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Making plans for the future, even the most skeptical person is in a hurry to find out a leap or not the coming year? This topic is especially relevant when important events are scheduled, because it is believed that the time period in which one extra day is added does not bode well. Looking ahead, let's say that in 2020 there will be exactly 366 days. And this means that according to popular beliefs, not the best time is coming for a change.
Why there are 366 days in a leap year
Everyone knows that in ordinary years the number of days is 365 - it is during this time that the Earth revolves around the Sun. In fact, this data is not entirely accurate. Our planet completes a full revolution in 365 days and 6 hours. These surpluses accumulate over three years, and by the fourth year they add up on a separate day. Such a reckoning began since the reign of Julius Caesar. Initially, an extra day was inserted after February 24th. It turned out that in the last month of winter there were two 24 numbers. For the Romans, this day was designated by the word "bistextilis", which is translated into Russian as "leap year". Soon, due to confusion in days, it was decided to transfer the extra day to the end of the month. It appeared on February 29th.
How to know a leap year or not
Determine how many days in February 2020 and understand whether the year is a leap year on your own, if you know that:
- A leap year is always an even year. The ordinal number of the year should be divided by 4 without a remainder. If 2020 is divided by 4, then we get 505 - an integer that does not have a remainder. This means that in February there will be not 28, but 29 days and the year should be considered a leap year.
- Today in most countries, including Russia, there is a more accurate calendar - the Gregorian. According to his rules, the numerical value of those years that end in zeros should be divided by 400. If the result is a number without a remainder, then the year is a leap year. For example, the last leap year was in the 2000th: 2000: 400 = 5. But the year 2100 will not be a leap year, since 2100: 400 = 5.25 (the number with the remainder) and in February there will be only 28 days.
A bit of mysticism
2020, many superstitious people are anxious. According to popular beliefs, a period in which there is one extra day brings misfortunes and misfortunes, and any undertaking will fail.
Long since all the "mortal sins" occurring in a leap year, they blamed St. Kasyan, whose birthday was on February 29th. However, not everyone recognized him as a saint. In Russian popular beliefs, the image of Kasyan is negative. Demonic traits were attributed to him, they called him Avaricious, Unfriendly, Vindictive, Envious. And all because in life this very Kasyan behaved ungodly and was objectionable to the Almighty. Kasyan's birthday, namely February 29, was considered the most dangerous, demonic day.

Saint Kasyan
Since in 2020 the number of days is 366 days, then at this time it is better to refrain from:
- Marriage
- repair;
- relocation;
- building a bath;
- opening a business;
- investing;
- shift work.
Skeptics, in turn, argue that nothing depends on the number of days in a year. The natural appearance of the day on February 29 has a scientific evidence base. A leap year is pure math and nothing more.
What will be 2020
2020 on the calendar will be a leap year.
Until the new 2020, there is very little left. For many, 2020 will be a successful year. First of all, this applies to those who are finally waiting for their birthday - February 29.Astrologers argue that the “leap-frogs” are endowed with special talents. These extraordinary people with innovative thinking will be more successful than ever in their “own year”.
But not only will fate favor them. On January 25, 2020, according to the eastern calendar, the year of the White Metal Rat will come. In China, this animal is the God of Happiness, a symbol of material well-being. For people who were born in the year of the Rat, this time will be extremely favorable.
People born under other signs of the Chinese horoscope in 2020 can increase their chances of success by resorting to the lunar calendar. With it, you can choose favorable days for planning important things. Many such days will be in May (from the 1st to the 6th, then on May 13, 14, 20, 27 and 28). One of the most favorable will be May 13th. On this day, you can do important meetings, organize celebrations. Some will even risk starting a new business project, and by the way, they will not fail.
With the help of such calendars, as well as astrological forecasts, you can determine how many days the grace period will continue, and on which days it is better to postpone the decision of important matters.
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