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- Country of Origin: Russia, Bulgaria
- Genre: psychological drama, thriller
- Producer: Veta Geraskina
- Release Date: September 1
- Starring: Svetlana Khodchenkova, Alexander Krotov, Jacob Dil.
Svetlana Khodchenkova managed to win the love of the audience and each picture with her participation immediately attracts attention. Probably the new film “She has a different name”, where the actress will appear in an unusual role, will not be an exception.
Svetlana not only played the main character, but also acted as a producer of the film project. She described the new brainchild as an "art mainstream" that can reach the masses with different interests and tastes. And, judging by the active viewing of the teaser that appeared in December last year, I was not mistaken.
The 37-year-old Lisa, who lives in a small provincial town, seems to have everything for a happy life: beauty, money, prestigious work, respect from others. But she was tormented by some kind of inner grief that turned a young, successful woman into an unbalanced hysteria. Lisa obviously has a “skeleton in the closet,” which she carefully hides from strangers, not wanting or ashamed to share a depressing secret.
At 21, in the last year of high school, the main character became pregnant, but could not find the strength to raise a child. The dizzying career that awaited her after graduation, wealth and success attracted the girl much more than the prospect of messing with diapers and somehow surviving with the baby in her arms. After a brief struggle with conscience, ambition won and Lisa simply did not take her newborn daughter from the hospital. Soon the girl was adopted, she began to live in a foster family.
And now, after sixteen years, having matured and satiated with “the blessings of life”, Lisa begins to torment repentance. She understands how cruel she once did with her daughter and wants to make amends. In addition, Lisa suspects that her unstable personal life is a kind of retribution for betrayal in relation to her own child.
Completely alone in a huge, beautifully furnished, but empty and cold apartment, the heroine tormented herself with futile dreams of an unfulfilled and in vain looking for a way out. It is not known how long these throws would go on, but the accident gives the young woman a shake, after which her thoughts come into relative order. She decides to look for her daughter and take care of her, with increased attention compensating for the long-standing lack of maternal love.
But it is one thing to conceive something and quite another to translate the plan into reality. In her search, Lisa continually encounters all kinds of obstacles: no one is in a hurry to reveal the whereabouts of the abandoned girl. In the end, the woman finds the 17-year-old orphan Ulyana and, convincing herself that this is her daughter, takes the teenager to her.
Alas, the hopes of a quiet family idyll are shattered on the very first day of marriage. Ulyana, who grew up on the street among street children, learned a lot, but not love. She plagues a newly-minted mother, instead of a daughterly feeling showing only selfish interest in her, behaves closed and stubbornly keeps her secrets.
The authors of the film promise to show the audience the dark sides of night club life, clandestine dens, in one of which Ulyana moonlights. Faced with resistance from the adoptive daughter, Lisa begins to realize that she is still not ready for motherly forgiveness and warmth with warmth.It is painful for her to take care of another person, even if she has a blood bond. Perhaps the demons of despair, tormenting her soul for so many years, have nothing to do with the rash act of youth?
The psychological drama that was played out between the main characters, threatens to end tragically if they do not find the strength to take a step towards each other. The tape is unlikely to be perceived easily, but promises to be very atmospheric.
Film crew
The director of the film, as well as one of the authors of the script - Veta Geraskina, recently graduated from the Moscow School of New Cinema by Dmitry Mamulia. Her debut work was the short film “Consecutive Scenes” and now the turn of “full meter” has come. Despite Geraskina’s small experience in cinema, Khodchenkova, who knows her well, is sure that the new film will turn out to be really bright and memorable.
In addition, Geraskina wrote the script for the comedy "Sober Driver" Rezo Gigienishvili.
The producers of the tape were Konstantin Fam - the director of the sensational film almanac "Witnesses", dedicated to the victims of the Holocaust and Ekaterina Mikhailova. Svetlana Khodchenkova herself became a member of the administrative and financial group. During the presentation of the teaser “She has a different name”, the actress explained that she took up producing exclusively so that the role that interested her even at the stage of creating the script was not given to someone else. “I’m sure that no one can convey the character of the heroine better than me,” Khodchenkova said, commenting on her decision. Previously, she already spoke about her desire to engage in production activities, independently choose scenarios and develop “new experimental territories”. The bulk of the shooting will take place in the spring and summer of 2019.
Svetlana Khodchenkova is one of the brightest stars of modern Russian cinema. Her debut took place in the first year of the Schukin Theater School, when Stanislav Govorukhin, attracted by the amazing, purely Russian beauty of the girl, saw in her the main character of the movie novel “Bless the Woman”. The picture, barely going out, became a cult, and Khodchenkova, which is called "woke up famous."
But, as the actress herself admits, the role in the film Govorukhina almost played a cruel joke with her. The directors saw in Svetlana an exceptionally tender, kind and compliant girl and were not invited to the roles of another plan. For several years, the actress had to struggle with the existing image, proving that she can play different characters, including negative ones. The Hollywood blockbuster Wolverine: Immortal and the Russian film Bloody Lady Bathory are the best evidence of this.
Now the actress will again try herself in a new role, playing a woman whose psyche slowly collapses under the influence of guilt. Her main partner will be 23-year-old Alexandra Krotkova, so far known to viewers only as an episodic role in the television series Bad Weather.
Also among the actors of the 2020 film “She Has a Different Name” the Dutchman Jacob Dil is mentioned, with a light hand Kirill Serebrennikov played in two Russian historical dramas: “Dear Hans, dear Peter” and “Paradise”.
The release date of the film “She Has a Different Name” is well known to moviegoers. Let's hope they are waiting for a truly unforgettable meeting with art, which makes you remember the true values of life and appreciate the closest and dearest people.
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