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Back in 2017, the Russian president voiced the need for reform in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In 2019, it starts and continues in 2020, until 2024. The essence of the transformation: reducing the number of employees of the department and improving their skills.
What will change in 2020
The structure of the Ministry is quite extensive. Many subordinate services do not participate in the fight against crime and in the protection of public order. Therefore, the reform involves a decrease in the staff due to the transfer of many units from the Ministry of Internal Affairs system to other departmental structures. In addition, in 2019-2020, the length of service for retirement increases. Initially, up to 25 years, and subsequently up to 30. Already from the current year, employees whose work experience in bodies is 25 years or more will resign.
Pension reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs 2020
As it became known from an official source, the reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2020 suggests that the length of service will be calculated according to the standard algorithm. The main indicator is the service life in the law enforcement system. Now a citizen must serve in the police for at least 25 years in order to retire after seniority. To calculate the period, special periods are also taken into account:
- Training, if the employee passed it before the start of the service, full-time education for up to 5 years is taken into account and is counted according to the scheme: 2 months of training for 1 month of service.
- Substitution of posts, including probationary period when applying for a job.
- The secondment under Art. 32 FZ342 "On Service in the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Russian Federation."
- Suspension of service, if required to work in another department or government agency.
- Substitution of the position in the prosecutor's office, provided that the employee received a class rank, as well as service in the Federal Penitentiary Service, the National Guard, the Federal Drug Control Service and fire safety.
- Work as a judge, in the investigative committee or at customs, subject to obtaining a special rank.
The pension reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2020 implies grace periods when it is possible to get the length of service as soon as possible and go on vacation. This is possible if the employee serves in special conditions, as well as in the performance of official duties in the Far North and equivalent regions.
Prerequisites for increasing retirement age
The reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs 2019-2020 has already increased the necessary experience with the aim of:
- optimization and reduction of expenses for the maintenance of the Ministry - the main part of the budget of the department today is spent on the payment of pensions;
- increasing the monetary content of existing employees, providing them with additional benefits and bonuses to stimulate the quality performance of official duties;
- reducing the number of specialists through the introduction of modern technologies and reducing the need for “live” workers.
Given these facts, it is assumed that if not in 2020, then over the next few years, the reform of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs will lead to an increase in service up to 30 years.
Structural Changes in the Office
The reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia from 2020 to 2024 involves a number of structural changes in the department along with the terms of service:
- The traffic police will combine with the faculty;
- Ministry of Emergencies will be included in the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
- MGB will start working again - Ministry of State Security;
- medical facilities in the system will be transferred to the Ministry of Health;
- reallocation of duties - most of the functions of the passport office are redirected to the MFC;
- psychologists, personnel and accounting are being transferred to the civil service.
In addition, it is planned to withdraw the Federal Penitentiary Service from the Ministry of Justice and transfer it to the Ministry of Internal Affairs. However, this event, in addition to positive ones, can have negative consequences. Employees of the FSIN will receive a number of new powers and, accordingly, an additional burden for the light of reducing many departments of the service, which will lead to their mass dismissal.
According to the provisions of the reform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, recertification is planned for 2019, but its results will be used in 2020. Recertification is carried out in 2 stages:
- Electronic form of certification for knowledge of laws and official duties.
- Passing standards for physical training.
The results of the audit will reduce the staff of the department on the fact of inconsistency of the position. The reduction will not affect police officers whose work experience is more than 20 years, if they are the sole breadwinners of the family, improve their qualifications or have a higher level of intellectual and physical training than their current position suggests.
Due to the planned changes and indexation of salaries, it will be possible to raise pensions for former employees of the department. In addition, the police will be able to increase the amount of benefits on their own - each new year of service for an employee who has reached retirement age by length of service provides an increase of 3% to his pension.
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