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If the government approves the revised version of the bill on a single payment document for housing and communal services, introduced by the deputies of the State Duma headed by Sergey Pakhomov back in June 2019, then already in 2020 a single payment may appear in Russia.
Recall that after the first review, the document was sent for revision. Meanwhile, the government has already announced its readiness to support the bill if the new version of the draft proves to be of higher quality and the working group eliminates all the shortcomings identified earlier.
The essence of the bill
The new housing and communal services payment system, which may be introduced this year, involves a number of important innovations, including:
- the introduction of a single receipt, which will collect all the main payments;
- launch of digital payment systems, the delivery of which they plan to implement through the portal of public services;
- transferring the function of generating and printing receipts to special operators, which will be played by state or private companies;
- the creation of a single base to optimize the process of maintaining statistics on tariff growth and reporting.
The need to switch to a single utility payment system has been long overdue, because both residents of small towns and Russians living in large cities, among the problems they have to deal with every month, are:
- inconsistency in the format of payment receipts between different resource-supplying organizations;
- different billing dates, making it difficult for people to plan their budget;
- commissions that the bank calls for each such payment;
- a large number of accounts that need to be systematized and stored.
Accordingly, if in Russia there appears a single payment for housing and communal services, the problems for homeowners may decrease, and organizing the information, which will be one single check, will become much simpler and more convenient.
What will be a single receipt
In fact, a single receipt will be a payment document, which will collect information from several service providers.
But, its format may vary in different regions, depending on the number of resource-supplying organizations that will be ready to switch to a new format of interaction with subscribers.
So, data for payment for all basic utilities, as well as additional items, such as:
- for management;
- for the withdrawal of garbage;
- for current repairs and maintenance of the house;
- for major repairs of the house, etc.
Operators or Settlement Centers
Today, each resource-supplying organization contains a staff of employees whose responsibilities include the formation and printing of receipts. In the future, companies are invited to delegate these tasks to the so-called operators (or billing centers), who will collect data from different organizations and enter them into a single receipt. The task of companies that provide certain services in the field of housing and communal services will be the timely provision of information to the operator.
There is already a positive experience in the interaction of resource-supplying companies with settlement centers, because the system has already passed a period of testing and has been successfully operating in many cities of the country. Moreover, they promise that if in 2019-2020 a single payment for housing services appears in all regions of Russia, it will be possible to choose between the services of municipal or private operators.This format, in turn, should create conditions for healthy competition in the market and encourage operators to search for the most favorable conditions for cooperation for consumers and utilities.
Although the government plans to completely switch to a single payment system, in 2019 and 2020 organizations will be left with the right, as before, to invoice subscribers themselves.
What to expect Russians
Definitely, residents of regions in which innovations will only begin to be introduced in 2019 and 2020 will appreciate the convenience of the new housing and communal services payment format. But, innovation has not yet been launched, and people already have a number of questions:
- how will the appearance of a new link (settlement center) in the chain affect the final amount;
- whether the data will be distorted, and to whom to contact in case of errors in payments;
- will the promised reform not cause a reduction in the staff of resource-supplying companies, because they will no longer need such a number of operators in the settlement departments.
Most likely, clear answers to these and many other questions of concern to consumers and the providers of housing services themselves will be announced after the government officially approves the text of the bill.
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