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The leadership of the Russian Federation has been struggling for the first year for the development of the economy in the Russian countryside. The work aimed at attracting finance, increasing the level of economic activity in the villages is carried out by the Ministry of Agriculture. Over the past decade, several federal programs have been launched that focus on improving living standards and business development in settlements remote from the city. One of them is the target strategy “Sustainable development of rural territories”. The set of measures and benefits that form the basis of the program will be valid until 2020. Therefore, Russians who want to participate in a social project need to hurry.
Pressing issues
In world practice, the level of economic development of a country is estimated, including the standard of living of people in the rural outback. Of great importance in determining the rating of the state is the degree of prosperity of small business, organized away from megacities. In our country, these indicators have long been far from ideal. Difficult working conditions, poor quality of medical care, lack of developed infrastructure, low salaries - a combination of these factors caused the outflow of the population from villages to cities.
The situation was aggravated by the reluctance of investors to invest in the development of sparsely populated territories. Construction companies were also not enthusiastic about the idea of massively erecting new comfortable housing. Currently, thanks to the efforts of the government, the situation has been slightly improved. Significant progress in this work was obtained thanks to the strategy “Sustainable development of rural territories for 2014 - 2017 and for the period until 2020”. The social program has already helped many Russians find new apartments, build their own homes, and get decent-paid jobs in environmentally friendly Russian villages.
Today, more and more citizens are happy to move to the village for permanent residence. They are attracted to Russians who are accustomed to civilization, more often than not state programs, but the opportunity to live in an ecologically clean place. Although for those who want to open their own family business in the future, government subsidies are very appropriate. But so far the trend is such that, living in the village and officially counted as villagers, citizens continue to work in large cities.
For information. According to statistics, every fifth resident of the Russian village is below the poverty line. That is, a quarter of all villagers receive a minimum wage. By international standards, such indicators indicate a weak economic development of the country.
Village Development Document
The sustainable rural development program was approved in 2013. The document came into force in January 2014. You can apply for participation in a social project until 2020. It is by this time that the government expects to achieve all its goals:
- providing a comfortable environment for the life of Russians in villages;
- attracting investors by providing basic infrastructure and payment of cash subsidies;
- the provision of jobs (including high-tech);
- attracting citizens to participate in socio-economic and socially significant events;
- promotion of lifestyle in rural settlements through extensive national advertising campaigns.
In order to carry out all that was planned by the government, an action plan was envisaged, which the Ministry of Agriculture adheres to during the program. The main goal, according to representatives of the agricultural department, is considered to provide assistance to citizens who wish to move to the countryside. It should be expressed primarily in the provision of their own housing and decent work. Support can be expressed by paying monetary compensation for the construction of an individual building or as a down payment for the purchase of square meters in multi-unit new buildings. Such preferences should be given first and foremost to modern youth, agricultural specialists and social workers. According to authorities, this is the best way to attract people to the countryside.
Much attention is also paid to ensuring a “favorable microclimate” to attract private business. Benefits in the form of grants should attract businessmen who will take responsibility for the improvement of playgrounds for children, the construction of sports grounds and complexes, the restoration of memorial objects of culture, the implementation of environmental projects.
In addition, the document provides:
- the construction of new asphalt roads to socially significant objects and enterprises of the agricultural industry;
- renewal in the economic (housing and communal) sector;
- improvement of transport services;
- improving the quality of medical care to the population by attracting young personnel and developing a mobile form of medical care;
From targeted assistance, the strategy provides for the organization of a reward system in the form of monetary rewards for active participation and work in the technological sectors of the agro-industrial complex.
Reform funds
The state plans to seek money for reforming life in the village by adjusting the budget policy. The fact is that at the municipal level, a very small portion of taxes is collected. This is due to the small turnover of money supply, due to the low level of security of the population and a small population of land. The government plans to change the course of redistribution of finances with their concentration in favor of rural areas. But the bulk of the money will be allocated from the state treasury. In total, it is planned to invest about 450 billion rubles in the project, of which 250 billion from the federal budget.
The strategy is focused on achieving goals in a phased manner. The first step is to carry out preparatory work that will create a platform for further action. These include the construction of communications, roads, enterprises, etc. At the second stage, after completion of the initial preparation, finances will be directed to attracting the population and providing them with housing. The second phase is planned for the period 2018-2020.
The head of state was entrusted with the Ministry of Agriculture to monitor the progress and quality of the program. Monitoring the implementation of the strategy since its launch is accompanied by regular and timely reports to the president of the Russian Federation.
For information. With the participation in the program for the construction of infrastructure facilities, the size of the subsidy may be equal to 2 million rubles. Provided that this amount does not exceed 60% of the total project cost. The subsidy for improving housing conditions for needy citizens can be up to 70% of the value of the property. With the construction of roads, the maximum subsidy will be 10 million rubles.
Who can count on benefits
There are several prerequisites for participating in the program “Sustainable development of rural territories for 2014 - 2017 and for the period until 2020”. The recipient must:
- to be registered and actually live in the village;
- work in one of the rural companies;
- not own real estate, that is, be in need of housing.
In addition, citizens under the age of 35 with a diploma of higher agricultural, pedagogical or medical education have a priority right to receive benefits. Priority is also given to graduate students receiving professions that are in demand in rural areas. Students can, if desired, receive a targeted job placement.
More about housing subsidies for the sustainable rural development program: video
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