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As a subject of choice for the exam in 2020, you plan to take social science - we suggest you find out what topics you can meet in task number 29 (mini-essay), and what should be the plan for an ideal essay (examples of 6-point essays and the right argument).
Everything related to the format and rules of the exam for the company, as well as the system of assessment of work and the test calendar of the 2019-2020 academic year, you will find in the article "Unified State Exam in 2020».
Mini composition format
An essay (a short essay with elements of reasoning) is KIM’s last 29th task in social studies, in which graduates are invited to write a short text based on the above statement. There are 5 phrases to choose from (one for each semantic block):
- economy;
- philosophy;
- political science;
- sociology;
- jurisprudence.
So, in the demonstration version of KIM for 2020, FIPI offers these five topics to choose from:
Recall that for the entire examination work is given 235 minutes (almost 4 hours), of which FIPI advises to allocate from 30 to 45 minutes for a mini essay. For the correct execution of task No. 29, you can get a maximum of 6 primary points:
- 1 point - for revealing the meaning of the statement;
- 2 points - for the correct explanation of key concepts;
- 1 point - for the logic of reasoning;
- 2 points - for good examples and argumentation.
Essay Plan
The first thing that needs to be done at the stage of preparation for the Unified State Examination 2020 in social studies is to draw up a universal essay plan, based on which you can write mini-essays on various topics.
The structure of the 6-point essay consists of 7 main points:
- quote;
- problem;
- the essence of the statement;
- examiner's opinion;
- argumentation;
- examples (minimum 2);
- output.
Each of the paragraphs can be disclosed either in one sentence or in a whole paragraph. The minimum and maximum number of words is not regulated, but experts recommend writing at least 150 and no more than 450 words. Most often, a good essay ranges from 350 to 400 words. This volume is more than enough to reveal the topic without involving absolutely unnecessary information.
Read more about what should be the plan for writing an essay, and what you should not write about in an essay on the exam in social studies in 2020, read the article "The structure of essays on social studies».
You should not look for ready-made essays for the Unified State Examination-2020, because the topics of the essay on social science are not disclosed in advance, and the range of possible problems and statements is quite large.
Experienced educators recommend that you carefully study each of the main blocks included in the subject of "social studies" and learn how to write an essay based on a universal plan, prepared templates and cliche phrases. This approach will allow you to easily write a mini-composition based on historical facts, literature, movies or personal experience, in the time allotted by the regulations.
This module is one of the most difficult for reasoning, so it is worth choosing if you are really strong in the subject and familiar with the opinions of philosophers. The main problem of those who choose philosophical topics is a misunderstanding of the meaning of the statement. You understand that such an error entails the assessment of the entire task at 0 points.
The most relevant areas raised in the “philosophy” block will be as follows:
The economy is more accessible for understanding, and therefore it is these topics that are most often preferred by participants in the exam. As a rule, during the disclosure of a topic on economics, one can draw a lot of material from everyday life, as well as information distributed by official media.
The following topics are most often covered in the module “Economics”:
- resources and needs;
- factors of production;
- the essence of money and wealth;
- entrepreneurship and business;
- competition.
If we examine the topic of possible problems more deeply, then in the exam ticket there may be statements related to such areas:
For more information about what should be an essay plan for those from the “economics” block, which topics are most likely to be taken at a social science exam in 2020, see the online video analysis:
The section is also very popular, since even weak graduates can reason on proposed topics that are closely interwoven with real life. It is an essay on sociology that most often gain the maximum possible 6 points.
Choosing the “sociology” block for writing an essay on social studies at the Unified State Examination 2020, one can argue one’s opinion based on examples from history and literature, as well as on real cases about which the media informed.
This module covers the following topics:
Political science
As a rule, these topics are not very popular among graduates, as they require the examiner to have a thorough understanding of the political processes taking place in the country and involve real-life events from the history and political life of Russia and other countries as examples.
Weak students who, during the course of their studies, did not delve into this topic more than the school curriculum required, may misunderstand the meaning of the statement, as in the case of philosophy, or choose inappropriate examples that may affect the performance of the work.
In the block “political science”, there may be statements affecting such topics:
In the “right” block, the following directions for essays are considered the most popular:
- law as a regulator of public relations;
- the equality of all before the law;
- legal culture;
- legislative process;
- legal responsibility.
Upon deeper consideration, the “law” module includes the following areas:
The complexity of the block is that, in the course of reasoning, it is necessary to refer to the real laws in force in the Russian Federation and to write down when the law was adopted, and how it affected the society, what positive (or possibly negative) shifts in the life of society occurred as a result of the change legislation.
For more details about which topics from the “right” block are most likely to be on the Unified State Exam in 2020, as well as what examples will be relevant during the writing of the mini-essay, see the video:
Examples and Arguments
Whichever block of the 5 proposed in KIM you choose, it is important to choose the right examples to illustrate certain processes.
Where to find good examples for argumentation?
- Russian history;
- information from school courses in other subjects;
- literature;
- mass media (real events of our day);
- personal experience.
Note! The specifications indicate that you can refer to personal experience as examples. But, it is worth doing this only as a last resort, if you could not pick up other, more valuable examples.
What should be the work on the actual argumentation when writing an essay on social studies at the USE in 2020, and what you should consider when drawing up a mini-essay plan, see the online training:
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