Based on information from the latest news, the government is taking next steps to review the salaries of doctors in 2020. The personnel issue in the state spectrum of medicine remains one of the main problems of modern healthcare in Russia. The key role in it is played by the amount of remuneration for doctors and medical personnel, which does not meet the modern standards of economically developed countries and even some third world countries.
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Low wages force specialists to look for more favorable conditions for themselves, and move to private clinics or go abroad. At the same time, the replenishment of personnel does not occur at the expense of young doctors, since university graduates, seeing the current situation, are trying to determine the most optimal path for themselves. In rare cases, they choose a service in government blades, especially on the periphery. If the current trend continues, in the next few years it will be possible to observe a catastrophic reduction in medical personnel throughout the country.
The salary of doctors in 2020 is established on the basis of data on the distribution of public funds described in the Federal budget. The draft budget for 2020 and the planning period 2021-2022 was sent to the State Duma on September 30, 2019. It indicates that funds will be allocated from the state treasury for the annual indexation of public sector employees, which is carried out on the basis of inflation indicators. At the end of 2019, the inflation rate should be 3.8%. These figures were laid down in the federal budget for 2019. This means that in 2020, 3.8% of wages will be indexed to state employees.
This inflation parameter can be changed after providing information on actual inflation in 2019, which is analyzed by Rosstat. Exact information for the past period is usually submitted in February of the following year.
The salary increase for doctors in 2020 will also depend on inflation indicators, but has its own nuances. The federal budget provides for a rate of inflation of 5.4% for medical workers. That is, in 2020, doctors are increased salaries not by 3.8%, like other employees of budgetary organizations, but by 5.4%. However, the increase should not be expected from January 1, but from October 2020 (as is traditionally the case).
For the planning period 2021 and 2022, inflation indicators of 6.1 and 6.5%, respectively, are provided. These figures are also described in the Federal budget, therefore, funds for their implementation must be allocated without fail.
In addition, in the medical sector (in particular, in primary health care), it is planned to review the distribution of funds allocated from the state budget to medical institutions. According to the statement of the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, which he announced on October 9, 2019 at a meeting with Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, the wages of medical workers should be fair and motivate specialists to improve the quality of services provided. In turn, the Prime Minister assured that the required measures are already being developed and soon new ways of resolving a complex issue will be presented.
Earlier, on October 2, 2019, at a meeting with the president, the Minister of Health Veronika Skvortsova said that medical personnel need at least two years and additional funding to switch to a new payroll system. A fair distribution of public funds in the formation of the salary can be achieved only after the basic labor standards for each specific rate are formulated. Veronika Skvortsova noted that the first calculations of the new scheme should be completed by autumn 2020, and detailed - by December 2021.

Veronika Skvortsova
Salary components
The salary of doctors in 2020 will be calculated on the basis of old principles. It depends on the following factors:
- Salary. It is formed in a medical institution on the basis of state norms and requirements. Varies by position.
- Medical category. The medical worker is charged a premium based on the corresponding category assigned to him.
- Supplement "for harm" or difficult working conditions. The allowance is made to doctors of those specialties whose activities are associated with a heavy workload or specific working conditions that have potential harm to health. These include surgeons, anesthetists, radiologists, etc.
- Surcharge for seniority. It is aimed at encouraging workers who are engaged in this profession for a long period of time. In addition, a long experience can speak of the significant experience of the employee and his high qualifications, which is primarily valued on the labor market.
- Regional allowances. Financing is provided from local budgets of constituent entities of the Russian Federation. May vary by region.
- Indexing. It is carried out annually on the basis of inflation indicators for the past period.
- Overtime. Accrued during processing, night duty, trips to distant regions, for work performed on a holiday, etc.
Also, additionally, on an irregular basis, bonuses, financial assistance (for treatment, at the birth of a child, etc.), rewards, allowances for special merits during work can be issued.
The salary is formed on the basis of state requirements. The remaining components of wages are regulated by the head of the medical institution. Depending on the funding, their size may vary in each organization. However, payroll should not contradict the Labor Code and the collective agreement (or other document), which sets forth the rights and obligations of the parties.
Unfulfilled hopes
The 5.4% increase in salaries for doctors in 2020 is due to an attempt to comply with the “May decrees” that were issued by the president back in 2012. According to the requirements in them, by 2018, the salary of doctors should be from 100 to 200% of the average wage in the region. A lower indicator of 100% refers to the junior medical staff without higher education, and 200% - with a university diploma.
In fact, wages were increased slightly. In some regions, the nurse’s salary is not more than 60% of the average, but not 100%. The increase was hardly enough to compensate for rising inflation. The current decision to use the coefficient of 5.4% indicates the government’s intention to still comply with the president’s instructions, albeit not in the announced volume. It is hoped that the declared annual increases will not lag behind the rise in prices for goods and services.
Can doctors expect a salary increase in 2020: video
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