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Residents of Moscow, raising children alone, in addition to federal assistance, have the right to count in 2020 on payments established by local authorities. These include monthly allowances in an increased amount, compensation related to the increase in the cost of the food basket, life, etc. In addition, single mothers are provided with certain benefits in other areas (in-kind, labor, tax, housing, etc.).
In 2020, fortunes at the expense of the Moscow budget are paid only to single mothers who have permanent registration in the capital and are registered in the district department of social protection. Citizenship of the applicant for social benefits does not play a role.
Increased Child Benefits
If the income of a Muscovite mother does not exceed the subsistence minimum of 2020, then the following money is paid for children: before reaching 3 years - 15,000 rubles, at the age of 3 to 18 years - 6,000 rubles. Since the amount of state aid depends on the level of income, the right to it must be confirmed annually at a strictly defined time. For this, it is necessary to provide 2-NDFL certificates for the past year to the competent authority from January 1 to September 30.
Compensation in connection with the cost of living
Surcharge for single mothers, designed to compensate for the increase in expenses for expensive Moscow life in 2020, is paid for each baby, starting from the first month of his life. In this case, the woman must observe an important condition: to have time to submit the corresponding application no later than 6 months from the date of his birth. Money is paid up to the age of 16. If the latter is a high school student, then up to 18 years.
The amount of compensation depends on the income level of a single mother in 2020. If it is higher than the Moscow living wage, then the payment is 300 rubles. Otherwise, compensation in the amount of 750 rubles is assigned. Recall that according to the results of the 2nd quarter of 2019, the cost of living was set at 19 351 rubles.
Compensation in connection with the rise in price of food
A single woman with children in Moscow is entitled to a compensatory public service, which compensates her for the increase in food prices. In 2020, it is 675 rubles. per month and is produced until the infant reaches 3 years. In order to receive compensation, an application must also be submitted no later than 6 months from the date of his birth.
Other payments
If a single Muscovite mother is employed, then until the infant reaches the age of 1.5, she is entitled to transfer a subsidy at the place of work in the amount of 40% of her salary. In the case when a woman was officially registered as unemployed, the employment center subsidizes her with a benefit of 3,000 rubles. until the baby is 1.5 years old. In the presence of 2 or more children, this amount increases to 5,800 rubles. and paid until their 18th birthday.
Natural benefits
Muscovite mothers are granted the following non-monetary privileges:
- Clothes for babies (issued at the maternity hospital).
- Directions in public transport (valid until the age of 7).
- Dairy cuisine (for children under 2 years old).
- Massage.
- Medical facilities (provided until 3 years of age).
- Breakfast and lunch in high school.
- Theater and movie tickets.
- Sanatorium vouchers (1 time per year), etc.
Labor benefits
The women of Moscow, raising children alone, are subject to the same labor privileges as the rest of the country's parents, namely:
- The ban on dismissal due to a reduction in the state of the enterprise until the child is 14 years old. An exception can only be cases of systematic violation of labor and executive discipline by the mother worker.
- Getting another job when the company is liquidated.
- Reduction of working time until the age of 14.
- The ban on work in excess of the standard duration, on weekends and holidays until the children turn 5 years old.
- Departure on business trips without the consent of a single mother, etc.
Making capital children's allowances
Automatic provision of allowances and benefits is not provided for by law, therefore single mothers should be proactive in these matters. Two types of applications are available to applicants for children's money:
- Personal appearance at the My Documents Center. This is a network that consists of more than 100 service points where Muscovites can get a whole range of public services without reference to the address of permanent registration.
- Visit the online official website of the Moscow administration
State support measures are provided free of charge. Responsible authorities make decisions on the transfer of children's money up to 10 working days from the date of receipt of the corresponding application of a single mother and a full set of necessary documentation.
It is worth remembering that the benefits and co-payments established by the Moscow government remain with a single mother even when she enters into a new legal marriage, but subject to one condition - if the new spouse does not write her child in her name. Otherwise, all the rights that the status of a single mother gives, automatically terminate.
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