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- World premiere: 2020
- Premiere in Russia: 2020
- Country of Origin: Russia
- Genre: romance, sport
- Producer: Ilya Uchitel
- Cast: Alexander Petrov, Alexander Yatsenko, Victor Dobronravov, Stasia Miloslavskaya
In 2020, the release of the film "Sagittarius" is planned, which will show the life story of the famous football player of the USSR. A young, talented guy has shown promise in football since the age of 17. But his career was interrupted at the peak of popularity and fame: twenty-year-old Eduard Streltsov was charged with rape, for which he spent 5 years in prison.
What is the movie about
The plot of the picture tells the story of a Soviet football star who, by the will of fate, ended up behind bars on charges of rape, although he had to go to the World Cup in Sweden.
Whether it was a crime or not is not known for certain. And Streltsov’s guilt was not proven either. The case was sewn with white thread, but at that time no one could argue with Comrade Khrushchev, who personally ordered the young striker sentenced to imprisonment. Eduard Streltsov was released on parole, and after prison he was a simple worker at the factory for some time. But the love of the fans and amazing talent helped him return to the sport to play his main match.
Streltsov's biography
The life of Eduard Anatolyevich Streltsov consisted of alternating black and white stripes. His childhood was difficult: his father went to the front, and on his return said that he was leaving for a new family. A disabled mother raised her son alone. Edik was barely crawling from class to class, and at the end of seven years he got a job at the Fraser plant near Moscow. There he began to play football for the local team.
At the age of 16, a talented striker was noticed by the coach of the Torpedo club Viktor Alexandrovich Maslov and invited the young man to his place. Streltsov’s life began a white streak: already at 17 he made his debut in the USSR national team, where he marked a hat-trick. After this, the career took off, and in 1958, Eduard was supposed to play in the World Cup, which was held in Sweden. But in May of the same year, after a vacation in the country, the girls who also walked in the same company wrote letters to him and two other players.
Streltsov did not plead guilty, but still received 7 years in prison. But in his case there were many contradictions, so most historians agree that the football player’s guilt has not been officially proved. Most likely, the cause of this behavior of Nikita Khrushchev was the disagreement of Streltsov with the political elite. Allegedly, he refused to marry the daughter of Ekaterina Furtseva. Or the government did not like the football player’s intentions to stay in Sweden after the championship.
After his imprisonment, Eduard Streltsov did not immediately return to sports. But when this happened, “Torpedo” again began to rapidly win. Thanks Streltsov club won the USSR Cup in 1968. In 1970, the striker received an Achilles gap and ended his career. He died of lung cancer at the age of 53 years.
Still, Sagittarius is not a documentary, but a feature film, in which there is a place for fiction. And what facts from the biography of the Soviet striker will be included in the picture, and which are not - we do not know. There is no trailer for the film “Sagittarius” yet, because filming began in 2018 on the eve of the 21st World Cup, and will end in 2019-2020.
Technique of the game Streltsova
“Russian Tank”, “Motor” - such nicknames were given to the famous football player by rival teams.And the fans claimed that "the ball sent by Streltsov has eyes" or that "Streltsov thinks with his heel." In the team, he was simply called Sagittarius. The technique of his game was really amazing. He could run for a long time in the center of the field, not paying attention to the ball, which surprised and even angered some fans. But his true fans knew that Sagittarius was waiting for the moment. And at one second he broke off and scored a goal.
Edward himself said that he likes to play beautifully. He believed that the main thing in football was to give a pass on time. That the players speak the language of the pass, exchanging the ball. The attacker did not consider his technique to be art or something unusual. But he could not explain how he manages to score beautiful technical goals.
Film crew
The director of the film “Sagittarius” is Ilya Uchitel, and the producer is his father Aleksey Uchitel (“Matilda”, 2017, “The Last Hero”, 1992 ”,“ Rock ”, 1987). Ilya jealously approaches the creation of the picture and does not allow her father to the set. The young director says: “I dreamed of making such a film from school, as soon as I found out that we had such a football player. And he really was a legend, with a unique fate, with a unique technique of the game. Of course, I support the version that Eduard Anatolyevich did not rape anyone. There are really many versions, and this is good, because it gives more space for imagination. "
By the way! The consultant of the film "Sagittarius" is the famous midfielder Alexander Mostovoy.
the main role
Alexander Petrov played a major role in the film Sagittarius, which will be released by 2020. The actor was very inspired by the plot and biography of the football player and tried to get used to the role as much as possible. Filming at the very same Torpedo stadium where young Eduard used to play, allows Petrov to feel the energy of that time. About the director, Alexander says this: “Ilya is a great professional. He made crazy preparations for the film and, to the smallest shot, he imagines what the film will look like. I would like more of such sports, breathtaking pictures, after which you go out and want to do something in your life. Which give a vital motivational attitude. "
How are the shooting of the 2020 film "Sagittarius": video
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