rats are waiting for serious changes, they will be able to achieve success using their mind and determination. The rest of the Animals from the 12-year-old Chinese calendar expects the following:
- Pigs will be able to reveal their creative potential, climb to the very top of the career ladder. No financial problems, but they will need support, look for a reliable partner.
- Dogs may experience some difficulties for the first 6 months, but after that the situation will change for the better. Representatives of this sign are waiting for not only financial well-being, but also success in love affairs.
- Roosters can increase their social status, but only on condition that they show perseverance and talent to convince. Things in business will go up rapidly.
- Monkeys will experience certain difficulties. They will need the support of relatives and like-minded people. Only the solid character of the Rat will help them overcome adversity.
- There will be a favorable period for Goats. Professional growth, financial well-being, improvement of family relations are only part of the positive aspects. Stars will converge in the sky to conquer new peaks.
- It will be a difficult period for the Horses, but they will be able to turn the tide if they don’t give up, but continue to move towards the goal. With the right approach, in the second half of the year they will be able to solve the problems that have accumulated over several years.
- Dragons will first experience a depressed state, but after they revise their life priorities, the situation will change for the better. Things will go smoothly.
- The snake will have to endure love experiences, family problems are possible. The situation will change only by the end of the year.
- Positive and negative moments await the rabbits. Constant changes and changes will give a lot of memorable emotions and experiences.
- Tigers will be able to improve their financial situation, solve all the problems associated with money. New opportunities will open before them.
- Bulls’s financial situation will be unstable, but they will be able to find true friends and love.
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