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Housing and communal services is one of the most important branches of state infrastructure. In Russia, it is far from perfect and therefore over the past decades has been constantly being reformed. So, in 2012, after assuming the presidency, Vladimir Putin signed a decree on the adoption of effective measures to provide all Russians with comfortable and affordable housing. It was in the framework of this task that the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Public Utilities of the Russian Federation developed a strategy for the development of housing and communal services in the Russian Federation for the period until 2020.
Government policy in the “Housing Technology” strategy
The need to change the existing management model of housing and communal services has risen sharply in the last decade. The global financial crisis has shaken the domestic economy, as a result of which the load in the form of financial support for the housing and utilities sector has become an almost unbearable burden for the state.
Dmitry Medvedev instructed the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Public Utilities to form and fix on paper all the government’s plans regarding one of the most problematic areas. The department has developed a strategy called “Housing Technologies”, which involves the restructuring of the housing and utilities sector in the period from 2016 to 2020. The draft document was submitted to the All-Russian Popular Front. During a stormy but constructive discussion, the coalition noted a lot of “blank spots” in the proposed reform. Andrey Chibis, who holds the post of Deputy Minister of Construction and Housing and Public Utilities, he also thanked the Chief Housing Inspector of Russia for his active participation in the discussion. But at the same time he indicated that the vast majority of controversial issues have already been agreed with the head of state and the cabinet.

Andrey Chibis
In January 2016, the development strategy for housing and communal services in the Russian Federation for the period until 2020 was approved by government decree No. 80. After posting the document on the official website of the Ministry of Construction, it has more than once become the subject of heated discussion and debate.
For information. Cash turnover in the housing and utilities sector is more than 4 trillion rubles. And this means that housing and communal services forms more than 3% of GDP.
The essence of the strategy
Chronic underfunding of the industry, as well as the inefficient use of available funds, led to a gradual deterioration of infrastructure by more than 60%. To eradicate the existing problems, a strategic plan for four years was developed. The strategy clearly identifies two priorities:
- improving the quality of the housing stock;
- providing the population and industry with decent quality housing services.
As quickly as possible to achieve the first goal, according to the creators of the document, it is possible by teaching the population how to manage their property. Citizens must learn that they are the owners of not only their apartments, but all common property. Only in this case, the overhaul system will work in full force. Also, to implement the first task, it is necessary to solve the issue of resettlement of emergency housing.
The second objective of the strategic plan was solved by attracting highly qualified personnel to the industry. The healthy competition between management companies in the fight for the client will undoubtedly force them to improve the quality of the services offered.And the owners of apartment buildings will be able to choose the best of the best at their discretion.
On the way to the set goals, the Ministry of Construction launched the following projects:
- Licensing of organizations that ensure the proper sanitary and technical condition of apartment buildings and adjoining territories. As a result of this step, unscrupulous management companies had to leave the housing and communal services market. By introducing the latest geographic information systems, it will be even easier for consumers to get acquainted with service providers and analyze their work.
- Implementation of the concession mechanism. The objects that are on the balance of the housing and communal services are maintained at the expense of the investor's capital, but at the same time remain in state ownership.
In general, according to the Minister of Construction, the implementation of the strategy in real life should lead to a tangible increase in the level of satisfaction of Russians with the quality of services. Currently, more than half of compatriots are dissatisfied with the work of management companies.
The strategy, for all its importance, is advisory in nature. It does not contain legal norms and references to them. The government only outlines the direction of the political and economic movement in the housing sector. Representatives of the legislative and executive branches are invited to adhere to the intended course. That is, the development of regional target programs and other documents by authorities should be carried out in accordance with the strategy.
Public opinion
The effectiveness of the strategic plan casts doubt on several public organizations. Thus, the head of the People's Expertise Center noted that the strategy is more like a regular action plan than innovation. In addition, according to the representative of ONF, it is impossible to solve the problem of resettlement of emergency housing without launching a project for the construction of rental housing. But such a program is not provided by the document.
The deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on Housing Policy and Housing and Public Utilities declares that the content of the new document regarding the economic management of apartment buildings is too vague. The document does not suggest specific solutions to what and how to do. Also, Elena Nikolaeva considers the lack of sections on environmental protection and protection, the creation of a favorable investment environment to be a major flaw; there is no provision for stimulating Russians to install metering devices.
Among other things, a large number of members of the public note another flaw - the strategy does not spell out specific deadlines for the implementation of the tasks and does not stipulate clear control mechanisms, which means that no major breakthrough in housing and utilities should be expected in the near future.
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