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New Year's toasts are a great part of a fun celebration. They are suitable for a family feast, and for corporate parties. According to the Chinese calendar, 2020 is the year of the Metal Rat. Despite its not very pleasant appearance, this animal is distinguished by intelligence and often becomes a friend to humans. Therefore, when preparing New Year's toasts by 2020, we should mention the merits of the Patron Rat and try to appease her so that luck will accompany the coming year.
New Year's toasts for corporate parties - 2020
During the festive celebration with colleagues I want not to think about work concerns, deeds and plans that are constantly “burning”. This time is just for relaxing and blurring the line in a boss-subordinate relationship. However, one should respect decency and not get carried away by cronyism. When preparing for a corporate party, you can use neutral toasts that cheer up everyone around you, regardless of position, age or gender. For example, such:
- New Year is a time of discoveries and new achievements. I want to wish everyone to be able to find in themselves hidden skills that will help them achieve their goals faster and better. So that life is filled with new positive impressions, and they are preserved in the soul for a long time and help us become kinder and wiser.
- Miracles live around us. And in the New Year, they seem to become concentrated. There is an elevated mood and a desire to fulfill the dreams of loved ones, to make them more happy. So, often we ourselves become the source of a miracle. Let us keep this feeling of joy and goodness in the coming year, and we will always carry it with us.
- May all wishes come true this year, and find a simple solution to all complex problems. Life plays in bright colors, and a string of victories and successes pursues.
- Each of us wants to succeed in our work. I wish that the chosen business is always carried out with pleasure and bring joy. After all, if you love what you are doing, then it’s much easier to work, and the desire to improve and grow above yourself does not always fade.
- The Rat has its own virtues - mind, caution, thrifty, industriousness, endurance, the ability to adapt to circumstances and find favorable opportunities for oneself. I want to wish that in each of us the positive qualities of this interesting animal prevail, to help us overcome any obstacles.
- I want to wish you success in all new and old projects, creativity, inspiration and strength for new achievements. May calm and good mood always be present in your soul.
More New Year's toasts in the file:
Family toasts for the New Year 2020
In the family circle, people are usually more relaxed and it will not be superfluous to joke sometimes. Even if the joke is not very funny, in the family it will be warmly received and with genuine fun. Nevertheless, one should not cross the boundaries of what is permitted and joke inappropriately. A good joke carries only positive emotions. A comic toast for the New Year 2020 can be chosen from the following:
- The Rat may not be the prettiest beast, but now is the time to make friends with it. She can teach us patience and hard work, perseverance and determination.I would like to wish that in our house there is always a slice of cheese, as well as bread, butter, jam and sausages, so that it would not be embarrassing to treat the Patroness of the year.
- If the muslin ladies faint from the sight of the Rat, then this year we are even glad to see her. She brings luck and prosperity to the house, and we are ready to share our joy with her. And Rats are very smart, and they know where exactly to bring good luck. So let her always have our address.
- I want you to say warm words like batteries every day, life to be as bright as a garland, and days as fiery as sparklers. That health was as strong as drinks, and salary always came with a bonus.
- On New Year's Eve, any wishes come true, so you need to make a wish come true every day.
- Let Santa Claus on New Year's Eve comes not only to children, but also to adults. After all, we are all someone's children and a small child still lives in each of us.
- Let Champagne flow like a river on New Year's Eve, but not on the floor, but directly into the mouth.
- Love, caring and kindness are three components of happiness. And olivier, champagne and sparklers are the three components of fun. So let in our life there will always be merry happiness and happy fun.
Toast Parables
Small table dinners are always relevant at celebrations. They can take a break when all the guests have already eaten and have a rest. In addition, they can become an occasion for a pleasant conversation and discussion of the moral of the story. On New Year's holidays, you can tell the guests the following parables:
- On New Year's Eve, husband and wife had dinner at a restaurant. They discussed past events, among which there were many joyful moments. But then her husband remembered one failure and began to talk passionately about it, complaining about fate and not seeing any further prospects. At this time, the wife carefully examined the Christmas tree in the restaurant, which was decorated with bright lights. She told her husband: “Look carefully: this garland has one light bulb that has burned out. But the rest of the lights continue to flicker, and from this the tree has not become less elegant. ” Therefore, you need to look at the whole picture as a whole and evaluate the year according to all the results, and not focus on one problem.
- Once, three wanderers set off to travel the world. The first night they did not get to the overnight stay and decided to ask to spend the night in the nearest house. When they knocked on the door, the master asked: “Who is it?” The wanderers answered: “Love, Health and Wealth. Can you stay overnight? ”The landlord replied that they only have one free seat and they need to decide who to let in. The old mother asked to let Health in, and the young daughter - Love, the wife - Wealth. While they were arguing, the wanderers left. So let in our house there will always be a place for Love, Health and Wealth.
- Once Master decided to answer any questions of people. However, he was constantly asked whether there is life after death. Teacher smiled all the time and did not answer directly to the question. Later, his students asked: “Teacher, why didn’t you answer the question you were asked?” To which the teacher said: “Have you noticed that afterlife are primarily interested in those who do not know what to do with this life. They need another life, eternal. So the main question for them will be whether there is life BEFORE death! ”Therefore, I wish to live in such a way that there is no time to ask myself about life after death.
What you should not talk about
It is no coincidence that the rat takes pride of place in the Chinese horoscope - it opens a new 12-year cycle. She has a lot of advantages that give her special properties. However, the Rat has some negative aspects, such as theft and sabotage. This animal may be associated with something unclean, dirt, parasites and infection.
Such qualities, as well as the expressions “hide” or “rattle” should not be mentioned at the celebration, and even more so, addressed to someone. This can offend both the Patroness and the person to whom the speech is addressed. It should be remembered that each of us has its pros and cons. And in order to better develop their positive aspects, it is necessary to devote more time to them, and not focus only on the shortcomings.
New Year's toasts with a robotic drinking buddy: video
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