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Going to Vietnam for the New Year 2020 is a good idea for those who want to spend unforgettable holidays. This country is gaining popularity among tourists due to affordable prices compared to other exotic countries. In Vietnam, you can combine a beach holiday with an active pastime. A huge number of attractions, beautiful natural landscapes and an abundance of fruit can make a vacation in January bright and eventful. Tourists are offered a variety of entertainment.
The infrastructure is constantly evolving, so the service is often not inferior to European countries. And although the Vietnamese celebrate the New Year on the lunar calendar (the date is changing), on the night of December 31 to January 1, a real holiday is arranged for tourists. Hotels, cafes and restaurants are preparing a banquet with an entertainment program, noisy walks with loud music and fireworks are arranged on the streets.
Where to go
In Vietnam, there are several popular resorts that differ in climate, level of service and other features. To decide which city of Vietnam to go to in January 2020, you need to take into account the weather, personal preferences and financial opportunities.
Nha trang
Many tourists choose Nha Trang because of the well-developed infrastructure and reasonable prices. Thousands of travelers come to this city on New Year's Eve, so mass walks with fireworks, fire shows, performances by acrobats and other artists are organized on the central promenade. On New Year's Eve, the disco will last until the morning. You can participate in the launch of kites. Almost all hotels organize holiday parties.
In Nha Trang, there are hotels with different number of stars. Accommodation in a 3-star hotel will cost from $ 25, and in a hotel with 5 stars you will have to pay several times more. A bed in a hostel on the outskirts will cost from $ 12. For the New Year's banquet you need to pay separately - from 3000 rubles.
The main drawback of New Year's Eve in Nha Trang is inconstant weather. And although the air temperature rises to + 28 + 30 degrees, during this period the rainy season ends. For this reason, heavy rain may fall all day. The sea usually warms up to + 24 + 25 degrees, although there may be strong waves.
Phu Quoc
This is a true paradise island for tourists. Phu Quoc is a great place to relax in Vietnam in January 2020. The island is well suited for families and tourists who want to relax from the hustle and bustle of the city. Noisy parties and discos are usually not held at this place. Most travelers celebrate New Year in a hotel or restaurant. For dinner, they order seafood or get to know the local cuisine.
The island is surrounded by sandy beaches on all sides, so it’s easy to choose a place to relax. The air warms up to +30 degrees, and sometimes even higher. The sea is warm and calm, good for swimming. Prices in Fukuoka are higher than in Nha Trang. Staying at a hotel with three stars will cost from 2500 rubles per day, with five - from 7000. You can save on housing in only one way - to settle behind the third coastline. In this case, the price of accommodation will start from 1500 rubles.
Mui Ne and Fantiete
These southern resorts have a hot climate; air temperature does not drop even at night. The warm sea is well suited for a beach holiday.The cities are very popular among travelers who prefer an active holiday. In Mui Ne and Fantiete available:
- surfing;
- kiting;
- diving.
In the city you can rent the necessary equipment and even use the services of instructors. In the southern resorts a large number of hotels and hotels with different levels of service. If the southern coast is chosen to celebrate New Year 2020 in Vietnam, housing prices are quite reasonable, so the costs will be reasonable. A hotel room costs from 12 to 100 dollars depending on the number of stars, remoteness from the sea, level of comfort.
A trip to this Vietnamese city on New Year's Eve is a good option for budget travelers. If sunbathing on the beach and swimming in the sea get bored, you can diversify your vacation with excursions. There are many attractions in the city. In addition, various exhibitions are often held on the theme of traditions and history of the local population. Hotel accommodation - from 500 to 6000 rubles per day.
Important! You can also celebrate New Year 2020 in Vietnam in Ho Chi Minh City. The city hosts mass festivities with discos and concerts, so the holidays can be fun and bright. The main disadvantage is that there is no sea nearby. For a beach holiday, you will have to go to one of the sea resorts.
Staying in Vietnam is not limited to beach vacations. Different types of entertainment are available to tourists, so the New Year holidays can be spent richly. In addition to visiting discos and participating in entertainment programs, you can pass the time like this:
- ride a water scooter, a "banana" or other water vehicles;
- go diving;
- visit the water park or amusement park;
- Get to know the local cuisine
- see the sights.
To see interesting places, you can book a tour or rent a scooter and go around the city on your own. Vietnam is good for shopping. At local markets, you can cheaply buy souvenirs, silk items, and pearl jewelry.
Offers from tour operators
To have a good rest in Vietnam for the New Year of 2020 and save yourself from unnecessary trouble, you can buy a ready-made tour. Among the variety of offers of travel agencies it is easy to choose the best option. The price of the tour depends on the duration of the trip (from 3 days), hotel, food and other factors. The most budget option for a three-day stay with a settlement in a hotel with three stars will cost more than 120 thousand rubles. For an all-inclusive vacation you will have to pay from 200 thousand rubles. Hot tours can sometimes be purchased at 30-40% cheaper, but such luck does not always fall out. If the tour includes only breakfast, you can eat cheaply in a cafe for locals. In this case, you can save up to 50% on food.
Where to go for a vacation in Vietnam: video
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