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The patroness of 2020 on the eastern calendar is a rat. Despite the fact that it can be called a pet, it does not accept silence and tranquility. To please the mistress of the year, we advise you to think over the scenario of the New Year's meeting in advance. We are sure that there will definitely be a place for a sketch in it.
Preparatory stage
The success of the event largely depends on competent preparation for it. Before the meeting of the New Year with entertaining scenes and contests, it is necessary to solve several important problems.
- Decorate the room. Install the Christmas tree, hang garlands and / or balloons. You can decorate the walls if you wish new year posters with comic content.
- Stock up with the necessary props. Depending on the chosen celebration scenario, it can be: Whatman paper, felt-tip pens, pans, task plates, dice, balls, etc. (navigate according to the scenario of the scene). Do not forget about costumes / masks for the characters of the production.
- Buy gifts for guests. As a rule, those invited to the celebration take an active part in the New Year's scenes. It is advisable to encourage their participation with presentations, while there is no need to purchase something expensive. So, sweets, fruits, stationery, coloring books, etc. can be suitable gift options for babies, a bottle of good alcohol, a box of chocolates, Christmas tree decorations, etc. are suitable for older people.
- Prepare a playlist. When composing the script for the New Year 2020, think about the musical accompaniment. Include winter hits and songs from theme films and cartoons.
Remember to also congratulate your child with personal congratulations from Santa Claus on 2020options which you can find on our website.
Multiple scenarios
Since 2020 is the year of the Rat, this rodent should become the main characters of the New Year sketches, in addition to Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. If there is no desire to play one of the scenarios proposed below at the festival, it is not forbidden to stage any work where a rat appears. For example, The Nutcracker, Crocodile Gena and his friends. But, we must admit that there are not so many fairy tales and cartoons with rats, even when compared with the mention in the books of mice, which are considered their closest relatives.
For kids
- Santa Claus (D.M.);
- Snow Maiden (C);
- Cat Leopold (K.L.);
- Shapoklyak (Sh);
- Mice
- Rat (K);
- Piglet (P);
- Leading (B).
Musically accompanied by guests gather in the hall. The host appears.
IN: “Wider circle! Wider circle!
Hello, our cheerful friend!
Coniferous clothes, resinous leg!
A wonderful day is coming - the New Year is coming!
Feast of laughter and venture,
Holiday of happiness for children. "
The kids dance around the Christmas tree, and at this moment Shapoklyak runs in.
W: “Aw, wait! Oh help! Help me, after all! ”
IN: “Oh, who granted this visit?” Who are you, dear guest? ”
W: "What? Didn’t they recognize me? Me, Madame Shapoklyak herself ?! ”
IN: “Friends, as she said? Shmaklyak? Gag-gag? I didn’t hear! ”(Everyone in the choir speaks)
W: “Ah-ah! I repeat, help me urgently! I demand!"
IN: “What happened to you, madam?”
W: “I got lost Lariska. She and I were always together, and we loved to sing ... (she starts singing "Who helps people ...") And here, on the very eve of the holiday, she disappeared. "
IN: "All clear with you. Friends do not run away from good people.Do you agree? And here is also just before the New Year, when Santa Claus gives gifts only to good kids. So she ran away from you.
W: “And what am I to do now? Where to look for her? ”
IN: “Yes, everything is simple! See how many guests have come for the holiday. Come on, Larisa, come here. (Larisa comes out) Well? Where is your?"
W: “What are you saying ?! My Lariska with a tail, with a mustache, with gray ears! ”
IN: “With a tail and a mustache?” I don’t understand anything! What does she want? Who is she looking for? (Event participants reply: “Rat!”)
W: Yes! Yes! And again, yes! Guessed it! Please find my rat Larisochka! And I promise to be good, be nice! Moreover, the New Year will not come without it! ”
IN: "And why is that?"
W: “Because 2020 on the Eastern calendar is the year of the Rat!”
IN: "Clear! Only now I'm afraid of rats myself. But perhaps friends will tell us who is not afraid of mice and will help us find your Rat. Who could it be? Who will help us catch your Lariska? ”(Children’s answers).
To the song from the cartoon "Cat Leopold" Leopold rides a bicycle.
L: “Hello dear guys! What a wonderful holiday! How nice to look at you! What are you friends! Oh, how smart you are! Hilarious! Admit it, did you recognize me? Yes, yes, I'm the cat Leopold. And I am very glad that you invited me to your holiday! ”
IN: “Leopold, hello, my friend! Help us, please! ”
L: “Always moore, please!” What happened? ”
W: “My rat has disappeared, and you must find it!”
L: “What is it! I went on a holiday to play with the kids, have fun, celebrate the New Year and Santa Claus, because I behaved all year well and did only good deeds. And then the orders, and even in such a tone! I refuse!"
IN: “What to do ... Help! Leopoldushka, we really need to find a rat, otherwise the New Year will not come. Please help me! And we will sing and dance for you. ”
L: "Okay! Only, chur, I order a song. Let’s, we’ll do a miracle now - first revive our magical forest. Who will be the forest, raise your hands. Well done! And who lives in the forest? That's right, animals, birds! Who will be bears? How do they growl? And who will be the boars? Well, now the owls flew. How do they scream? And now we are depicting a forest. Three four! Well done, and now with a song about the New Year’s forest, but around the Christmas tree! ”
The song "In the New Year's Forest" is playing, the children are dancing. After that, mice ride out on scooters to the song Crazy Frog, make a circle around the Christmas tree, and then they begin to dance and involve the students.
Mice: “Wow, we arrived on time! How many guests are here! How fun it is here! ”
L: “Look, Shapoklyak. Here you have rat mice. Choose your Lariska. "
W: "Not! These are some ro-o-kera! And my Lariska-rat is well-groomed, brought up by me, beauty and generally clever! Like me!"
By music, the mice start the game “Pass the icicle” (like a hot potato), with the words “Here is your Lariska!”, “Catch!”, “Now she is here!”, Etc., until the icicle falls into the hands of Shapoklyak.
W: “Oooh! This is an icicle, not my Lariska ... I don’t play like that! ”
M: "Come on! Do not worry! We were just a little joke. Probably, she herself did something to everyone here? But how fun we have! And so you don’t be sad, we will give you a song! ”
Pupils dance and sing the song “Snow, snow” around the Christmas tree, perform movements.
IN: “How wonderful you are dancing and singing! But still, someone on our holiday is missing. Who? "
The children replies: "Santa Claus!"
IN: “Right. Let's play with you and call him! I say the phrase, and you chorus answer “Yes!” Or “No!”
Is Santa Claus known to everyone?
And does he come to everyone?
Santa Claus is a good old man?
Wearing a hat and galoshes?
Will he come soon?
And will bring gifts?
Santa Claus is afraid of a cold?
Is he friends with the Snow Maiden?
Well the answers are given to the questions,
You all know about Santa Claus.
And now let's call Santa Claus together! ”
Everyone's calling. And at that moment the host discovers a Rat under the tree.
IN: “And who is this?” (Pulls a new hero by the tail, in his hands a bag of chocolates)
TO: “Ay-ah-ah-ah. I'm already here! ”
IN: "Santa Claus?!"
TO: “Yes, but what doesn’t look like - well? Well, have you lost weight? Now fix the situation! Gifts are with me! Hou Hou Hou! I have a whole bag of them, and if you play with me, then you will get it! Divide into teams. I will teach you how to play your favorite game. I love to carry sweets! Like this! (shows how to take candy without the help of hands) Go! Who is faster! There are no losers, each of you has a candy! ”
W: (Gently) “Wait, wait! The same tail, the same ears, a black nose and a sly eye! My precious rat! (Strictly) Lariska! Where have you been? All the nasty things! ”
TO: “Shapa, do not shout! I went to the Internet club! On the site it hung! ”
The song "Russian Santa Claus" sounds. Children start to sing along. Santa Claus and Snow Maiden enter the hall and start a round dance.
D.M .: "Hello guys!
I remember exactly a year ago
I saw these guys.
A year passed like an hour
I didn’t notice.
And here again among you
Dear children!
Santa Claus didn’t forget you,
He brought a winter song.
Get into the circle soon,
Hold hands tightly
We will sing songs
Glorify our Christmas tree. "
FROM: “Grandfather, look, but the Christmas tree is sleeping and does not burn with lights!”
D.M. “Don’t worry, granddaughter. We’ll sing now, and the Christmas tree will wake up and sparkle with lights! ”
A song about the Christmas tree is played, and children and heroes of the scene lead a round dance.
Background voice (imitating a Christmas tree): “Ah, how long I slept.
Thank you, kids!
You woke me, you dressed me!
I wish you happiness, joy, goodness on this holiday! ”
W: “What a tree! (With a flick of the wrist, he steals a toy from a Christmas tree and hides it in a bag) Santa Claus, and look how beautiful and elegant we all are today. ”
D.M .: “Yes, yes, I see. Well done! I see that you also stole the toy. What for?"
W: “As a keepsake, but what not? I want a present too! ”
FROM: “Come on, grandfather, we’ll make a presentation of the costumes. You only prepare presents! ”
Heroes take turns students in fancy dresses, Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden give presents.
M: “And we believe that in such beautiful costumes one should definitely dance.”
TO: “Exactly! Let's dance! ”
To the music, the heroes demonstrate movements, and the participants in the event repeat them.
P: "Oink pig! I! I was almost late! Oink, what a happy time that! I have to pass the annual relay. Where? Where is this rat ?! Well, hold it (gives her the key for next year). Do not be afraid, boldly open the doors of the new year! Now it’s your turn to ensure that the year is successful for everyone! ”
L: “Happy New Year! Congratulations!
And, of course, we wish! ”
M: “To be beautiful, kind, sweet!”
W: “Both loud and pugnacious!”
Together: “And be sure to be happy!”
D.M .: “We played very friendly,
Sang songs, danced!
And for this you friends,
I will give presents! ”
FROM: “Parting is coming,
But we mean:
Goodbye - goodbye
In the new, next year! ”
D.M .: "Sorry, friends,
Need to say goodbye.
It’s time for everyone to go home.
Happy path to you guys!
Goodbye, kids! ”
Teachers take pupils to music for presentations.
For adults
Diversify corporate can be in small thumbnails. As a rule, costumes, long speeches and lengthy preparation are superfluous. We offer to play the following funny scenes for the New Year 2020.
The characters are a couple of office workers (1 and 2).
Voiceover: “Ordinary Russian office. Morning. January 11th. "
1: "Hi! How was your New Year's celebration?"
2: “Oh, the holiday was a success. It was unreal cool. So I celebrated the New Year, that they later called me from the program "Director for himself" and said that they had never seen such. "
1: “That's what, so I celebrated the New Year so that now I see myself on YouTube more often than in the mirror.”
2: “And under my pictures on VKontakte, they generally arranged a chat.”
1: “On New Year's Eve, a retired neighbor was sleeping on the table, who came at three in the morning and asked me not to make noise.”
2: “And now my neighbor, seeing me, says with fear in his eyes:“ The carriage is waiting for you at the entrance, Duke! ”
1: "I woke up on January 1, and began to eat salad ... without raising my head."
2: “And we found a herring under the coat of his wife.”
1: "Yes, they still call me from the police and ask when the next party will be."
2: "Yeah ... Well, actually, how did you celebrate the New Year?"
1: “Yes, my wife and I went to my mother-in-law. Boredom. "
2: "The same garbage ..."
About the Christmas tree
Impromptu scene to which you can attract as many people as possible.
- Leading;
- Herringbone;
- Blizzard;
- Frost;
- Coward bunny;
- Angry wolf;
- The horse is leggy;
- Little man;
- Firewood.
As you already guessed, the participants will have to emotionally play the events of the famous song “About the Christmas Tree”. Roles are distributed either by the host or by the draw. After that, the presenter reads the lyrics, and the actors improvise. In the end, everyone joins hands and leads a round dance around the Christmas tree.
If you suddenly forgot the lyrics, print this cheat sheet:
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