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Vaxigripp is an effective flu vaccine in the 2019-2020 season, the composition of which is fully consistent with WHO recommendations. The drug of the French manufacturer Sanofi Pasteur is considered one of the safest drugs for the prevention of influenza in people of different ages, including children older than 6 months.
general information
"Vaksigripp" is a suspension that is available in multi-dose vials of 5 ml, ampoules of 0.5 ml or syringes of 0.5 ml and 0.25 ml (adult and pediatric dose, respectively). Thanks to a thin needle, the procedure is almost painless.
On a note! The vaccine is intended for intramuscular or deep subcutaneous injection into the deltoid muscle of the shoulder (children older than 3 years and adults) or the anterior region of the quadriceps femoris (young children).
Requires storage and transportation in a dark place with a temperature of 2-8 ° C for no more than 12 months from the date of manufacture. In case of freezing, violation of the integrity of the packaging, color changes for further use is prohibited. The remains of the drug in a hidden bottle can also not be used, so the residue must be destroyed.
Composition and properties
The active components of Vaxigripp are formalin inactivated influenza viruses cultured on chicken embryos. Each dose includes hemagglutinin, neuramidase of type A virus strains (1N1, Michigan), A (H3N2, Singapore), B (Victoria and Yamagata lines). Additional components are sodium chloride, potassium and sodium phosphate, potassium chloride, water for injection.
Important! The antigenic formula may be adjusted according to WHO forecasts for the upcoming epidemic season. Therefore, it is important to use a vaccine released specifically for the 2019-2020 season to ensure its effectiveness.
The drug stimulates the production of antibodies to form immunity against strains contained in the vaccine. Antibody production starts after 10-14 days and lasts up to 6-12 months. As practice shows, immunity is produced in 90% of patients. But even influenza infection for a vaccinated person is much easier and with less complications, so doctors recommend not refusing vaccination. Periodic mutations in viruses can reduce vaccine effectiveness. In addition, the positive effect will be affected by:
- age and state of human health;
- compliance with storage and transportation of the drug;
- execution technique and time of vaccination (immunity will weaken over time);
- seasonal epidemiological situation.
Indications for use
Flu vaccination is included in the National Vaccination Calendar of the Russian Federation, but is not a mandatory procedure for every citizen. Nevertheless, doctors recommend vaccination to protect themselves and others from the flu and its dangerous complications. Particularly, the recommendation applies to the following populations at risk:
- with diseases of the respiratory system, kidneys, liver, nervous or cardiovascular systems,
- in a state of immunodeficiency associated with HIV, chemo, radiation or corticosteroid therapy;
- with diabetes;
- when working related to staying in public places (waiters, conductors, medical workers, teachers, educators, etc.);
- persons over 60 years old;
- children over 6 months old;
- pregnant (from the 2nd trimester).
To achieve the maximum effect of Vaxigrippa, it is recommended to be vaccinated in the fall of 2019 before the burst of incidence or in the initial stages in the event of an influenza epidemic. Dosage is selected by age:
- 0.25 ml for children 6 months-3 years old;
- 0.5 ml for children older than 3 years and adults.
On a note! Children under 9 years of age with primary vaccination require a double dose of 0.25 ml with an interval of 1 month.
Contraindications and side effects
An absolute contraindication to the administration of Vaxigripp is an allergic reaction in previous uses. The drug is also not suitable for:
- allergies components of the drug (chicken protein, aminoglycosides, etc.);
- 1st trimester of pregnancy;
- the age of the child is up to 6 months;
- at a temperature of more than 37 ° C;
- exacerbation of chronic ailments.
The vaccine requires caution when administered to patients with a tendency to allergic reactions, with bleeding disorders, with chronic diseases (allowed during remission).
The drug belongs to one of the safest vaccines. Often it does not cause a deterioration in well-being, but in the early days in some cases general and local ailments are possible:
- drowsiness, weakness;
- irritability;
- local reactions (edema, thickening, redness, itching, pain at the injection site);
- headache and muscle pain;
- chills, fever;
- loss of appetite, diarrhea;
- allergic reactions.
Such phenomena are considered one of the options for a normal reaction to vaccination in the process of antibody production and the formation of immunity. They usually go away without any intervention within 3 days. With longer ailments or a rapid deterioration of the condition, you should consult a doctor for an additional examination.
One of the most serious possible complications is anaphylactic shock or Quincke's edema, which can develop in the first 5-10 minutes after vaccination and in the absence of immediate medical attention can lead to death. It is with this risk that the recommendation is not to leave the medical facility within half an hour after vaccination. If during this time there were no negative reactions, you can return to everyday affairs.
Additional Information
The procedure is carried out in a certified medical institution (public or private) according to the instructions for use. To reduce the risk of complications and stimulate the expected high immunity, you should undergo a preliminary examination with a doctor, it is advisable to take urine and blood tests and make sure there are no hidden inflammatory processes. Before vaccination, it is important to notify the health care provider of the presence of health problems (chronic and ongoing), treatment carried out during the vaccination period or shortly before it.
During the formation of immunity, it is recommended to avoid excessive loads for the body (hypothermia, visiting a sauna, crowded places), drinking alcohol and potentially allergenic products.
Each person has the right to independently choose the place of vaccination. This can be done at the clinic if you first buy the vaccine according to the prescription of a therapist or pediatrician. The price of Vaxigripp in pharmacies in Moscow is within 300 rubles. But it should be borne in mind that in the past autumn-winter season, the drug was sold in limited quantities and it was difficult to find in free sale. In addition, with an independent purchase, a refrigerator bag will be required for transportation from a pharmacy to a medical facility.
Another option is to get vaccinated in private clinics in Moscow, St. Petersburg or another city.For example, prices in Moscow clinics in the range of 600-2000 rubles. At a higher cost, the complex, in addition to paying for the Vaxigripp drug and the vaccination procedure, includes a preliminary examination of the therapist. In addition, there is no need to take care of the proper transportation of the drug to the vaccination room.
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